1. Future Generation Tech Lab
program by Future Shop
2. Samsung Hope for Children
technology grants are valued at $10,000 each (deadline December 20, 2012
3. J.W. McConnell Family
Foundation (deadline January 31, 2013)
Service Learning is a model of experiential learning that combines classroom
learning with volunteer work to achieve community goals and instill in students
a sense of civic engagement. A total of $30,000 is available for up to four
awards of $7,500 each. Community organizations and post-secondary institutions
are invited to jointly submit an application by January 31, 2013.
Aboriginal Women's Programming Elements (AWPE) is a part of the
Aboriginal Peoples' Program (deadline December 12, 2012)
The objectives of the Women's
Community Initiative are:
to influence public policy and decision-making related to concerns and
aspirations of Aboriginal women;
to maintain the cultural distinctiveness and preserve the cultural
identity of Aboriginal women;
to enhance and develop strong leadership capabilities, individual and
collective skills and talents, so that Aboriginal women can play a central role
in their own communities as well as participate effectively in Canadian
society; and
to undertake projects to improve the social and economic conditions of
their community.
National Call for
Concepts for Social Finance (deadline December 31, 2012)
HRSDC invites
organizations and individuals from across the country to submit ideas on how to
improve social and economic outcomes for Canadians. Social finance is an
exciting new way to encourage social innovation by creating new opportunities
for investors and community organizations to partner on innovative projects and
take their great ideas to a new level.
The $1,000,000 Aviva
Community Fund - Support Your Community!
The $1,000,000 Aviva Community Fund com-petition is back to inspire local or national ideas to create positive changes within com-munities across Canada. Individuals or chari-table organizations can submit an idea for a cause they feel passionate about and then become actively involved in promoting the cause to start making change . Visit www.avivacommunityfund.org
7. Lowe's fundraiser
Lowe's has also recently announced a new fundraising project, 'Never Stop Improving Canada', which will support an even greater number of schools and communities. http://librarypathwaysandfootprints.blogspot.ca/2012/11/lowes-new-fundraising-project-never.html
The $1,000,000 Aviva Community Fund com-petition is back to inspire local or national ideas to create positive changes within com-munities across Canada. Individuals or chari-table organizations can submit an idea for a cause they feel passionate about and then become actively involved in promoting the cause to start making change . Visit www.avivacommunityfund.org
7. Lowe's fundraiser
Lowe's has also recently announced a new fundraising project, 'Never Stop Improving Canada', which will support an even greater number of schools and communities. http://librarypathwaysandfootprints.blogspot.ca/2012/11/lowes-new-fundraising-project-never.html
8. Community Spirit Program deadline to submit
applications is December 31, 2012
The program is made up of two components - a donation grant and a charitable tax
credit. The goal of the program is to increase individual charitable
giving. The program is donor-driven, meaning it recognizes and encourages Albertans
to support their favourite organizations. http://librarypathwaysandfootprints.blogspot.ca/2012/12/community-spirit-program-csp.html
9. FCC
Expression Fund deadline to apply is December 14, 2012
Farm Credit Canada (FCC) will award $50,000
from the FCC Expression Fund to
encourage the use of Canada's official languages in communities across Canada.
The Expression Fund supports projects that contribute to the vitality of
official language minority communities and help residents express the cultural
and linguistic diversity of the area. Successful projects will receive between
$2,000 and $10,000 to fund initiatives, including community centres, day care
centres and artistic projects, such as theatrical productions.
See also