The Canadian Women's Foundation is pleased to announce the call for proposals in violence prevention.
The annual grants in 2013 aim to:
- Prevent violence against women and girls through work involving girls or teens – such as healthy relationships programs or outreach
- Support women's organizations and programs in Canada that help women and children rebuild their lives after the crisis of experiencing violence, such as healing and support for women who have been victims of sexual assault, or children who have been exposed to violence or for improved access to second stage housing
- Support new or existing interest free loan funds set-up specially for women who are leaving an abusive relationship
- Support collaborative projects at a regional, provincial, territorial or national level that build the sector by coordinating / sharing resources, addressing systemic barriers, or developing women's leadership in addressing issues
We will select approximately 50 grants up to a maximum of $25,000 each. If your organization and work fits the selection criteria, you may apply for additional funding of up to $3,000 to assist with access costs. The application materials and proposal guidelines have also been updated and separated according to each of the four areas listed above.
Proposals may be submitted in English or French to:
Violence Prevention Grants
Canadian Women's Foundation
133 Richmond Street West, Suite 504
Toronto, ON M5H 2L3