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Friday, January 4, 2013

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Industry blogging opportunity, minimal time requirements!

Naomi House of the "I Need a Library Job" blog; a daily digest of over 1800 American and Canadian library and information industry job postings ( is looking for volunteers to edit individual INALJ blogs for each American state and Canadian province. She put the following call out on the blog's Facebook group (

"Volunteers needed for new INALJ Head State Editor (and Canadian Provinces too) positions starting in Feb! 1 year committment- 5 days a week under 1 hr a day. A great way to network and brand yourself :) Also need assistants to the Head Editors - fewer days a week- email Naomi at States I still need - AK (need someone in Alaska), AR, CT, FL, HI (need someone in HI), ID, IN, KS, MD, MS, MT, NE, NV, NH, NC, OK, PR, RI, SC, VT, WV, WI and all Canadian provinces except Ontario are needed *also assistants needed in all other states *unless noted you don't have to reside in the state or area"

I'm going to be the Head Editor for INALJ - Ontario, and I'd love the chance to work with some of you on the project if you're interested in being assistant editors. I think there's also a great opportunity for anyone interested in being a Head Editor to volunteer to take up one of the other provinces.