So, what was the outcome of CBC's coverage about Hobbema on June 10th, 2013 ?
1. Talk about Hobbema in a positive tone
2. Awareness about low literacy rates in Hobbema
3. Simple message: Expand Public Library Service in Hobbema and library service is an essential service
4. CBC's book drive June 11 and delivery June 14
5. Book drive by community members and service clubs
6. Request to contribute cash donations by people
7. Support by professional writers to conduct writing workshops in Hobbema and set up of a speakers bureau
8. Strengthening the program planning and delivery capacity with and for FNs
9. Development of education kits for treaties and FNs content such as shields and hides
8. Strengthening the program planning and delivery capacity with and for FNs
9. Development of education kits for treaties and FNs content such as shields and hides
10. People welcoming Hobbema
11. Increase in number of visitors to Hobbema (Thank you Kristy for bringing children's books on June 11th to Hobbema, Thank you Ms. Zarina Rajwani from Toronto, Mr. Robson from Devon, Uncle Jimmy from Ponoka, 5 visitors/day.)
12. Schools students writing exercises to support library project and sharing what they like reading and their favourite authors
13. Increase in demand to train FNs people in the library field
14. A network of people, organizations and institutions supporting library service for FNs on FNs land - people getting together with a common purpose
15. Community resource mobilization as Samson Cree Nation sends their summer students 13. Increase in demand to train FNs people in the library field
14. A network of people, organizations and institutions supporting library service for FNs on FNs land - people getting together with a common purpose
to help with the sorting and classification of books (2 students/day for 7 hours. That means 14 hours/day x $15/hour which is $210 contribution/day by Samson Cree Nation.)
16. Request to start a human library
17. Public libraries contributing magazine covers, checkout printer and barcode scanner
18. Organizations wanting to donate laptops and computers for digital literacy
19. Training of TAL's Online Reference Centre conducted on June 25th
Priority wish list: We need a bus for the mobile library
25. People are helping with the sorting of books into genres and categories
26. More coverage by media such as APTN and Wetaskiwin Times on July 11
27. More professional librarians are sitting on the Advisory Committee
28. ABC framework explained to stakeholders to create a culture of library use
(A: Access to books, B: Borrow books, C: Centre for library use and education, D: Digital literacy)
29. More visitors are peaking at the self checkout shelf at the adult literacy area
30. Organizing the community library by building shelves with wood and book boxes
31. Literacy collection moved to Men's Literacy Project classroom
32. Cree resource collection will be the core collection of the college library and is being used by the instructors and students of the Cree Instructor Training program on July 11
33. Reminder that the priority list for book contributions during July 2013 are the Cree books and photographs
34. Library showcase on July 17 with a BBQ, science presentations, and many activities
35. Operational efficiency team discusses identity card as library cards, ISBN numbers adding m as barcodes, and writing call numbers on the front cover as identifying the book is stamped and ready for circulation.
36. Increase in repeat clients and service expansion based on client needs for example Library in a Box was placed at a daycare and then they came again to make a theme box for beach, powwow, camping and end of summer.
37. Community Library is Everyone's project report released. Email to request for a copy of this project report.
38. Strengthening relationships with partners and Let's Talk Science, Prairie Tales, Uncle Jimmy, and Matt Strickland would like to come back
39. Reading is part of the process be it via sorting books, volunteers borrowing books, visitors borrowing books, community reading the, 'Community Library is Everyone's Project' report at the Views and Vision session.
40. Momentum is building up as more people at differ levels are talking about library service with FNs on FNs land. People's movement. People involvement is rapidly developing library services.
41. Library in a Box Service report released and circulated. Email to request for a copy of this project report.
42. Band administrators are supportive of the community library
43. More in the community awareness planned by doing displays at community events.
44. 'Library in a Box' news release posted on NALD site on September 3, 2013
Library in a Box service for families, employment centres, health centres and anyone interested in nurturing reading.
45. 29x27 sq feet space allocated for a year for the community library.
46. Culture Days Celebration with $10,000 from the Ministry of Culture
47. Knowledge exchange by visiting the Augustana Library on September 14 and inviting the Edmonton Public Library team to come to Hobbema on September 27. Bring librarians together.
48. Raising the profile of libraries and libraries by hosting Meet and Greet the Librarians during the Canadian Library month.
49. Prairie Tales film making workshop delivered by Zoe and Bailey on September 27 and 28 participants attended the workshop
50. UNESCO's Freedom of Expression travelling exhibition visits Hobbema in October 2013
51: Checkpoint during the October is Library month
A: Awareness that Library Service is an Essential Service
B: Bringing people together
C: Conversation and collecting stories
D: Dialogue
51. Announcing Kobo aboriginal youth ebook club
To view the progress of the development of library service activity please visit the following pages.
