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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Halloween ComicFest Entries will be accepted until November 7, 2012
So dress up in your costume tonight, take a picture and then go to to sign up!
It's easy to enter with a whopping 500 Random Prize Winners, plus 26 Grand Prize Winners.
Entries will be accepted until November 7, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST.
Voting ends on November 14, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Developing Awesome Box by Harvard Library system
Beta versions of the Recently Awesome display page, administration page, API, and
supporting backend are up and running. To implement Awesome Box across the Harvard
Library system, we would need to do the following:
1. Acquire a suitable returns box for each participating library
2. Complete development of the supporting backend
3. Flesh out the currently implemented API
4. Investigate requirements for possible integration into HOLLIS
We imagine a suitable returns box is made of wood and clearly and consistently labelled so as
to be recognizable across libraries. The box could also be wired to display feedback,
probably in the form of an indicator light, to a user when an item is returned.
Match with Library Lab grant values
This service will allow library users to easily engage with the collection. It will also allow the
community to get a sense of what items are useful or enjoyable to other users.
Effect on daily operations
Staff members will have to collect items from the additional returns box and scan them into
the Awesome data store.
Proposed funding
Complete development of the supporting backend and API:
20 hours * $85 = $1700
Physical Construction of Awesome Boxes for ten of the larger open stacks libraries:
$200 per box * 10 boxes = $2000
Total: $3700
Principal Investigators
Annie Cain
Matt Phillips
Source: Harvard Library System Awesome Box proposal
Walking The Path Together project
Children are children, they are allowed to be children: they need to laugh, love and play. This is the basis of Walking the Path Together.
Using a wholistic approach, Eagle Feather Workers based in 5 participating women's shelters in Alberta provide one-on-one support to children who have witnessed violence. By working with the child's family, school and community supports, the Eagle Feather Workers aspire to make the environment of the child safe and help the family heal. The Eagle Feather Workers have experience working with children and are skilled and trained on the complexities surrounding domestic violence. Their interventions will evolve to best meet the needs of the child over the 2 1/2 year commitment.
By finding ways to build better child-family relationships, develop intervention strategies and help children with trauma - Walking the Path Together will help end the cycle of violence by sharing this knowledge with others.
Alberta Council on Women's Shelters celebrate, 'The First International Day of the Girl'
Alberta shelter data from the past year reveals that at least 2,409 females under the age of 18 accessed emergency and second-stage women's shelters. Some as the primary victim, many as dependents of the primary victim. "This is an extremely conservative number, due to data collection restraints," says Carolyn Goard, Director of Member Programs and Services. "The actual number of females under 18 that shelters see living with domestic violence is much higher."
The Alberta Council of Women's Shelters has developed multiple children's programs including Helping Hands, The Children's Project, and Children Exposed to Family Violence, all of which help girls (and boys) deal with some of the trauma involved with being exposed to violence.
Give thought to all the girls in Alberta who are being abused today or who are fleeing abuse they have experienced with their mothers. The strength and courage of these females to seek futures free from violence and break the cycle should be celebrated.
Who and Where: The UN created this new International Day of… last December.
When: The event occurs every October 11.
Why: Raise awareness about girls' achievements, aspects of their lives where challenges exist and how to address these challenges so girls worldwide can reach their full potential.
Christie Lavan, Communications & Partnerships Advisor
2012 Jumpstart’s Read for the Record book is Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad
More ways to enjoy Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad:
David Soman and Jacky Davis read Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad.
Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad - ASL with Keith Wann.
Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad - RFTR English
READ in English:
Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad
Super Catarina y los Super Insectos - RFTR Espanol
READ in Spanish:
Super Catarina y los Super Insectos
Each year, millions of adults and children gather on a single day to set a new reading record and to show their support for early literacy by joining Jumpstart's Read for the Record.
On October 4 children and adults read together to set a new world record and to raise awareness about the importance of early childhood literacy.
The 2012 Jumpstart's Read for the Record book is Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad, written by David Soman and Jacky Davis.
About the Read for the Record Campaign
Presented in partnership with the Pearson Foundation, Jumpstart's Read for the Record annually encourages record-breakers to spread the word that reading with a child before he or she enters kindergarten can improve his or her chances of graduating from high school by as much as 30 percent. With high-profile local events that include civic leaders, teachers, and families; and the widespread support of leading education and literacy organizations, the campaign brings much-needed attention to the early literacy crisis and — in the process — showcases Jumpstart's role in addressing this issue in U.S. preschools.
Measuring Learning Readiness : A Resource Guide for Students and LBS Practitioners
Collection: Learning Materials
This manual was designed specifically to help both practitioners and First Nations learners get a broad picture of an individual's learning ability. The exercises can be used as part of the processing of both assessing a student and developing a training plan.
The author has included a section on understanding Aboriginal values in order to create a safe and culturally supportive learning environment.
Other sections include exercises to help learners identify their own skills; determine what motivates them; understand what others expect of them; and identify barriers to success.
