In the battle against conventional wisdom, artistic expression is our greatest weapon.
ZenFri Inc. is publishing Warpaint – Issue 2 an anthology of bold, unusual, and provocative short fiction (up to 6,000 words) and visual artworks and is now accepting submissions of your writing or art.
Warpaint establishes a vibrant space for transgressive and outsider art, waging war against the commonplace, and representing polemical themes. Its confrontations are inspired not simply by irreverence for the established, but an attitude that sees experimentation and dissent as the spurs of ingenuity. That's why in Warpaint nothing is treated as sacred.
Warpaint is rare among literary publications in its policy of sharing all sales revenues equally among its contributors. It's also 100% artist run and funded.
Deadline for submissions is February 15, 2013. To submit your work, or learn more about Warpaint see our website: or email