52. Building connections with literacy professionals
The article published on NALD was quoted by the Bow Valley College, Centre for Excellence in Foundational Learning, Stories from the field blog, October 2013.
The library’s relationship-building initiatives included professional development for staff on diversity issues. As a result of the library’s efforts, more people with disabilities, immigrants, and the First Nations community came to the library and used the services (Khetarpal 2013).
http://www.centreforexcellenceinfoundationallearning.ca53. Thank you CBC views, listeners and staff for giving us books which gave us space and helps promote reading
54. Regional Library System Communication record
55. Join in the conversation. Post your views about library service for indigenous communities
56. Guest books Concept in addition to extending collection reach by collaborating offers a career expansion and depth service. Libraries are also welcome to send a photocopy of the title page.(Proposed in November 2013)
57. Pilot testing Kobo ereaders and ereading from October to December 2013
58. Community Library Working Group looking for alternate funding mechanisms. November 27, 2013; meeting involved discussing a four pillar approach of inviting different departments to contribute program based funding. However, this is short term and program based. We discussed setting up a society and the possibility of drafting agreements for our partners. We will meet again to plan. The general consensus was to continue with service based awakening, educating different stakeholders at different levels, etc.
59. Announcing January 24th as a Family Literacy Day with visits to the COW Bus for families with children. A professional development and capacity development for famliy literacy program coordinators.
60. Working with Literacy Alberta and Men's Literacy program for literacy capacity development by providing professional development and networking by bringing literacy practitioners together on December 13, 2013
57. Pilot testing Kobo ereaders and ereading from October to December 2013
58. Community Library Working Group looking for alternate funding mechanisms. November 27, 2013; meeting involved discussing a four pillar approach of inviting different departments to contribute program based funding. However, this is short term and program based. We discussed setting up a society and the possibility of drafting agreements for our partners. We will meet again to plan. The general consensus was to continue with service based awakening, educating different stakeholders at different levels, etc.
59. Announcing January 24th as a Family Literacy Day with visits to the COW Bus for families with children. A professional development and capacity development for famliy literacy program coordinators.
60. Working with Literacy Alberta and Men's Literacy program for literacy capacity development by providing professional development and networking by bringing literacy practitioners together on December 13, 2013
Reflection of our achievements in 2013 and thank you CBC viewers and listeners
61. Library took the leadership role in organizing the Literacy Day celebration on January 24th, 2014.
62. Maskwacis Cultural College at Maskwacis celebrated Family Literacy Day in late January as a special occasion with literacy related activities for Margaret ChegwinFriday, February 07, 2014 Three library services launched: Library in a Box, Book Bundles, and Borrow ereaders
- One library showcase and Science Day on July 17, 2013
- Join in the conversation series
- Five partners: First Book Canada as a book donations host, Frontier College more than virtual tutoring, Kobo e-readers, Prairie Tales for filmmaking workshops, and Centre for Family Literacy's COW Bus.
- Invitation to come to the Maskwacis Community for the Literacy day celebration on Friday, January 24th ,2014
61. Library took the leadership role in organizing the Literacy Day celebration on January 24th, 2014.
63. Sharing information and accountability
Copian Library | Posted: February 12, 2014
This report looks at various ways of sourcing
books, and providing access to books for First Nations communities. While the
report focuses on efforts in Hobbema, a primarily First Nations community south
of Edmonton, Alberta, the ideas it contains are relevant in many situations.
64. CBC viewer donates his private library collection on February 18, 2014. The access to books for First Nations movement gathers momentum.
65. Sharing ideas to nurture reading
| Posted: February 21, 2014
This fact sheet offers 30 suggestions for building
interest in reading. While the document focuses on nurturing reading in First
Nations communities, the ideas would be valuable in any setting.
66. Invitation for the First Nations Library Service Without Borders conference on April 17, 2014 at the Maskwacis Cultural College
67. Announcing June 10th as CBC's Book Drive day for the Maskwacis Community.
68. March 19, 2014: Book contribution still continues. Linda Chrones from St. Albert brought books. She did a book contribution drive.
68. March 19, 2014: Book contribution still continues. Linda Chrones from St. Albert brought books. She did a book contribution drive.
69. Modeling reading posters created and these have FNs people in the picture, a profile about their favourite author and a catlog record. Serves as reading rolemodels, readers advisory and learning to use the catalog library skill.
70. Join in the conversation by letting us know your thoughts about, 'Why do First Nations need public libraries?' Email your thoughts with permission to post on Establish a public library on reserve land blog.
Manisha Khetarpal 780 585 3925. To gather to read!
Maskwacis Cultural College. Library beings together people!
Books are just a beginning!