Tips and advice to parents to help improve financial literacy
ABC Life Literacy Canada offers the following tips and advice to parents to help improve financial literacy:
Increase your knowledge, increase your confidence. When you feel good about your own money management skills, you will feel more confident talking about money with your children. Learn more about budgeting and saving at
Create a spending plan and share it with your kids. Write down all anticipated costs – and talk about the difference between needs and wants.
Encourage your kids to journal about money. Have your children write down the cost of each and every purchase that they make. At the end of a week, use the journal to initiate a conversation about money and priorities.
Start a tax-free RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan)for your child's post-secondary education right away. Explain to your child that money is being saved now for their future education. Studies show that children are more likely to attend university or college if they know that there is money earmarked for their education, regardless of amount.
Get children to save at least 10 per cent of their allowance.Talk to your kids about the benefits of the "pay yourself first" approach.
ABC Life Literacy Canada also increases financial literacy through Money Matters, a free money management and education savings program for adult learners developed in partnership with Founding Sponsor TD Bank Group and the Government of Canada. Money Matters has reached more than 600 adult learners to date, by bringing TD Bank Group volunteer-tutors into community learning centres across Canada to teach numeracy and financial skills. Money Matters is also now available in French.
Free Online Math Tutoring for Ontario Students
TORONTO, Oct. 1, 2012 /CNW/ - 11,335 math questions were solved last week thanks to free online math tutoring for Ontario students. Homework Help has re-opened its digital doors for the school year to support Ontario math students in grades 7 to 10.
Homework Help ( provides online math resources at no charge for Ontario students, including 1:1 tutoring with Ontario Certified Teachers five days a week: Sunday to Thursday from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm ET. Students are able to interact in real time with an experienced math teacher, working together on a shared screen until students understand their math homework. Online math resources available on the site also include videos, online tutorials, and digital lockers to help students overcome math challenges.
The online tutoring service consists of more than 250 Ontario teachers, who help students work through math questions they have for homework. Approximately 600,000 students have access to the program and are able to receive free online math help. The program helps students to understand math concepts they may be struggling with, building their math skills and confidence.
"Math skills are essential to the future success of Ontario's workforce, and Homework Help supports this by providing students with personalized online math resources to complement their in-class learning," said Sarah Irwin, Managing Director of the Independent Learning Centre (ILC).
Homework Help is a program funded by the Ontario government and administered through TVO's Independent Learning Centre (ILC).
Monday, October 29, 2012
Overall winner: Indigo brings the love to school libraries Read more:
April 30, 2012 by Megan Haynes
In 2004, the Indigo Love of Reading Foundation was established in response to the underfunding of high-needs elementary schools and the resulting literacy crisis. The Foundation hosts Adopt a School, an initiative in which Chapters, Indigo and Coles stores support a high-needs school in their community. By collecting donations from customers at checkout, and passing the donations along as Indigo gift cards, the schools can rejuvenate their libraries.
Read more:
Friday, October 26, 2012
CLiC—Capturing Learning in the Classroom—is a web tool
TORONTO, Oct. 26, 2012 /CNW/ - Pearson Canada is helping students power up to learn with new iBooks textbooks. Three of Pearson's bestselling textbooks, re-imagined for the iPad and brought to life with engaging video, audio, assessment, interactive images and 3D animations, are now available in Canada. Education Technology Leaders will have an opportunity to preview the new Pearson Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Science interactive textbooks at the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) annual conference.
Pearson Canada's complete mobile strategy for students and teachers also includes a new assessment tool designed for Ontario's full-day Kindergarten program. CLiC—Capturing Learning in the Classroom—is a web tool that records and tracks teacher observations of student learning. CLiC is also mobile, allowing teachers a fast, accessible, and convenient way to capture and organize their observations of children at play. Teachers can connect their observations to learning stories and provincial curriculum expectations, and generate reports that support planning and communication with parents. Pearson will officially launch CLiC at the ECOO conference in Richmond Hill on Friday, October 26.
Dr. Tania Sterling, Pearson's Digital Learning Research and Communications Manager, said, "Today's learners interact with a wide range of rich media outside of school. We are delighted to meet students' needs and stimulate their curiosity with Pearson's next generation of interactive resources. Pearson is engaging students with the tools of their time, making learning more relevant and connected to their wider world."
CNIB awards Donna Christensen for advancing library services for Canadians who are blind or partially sighted
The award was presented today at a luncheon held in conjunction with the 2012 CNIB Braille Conference in Toronto, Ontario. The selection committee unanimously chose Donna as this year's recipient.
Since 2007, Donna has worked for the Didsbury Municipal Library where she began to oversee the CNIB Library Partner Program- a service that offers public libraries access to the CNIB Library's entire collection for their patrons with print disabilities.
"A driving motivation for me has always been to ensure all citizens have equal access to the written word. It quickly became apparent to me that this service was grossly underused, and given that Didsbury is a small town with a population of under 5,000, we're in a position to provide a high level of personalized service for those who can benefit from accessing library materials in alternative formats," says Donna.
She also secured funding to purchase additional audio book players and interviewed patrons with print disabilities to build a customized service approach that matched books to their individual interests.
