The Gifting Initiative
In order to excel in today's competitive world, students need to learn more than what is offered by traditional academic courses. Skills like communication, decision making, and goal setting are essential. Because of this, Community for Education Foundation created the Overcoming Obstacles Life Skills Program to help educators teach their students the skills they need to be successful in life.
We believe that every school deserves access to the Overcoming Obstacles program, which has already helped thousands of educators positively impact the lives of over 2.5 million young people nationwide. However, many schools are suffering from debilitating budget cuts and cannot afford much-needed programs like Overcoming Obstacles.
In response to these cuts, Community for Education Foundation created the Gifting Initiative, through which it provides the complete Overcoming Obstacles Life Skills Program to eligible school districts at no cost. To apply, districts must submit a plan detailing how they intend to implement the program in their schools. Districts accepted into the Gifting Initiative must participate in teacher training workshops and teacher/student surveys.