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Thursday, January 10, 2013

W. Garfield Weston Foundation

The W. Garfield Weston Foundation is a private Canadian family foundation.
A Foundation was first established in the 1950's by Willard Garfield Weston and his wife Reta, with their shares in the family company, George Weston Limited.  Today this business includes not only the original baking company, but also Loblaw Companies Limited, a group of food retailing, processing and distribution companies. It is the success of these companies, the dedication of their employees and the loyalty of their customers that ultimately enables the Foundation to fulfill its charitable mandate.
Donations from the Foundation are directed to specific organizations in the fields of education, land conservation, and science in Canada's North. In addition to its ongoing commitments, the Foundation makes a number of unsolicited, Trustee Initiated Grants each year.
The Founders believed that as the funds were generated through the hard work and success of Canadian businesses, the grants should be given in Canada for the benefit of Canadians.