Call for Submissions - Sharon Drummond Chapbook Prize
Deadline: March 1, 2013
Alberta-based writers over 18 years of age as of December 31, 2012, who have been a resident of Alberta for at least 18 months prior to December 31, 2012, and who have never published a collection of poetry in chapbook or traditional book form are invited to submit their collections of poetry (25-40) pages to a new annual prize honouring Sharon Drummond. Individual poems that have been published in magazines or anthologies may be included in the collection. Manuscripts must be in English.
The winning poet will receive a contract with Rubicon Press ( ) which will include editorial assistance from a guest editor and the publication of the edited manuscript in chapbook form. He/she will also be honoured at a public reading and reception, and a selection from the chapbook will be published in FreeFall Magazine and on our website. Our guest editor for 2013 is Alice Major (
Send submissions, hard copy only (no email submissions will be accepted), accompanied by a copy0 entry fee payable to The Writers' Guild of Alberta, to:
The Sharon Drummond Chapbook Prize
c/o Writers' Guild of
Percy Page Centre
For more information contact The Writers' Guild of Alberta at
About Sharon Drummond:
Sharon Drummond lived in from 1976 until her death in 2005. She was dedicated to the craft of poetry. Her chapbook, Still the Rush, was published in 1999 and nominated for the Milton Acorn People's Poetry Award. Her first full-length book, Into This Room, was published in 2001. Her final book, Where it Began, was published posthumously by Black Moss Press in 2006. was a skilled writing instructor who taught at the Alexandra Writers' Centre and for the Calgary Board of Education. She was president of the AWCS and served on the executive of the Writers' Guild of Alberta. is survived by writing friends and colleagues throughout the province, and by her 3 greatest fans—her daughters.