2. IODE 100th Anniversary Grant to Alleviate Child Abuse & Neglect
3. Skills Link High-Demand Occupations Project - Connecting Canadian Youth with Jobs in
High-Demand Fields
High-Demand Fields
4. Career Focus High-Demand Occupations Project - Connecting Canadian Youth with Jobs in
High-Demand Fields
High-Demand Fields
5. The Canada Cultural Investment Fund
6. Sectoral Initiatives Program Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
7. Burt Award to Recognize Excellence in First Nations, Métis and Inuit Young Adult Literature
8. PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada Foundation Leadership grant
9. Crime Prevention Fund
10. Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF)
11. McKesson Foundation launches its 2013 Canadian Regional Grants Program
12. TD Green Streets grants
13. Global Action Grant program for Canadian Youth aged 18-35
1. Engaging communities to end violence against women and girls. Call for proposals by Status of Women Canada http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/
The purpose of this call for proposals is to invite funding applications for projects that promote equality for women and girls, and reduce gender-based violence in Canada. These projects consist of a number of predetermined elements. Eligible organizations must include these elements in their proposals. The projects under this call for proposals fall into four thematic areas:
• Preventing and reducing violence against women and girls in high-risk neighbourhoods;
• Engaging men and boys in ending violence against women and girls;
• Preventing and reducing violence against women and girls in the name of "honour"; and
• Preventing and reducing the trafficking of women and girls through community planning.
If your organization has solid roots in the community, works effectively with partners, and wants to achieve concrete results for local women and girls, this opportunity may be right for you.
The deadlines for applications under the call for proposals, Working Together: Engaging communities to end violence against women and girls, are as follows:
• Preventing and reducing violence against women and girls in high-risk neighbourhoods - October 12, 2012
• Engaging men and boys in ending violence against women and girls - October 12, 2012
• Preventing and reducing violence against women and girls in the name of "honour" - November 9, 2012
• Preventing and reducing the trafficking of women and girls through community planning - November 9, 2012
2. IODE 100th Anniversary Grant to Alleviate Child Abuse & Neglect: 31 October
The National Chapter of Canada IODE 100th Anniversary Grant to Alleviate Child Abuse & Neglect
In 2000, IODE's 100th Anniversary gift to Canada was an ongoing grant program open to an individual or group specializing in developing and implementing ways to prevent child abuse and neglect. This award is given in alternate years to professionals working to prevent or alleviate child abuse and neglect. An application form and list of requirements for the grant are available from The National Chapter of Canada IODE.
Terms of Reference
1. Proposals will be considered from individuals or groups working as professionals, to research, develop or implement ways to alleviate child abuse and neglect.
2. A completed application form and three letters of reference must accompany the proposal.
3. The successful candidate must agree to publish or present the results of the project to an appropriate professional group within two years of receiving Grant.
4. Grants, tenable in Canada, will be awarded biennially beginning in 2001.
5. Value will be determined biennially.
6. Deadline for applications will be 31 October even years. The successful candidate will be announced in conjunction with IODE Founder's Day (13 February) of the following year.
A seven-member committee of selection, composed of four IODE members and three professional advisors will consider the proposals and select the recipient.
Read more at http://www.iode.ca/Grant-to-Alleviate-Child-Abuse.aspx
3. Skills Link High-Demand Occupations Project - Connecting Canadian Youth with Jobs in High-Demand Fields CFP-NHQ-1213-National/SL-001
The Government of Canada is presently accepting applications for funding from organizations interested in acting as Community Coordinators and receiving financial assistance for the delivery of Skills Link activities. In accordance with Budget 2012 commitments, the Government of Canada is enhancing the Youth Employment Strategy by increasing its support to Skills Link activities that connect young Canadians with jobs that are in high demand. A budget of $4.5M in 2012-2013 and $5M in 2013-2014 will be allocated to provide under-skilled and inexperienced youth with barriers to employment with applied employability skills development and private sector work experiences in high-demand occupations in Canada. Information on jobs in high demand fields will be made available on the Service Canada website.
