Webinar on 'FASD and the Justice System' on December 11, 2012. Please note that the presentations (English and/or French) are available by request through fora@justice.gc.ca or eden.saraka@justice.gc.ca
The Youth Justice and Strategic Initiatives Section of the
Department of Justice Canada
invites you to attend a free webinar presented by
The Honourable Mary Kate Harvie, Allison Pooley and Dr. Kaitlyn McLachlan.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the Justice System
Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the Justice System is a priority for the Youth Justice and Strategic Initiatives Section of the Department of Justice Canada. In recent years, concerns have been raised about young people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) defaulting into the justice system and calling for a collaborative and supportive response in assessing, rehabilitating and reintegrating youth involved in the justice system with FASD.
This webcast will share knowledge and information about FASD and the justice system by:
· briefly exploring what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is;
· presenting on a program designed and implemented by the Asante Centre for youth involved in the justice system with FASD (including findings and statistics);
· sharing research findings focusing on substance abuse (drug and alcohol programs for youth with FASD) being lead by the Asante Centre; and
· describing Manitoba's Youth Justice FASD program for youth involved the criminal justice system (including challenges and recommendations);
The webcast is open to who interested in:
· policy and programming geared towards the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth involved in the justice system with FASD;
· working with young offenders with FASD, mental health and/or developmental disabilities; and/or
· becoming better informed about FASD and the justice system.
Please feel free to circulate this information to appropriate listservs and other networks.
Allison Pooley has worked with the Asante Centre since 2009 as a Family and Community Support Coordinator and now a Program Director since 2011. Ms. Pooley assists individuals, family members and service providers in understanding the diagnostic process as well as the implications for providing integrated post-assessment supports and services.
Dr. Kaitlyn McLachlan is a postdoctoral fellow with the University of Alberta with a background in Clinical forensic psychology. Dr. McLachlan works as a collaborator on the NeuroDevNet multisite FASD study examining the effects of alcohol on various facets of brain functioning over development and is a principal investigator on a study in the Yukon examining the prevalence of FASD in adult offenders and currently working as a consultant researcher for the Asante Centre looking at substance abuse treatment programs for youth with FASD.
Honourable Judge Mary Kate Harvie practiced criminal law, civil litigation and labour law at the firm of Myers Weinberg for 14 years. Judge Harvie was appointed to the Provincial Court of Manitoba in July of 2000 and was appointed Association Chief Judge in September of 2002 for a 7 year ter. Judge Harvie has been working with a multidisciplinary team since 2002 to establish the "FASD Youth Justice Program" which has developed process by which youth involved in the justice system can be assessed for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.