The Government of Canada has identified a need for the following activities funded through Skills Link:
Work Experience;
Employability Skills through Work Experience.
Program Description
Skills Link is one of the three program streams of the Youth Employment Strategy. It is a client-centered program that provides funding for employers and organizations to offer eligible activities to youth facing barriers to employment.
The objectives of the program are to help youth overcome barriers to employment, to help them develop a broad range of skills and knowledge in order to participate in the current and future labour market and to promote education and skills as being key to labour market participation.
The main outcomes of the Skills Link program focus on the skills acquired and the extent to which the program helped clients realize educational achievements, improve their employability and/or obtain employment.
For more information on the program, please refer to the Skills Link Terms and Conditions.
4. Career Focus High-Demand Occupations Project - Connecting Canadian Youth with Jobs in High-Demand Fields
The Government of Canada is presently accepting applications for funding from organizations interested in receiving financial assistance for the delivery of Career Focus activities. In accordance with Budget 2012 commitments, the Government of Canada is enhancing the Youth Employment Strategy by increasing its support to Career Focus activities that connect young Canadians with jobs that are in high demand. A budget of $18.5M in 2012-2013 and $19M in 2013-2014 will be allocated to connect more young Canadians with rewarding work experience in high-demand occupations. Information on jobs in high demand fields will be made available on the Service Canada website.
Program Description
Career Focus is one of the three program streams of the Youth Employment Strategy. The program helps inexperienced post-secondary graduate Canadians ages 15 to 30 acquire the work experience, knowledge, advanced employability skills and information they need to prepare for the labour market and become leaders in their fields.
The objectives of the Career Focus program are to:
Increase the supply of highly qualified people;
Facilitate the transition of highly-skilled young people to a rapidly changing labour market;
Promote the benefits of advanced studies; and
Demonstrate federal leadership by investing in the skills required to meet the needs of the knowledge economy.
The main outcomes of the Career Focus program focus on advanced skills acquisition through career-related work experiences and return to advanced-level studies.
For more information on the program, please refer to the Career Focus Terms and Conditions. http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/epb/yi/yep/Callforproposals/career_focus/index.shtml
5. The Canada Cultural Investment Fund
The Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) has launched a new call for proposals for its Strategic Initiatives component. Arts and heritage organizations now have until October 9, 2012 to submit proposals for projects with activities starting after October 1, 2013.
Since 2010-2011, Strategic Initiatives, one of the four components of the CCIF, has provided not-for-profit cultural organizations with financial support to help them become better rooted in their communities. These projects are intended to help them to be better equipped with tools to strengthen their management abilities, make strategic use of new technologies and diversify their revenues.
For more information on the component's objectives, eligibility criteria and forms, please visit the CCIF website or contact a program officer at 1-866-811-0055 or at fcic-ccif@pch.gc.ca.
6. Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP) Call for Concept Papers 2012-2013
Deadline: October 29, 2012
Through this Call for Concept Papers (CFC), the Workplace Partnerships Directorate (WPD) is piloting the Sectoral Initiatives Program (SIP). SIP aims to address current skills shortages and reduce the likelihood of new skills shortages, by supporting the development and dissemination of labour market intelligence. Connecting Canadians to the labour market intelligence needed to make informed human resources, career and training decisions will support a more systemic match between employers and job-seekers. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) announced this approach in July 2011.
7. New Award to Recognize Excellence in First Nations, Métis and Inuit Young Adult Literature
As the world prepares to celebrate International Literacy Day, a unique Canadian literary award and readership initiative recognizing excellence in English-language literary works for Young Adults by First Nations, Métis and Inuit authors was launched on September 5 International Literacy Day.
Established by CODE – a Canadian charitable organization that has been supporting literacy and learning for over 50 years – in collaboration with William (Bill) Burt and the Literary Prizes Foundation, the Burt Award for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Literature aims to provide engaging and culturally-relevant books for young people across Canada. The Award is now accepting submissions from Canadian publishers until May 1, 2013.
"First Nations, Métis and Inuit leaders have longed stressed the importance of literacy and learning for youth in their communities and recommended the development of reading materials that are grounded in their culture and heritage," said CODE Executive Director Scott Walter. "With the new Award, we hope to help address this issue by celebrating the literary achievements of Canada's First Nations, Métis and Inuit authors and improving young readers' access to books that are engaging and meaningful to them."
The Award is the result of an ongoing close collaboration with the Assembly of First Nations, the Métis National Council, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the National Association of Friendship Centres, the Association of Canadian Publishers, and the Canada Council for the Arts, which will be responsible for administering the jury process.
The Award will be given annually to three English-language literary works for Young Adults by First Nations, Métis or Inuit authors. A First Prize of $12,000, a Second Prize of $8,000 and a Third Prize of $5,000 will be awarded to the authors and translators (if applicable) of the winning titles. In addition, publishers of the winning titles will be awarded a guaranteed purchase of a minimum of 2,500 copies, which will ensure that First Nations, Métis and Inuit youth across Canada will have access to the books through their community's schools, libraries, or Friendship Centres.
8. Crime Prevention Action Fund (CPAF)
The Crime Prevention Action Fund (CPAF) provides time-limited funding to assist communities and organizations to develop and implement crime prevention initiatives that utilize model and promising programs to address known risk and protective factors associated with offending behaviour. To learn more about risk factors, see risk and protective factors.
Evidence-based approaches rest on two main characteristics: a) they clearly establish the links between identified risks, interventions and outcomes and b) they use the knowledge base of evaluated model and promising programs.
The National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) recognizes some crime prevention interventions as model programs, based on rigorous evaluation studies and positive results in various communities and environments. The NCPC defines promising programs as crime prevention interventions that are based on evidence, but requires further evaluation to make determinations regarding effectiveness.
Our priorities are to:
§ address early risk factors among vulnerable children and youth at risk;
§ respond to priority crime issues (e.g. youth violence, school-based bullying);
§ prevent recidivism among high risk groups; and
§ foster prevention in Aboriginal communities.
The deadline for letters of intent and application forms for the Crime Prevention Action Fund is October 25, 2012.
9. PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada Foundation
The PricewaterhouseCoopers Canada Foundation invites submissions for its Leadership Grants Program. Up to $200,000 will be shared among leaders at small to medium-sized registered Canadian charities looking to fund professional development opportunities.
Submissions for 2012 will be accepted until 3 p.m. October 26.
Grants are available in two categories:
Individual Leadership Grants(value $2,500) may be used by individual staff members or volunteers for professional development opportunities of their own design.
Team Leadership Grants(value $5,000) may be used by teams of two or more staff members and/or volunteers (including the applicant) for professional development opportunities of their own design.
Applicants should visit www.pwc.com/ca/grants, review all eligibility criteria and click on the link provided to fill out the online application form before the deadline on October 26, 2012.
10. Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF)
The first intake for CIIF applications has now closed. A second intake process is now underway and applicants have until November 19, 2012 to submit their application. Applications received between August 3 and November 19 will be reviewed after November 19th.
Find out more about the application process.
Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) will invest over $46 million under CIIF in Western Canada.
11. McKesson Foundation launches its 2013 Canadian Regional Grants Program MONTREAL, September 28, 2012 – The McKesson Foundation today announced the launch of its 2013 Regional Grants Program, a Canada-wide campaign that each year provides financial assistance to non-profit organizations whose mission is to assist children and youth in the areas of health, education and poverty.
McKesson Canada would like to encourage the submission of grant applications for one-time specific projects or programs. The Canadian Regional Grants Program typically awards grants that range in size from $2,500 to $25,000. The McKesson Foundation is operating from the United States and grants are paid in US dollars.
- Grant applications will be accepted from: September 28 to October 31, 2012
- Selection announcements: Spring 2013
- All grant applications must be submitted online at: McKesson Foundation
- For more information on the Regional Grants Program, please visit the link above.
The McKesson Foundation wishes to congratulate the following 2012 Regional Grant Recipients:
- Calgary Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA of Calgary) ($24,050) – Alberta
- Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc. ($25,000) – Manitoba
- Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta ($25,000) – Alberta
- Created 4 Me Early Learning Center Inc. ($6,000) – Manitoba
- Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre ($8,200) – Ontario
- Family Services of Greater Vancouver ($7,500) – British Columbia
- Halifax Developmental Centre for Early Learning ($17,000) – Nova Scotia
- Halton Food for Thought ($15,000) – Ontario
- Kids Help Phone ($21,245) – Ontario
- On Rock Ministries Inc. ($11,000) – Québec
- Pathways for Children, Youth and Families of York Region ($19,900) – Ontario
- Peter Hall School Foundation ($25,000) – Québec
- The Canadian National Institute for the Blind ($20,000) – Newfoundland
- Yellow Brick House ($25,000) – Ontario
About the McKesson Foundation
Founded in 1943, the McKesson Foundation is an initiative of McKesson Corporation, based in San Francisco. It is envisions a world where affordable, quality health care is available to all.About McKesson Canada
Founded more than 100 years ago, McKesson Canada is dedicated to delivering vital medicines, supplies and information technologies that enable the health care industry to provide patients with better, safer care. Our solutions empower pharmacies, manufacturers, hospitals and other health care institutions by enabling them to get closer to the millions of patients they serve every single day, while contributing to the quality and safety of care in Canada.For further information:
Danièle DufourDirector, Corporate Communications
McKesson Canada
Read more at http://www.mckesson.ca/en/about-us/presidents-office
12. TD Green Streets grants
Tree Canada and TD Friends of the Environment Foundation are accepting applications for the 2013 TD Green Streets grants. Municipalities and Aboriginal communities are encouraged to apply for matching grants of up to $15,000 to help green their local communities through tree planting, maintenance and educational activities, inventory and innovative approaches to municipal forestry. The application deadline is December 7, 2012.
TD Green Streets encourages and supports the adoption of leading-edge practices in municipal forestry and is proudly sponsored by the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Since 1990, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation has provided nearly $60 million in funding to over 20,000 community-based environmental projects. Funding recommendations are made by one of over 80 volunteer Advisory Boards across the country, ensuring that decision-making is local, relevant and impactful.
Because TD covers the management and administrative costs of running the Foundation, 100% of every donated dollar supports local environmental projects in the communities in which the donation was made.
Click here to read on about the purpose of TD Green Streets. Click here to learn how to apply for the 2013 campaign.
13. Global Action Grant program for Canadian Youth aged 18-35
What’s Your Issue? What Are You Going To Do About It?
Youth Challenge International (YCI), one of Grant applicants are encouraged to submit applications that engage their peers and the public around global development issues. Ideas for possible projects include:
• A collaborative or crowd-sourced film project with youth viewpoints from across Canada on environmental issues
• A facilitated program in a small community in Canada for local youth to learn tools for advocacy
• A ‘Feast or Famine’ dinner party series to shed light on issues of global youth hunger and food security
• A mini-conference/call to action for local youth to collaborate with community leaders to improve youth services in their municipality
Application and Grant Requirements
We will be accepting applications from September 7th to December 1st, 2012 for project activities to be implemented between January 15th and March 30th 2013. Grant applications can be submitted in any format (e.g., video, essay, infographic, photos, blog, etc.).
Tell us in the most compelling way you can, ‘What’s Your Issue? And, What Are You Going To Do About It?' We are looking for creativity and innovation in the applications and the projects. Include in your submission a breakdown of how you plan on spending the $500 for your micro-project.
In December a panel of judges consisting of YCI Board Members, staff and an alumni representative will assess the relevancy, suitability and innovation of applications. The recipients of the grants will be notified during the first week of January.
Winners will be featured on the YCI website, blog and social media channels. Press releases will also be distributed in the winners’ local community. The grant recipients will be expected to report on the progress, successes and challenges of their micro-project prior to the March 30th, 2013 project completion deadline.
To submit your application or if you have any questions: sarah.vickery@yci.org
If you need help in applying for the above initiatives then please contact Manisha at librarieshelppeople@gmail.com