In addition to improving the Partners Program in Didsbury, Donna created a number of outreach programs for seniors, implemented an innovative multimedia story-time for pre-schoolers and initiated eBook services for library patrons.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Reading program has its first 'Star'
Addison Randel, a student of Paula Davis and the daughter of Adrienne and Brad Randel of rural Indianola, achieved 100 points by Oct. 2 and 150 points by Oct. 15.
Addison is the first McCook Elementary student to earn these milestone awards this school year.
By Oct. 16 -- the day of awards presented to Addison -- students from kindergarten through fifth grade had read 4,223 books that totaled 17,232,869 words, according to McCook Elementary librarian Linda Wood, administrator of the school's Accelerated Reader (AR) program.
Reading celebrated at Hawthorne Elementary as part of Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) Day October 22
By Sandor Gyarmati, The Delta Optimist October 24, 2012
Mayor Lois Jackson, Vancouver Giants players, police officers and others were at Hawthorne Elementary Monday to help students and staff celebrate Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) Day.
Coinciding with National School Library Day, DEAR Day is a special reading celebration to encourage kids and families to make reading on a daily basis a priority.
"Last year, we decided to kick it up a notch and celebrate reading all day long, not only to celebrate the importance of school libraries but to celebrate the importance of reading," said Jane Ratzlaff, a teacher-librarian and vice-principal at Hawthorne. "Last year, we invited members of our community to be role models in our school and share their love of reading."
Read more:
Nova Scotia Adopt-a-Library literacy program is expanding into provincial correctional facilities.
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The Nova Scotia Adopt-a-Library literacy program is expanding into provincial correctional facilities.
Today, the Nova Scotia RCMP and Nova Scotia Department of Justice announced that libraries located in Antigonish, Amherst and Central Nova Scotia Correctional facilities will be equipped with new books thanks to a partnership between the Department of Justice, the Pictou Antigonish Regional Library and the Adopt-a-Library Literacy Program.
'There is a definite link between low literacy rates and crime,' said RCMP Cst. John Kennedy, provincial coordinator of the Nova Scotia Adopt-a-Library Literacy Program. 'Ideally, through this approach, we can not only prevent the offender from returning to crime, but help them become engaged in their communities in a positive, productive manner.'
Contact person:
Cst. John Kennedy
Provincial Coordinator, Adopt-A-Library Literacy Program
Nova Scotia RCMP
Office: (902) 755-6031
Young People Learning to Manage Relationships, Conflict
October 24, 2012 12:58 PM
Young people across Nova Scotia are learning new ways to manage relationships and conflict by being encouraged to think about how they, and their actions, affect others.
Education Minister Ramona Jennex and Ministerial Assistant for Youth Mat Whynott, on behalf of Justice Minister Ross Landry, announced the expansion of restorative approaches in schools, October 24, at Sycamore Lane Elementary School in Lower Sackville. Nova Scotia will be the first Canadian jurisdiction to initiate a provincewide restorative approach.
"School is a big part of our young people's lives and what happens there can guide them on how to create healthy relationships, and deal with conflict in all other parts of their lives," said Ms. Jennex. "Restorative approaches will also have a direct impact on bullying and other harmful behaviour.
To learn more about restorative approaches in school, visit or
Citrus a real literacy litmus test
Campaign raises more than $1,400
By Cornelia Naylor, The Times June 7, 2012
Local residents supported the Chilliwack Book Man's Citrus-y Literacy campaign with zest over the last three weeks, donating almost $1,400 toward local literacy programs.
Launched May 23, the fundraiser urged people to give $2, $5 or $10 for the chance to stick a paper orange in the store's window with a message of their choice.
"Hundreds of paper oranges formed an overwhelming grove in our front window," said Book Man co-owner Amber Short, who came up with the campaign. "Inspiring quotes about books, names of favourite authors, names of favourite characters from books, family names and pet names were just some of the ways that people personalized their paper oranges."
Read more:
School or Community Group Guest Speakers
Looking for a Veteran or Canadian Forces member to speak at your school or community group? There is no better way to help young people understand what it is like to serve in the cause of peace and freedom than to hear from someone who has done so personally. While Veterans Affairs Canada does not directly arrange these visits, there are a number of options available to you.
The Dominion Institute's Speakers Bureau External link, Opens in a new window is a national program that arranges for Veterans to visit schools or community groups year-round to share their personal stories and reflections.
The Department of National Defence has a National Veterans� Week Speakers Program External link, Opens in a new window each fall that arranges for Canadian Forces members to visit schools to talk about their experiences in uniform. You could also try contacting your town�s armoury to see if any local Canadian Forces members are available for speaking engagements with young people.
Your local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion may be able to connect you with local Veterans who are available for speaking engagements with youth.
If you are unable to arrange for a guest speaker to come in person, consider showing a Veteran interview video. Veterans Affairs Canada's 'Heroes Remember' collection features a searchable database with a wide selection of on-line interviews with Veterans from across Canada. You may find an interview with a Veteran from your own province!
Navigating workplace situations requires forethought and the right approach
1. Plan your route. A 20-page to-do list would scare anyone and is a
recipe for mistakes on the job. To ease workload-related worries --
and be more efficient -- prioritise your responsibilities, and
delegate when possible.
2. Ask for directions. When facing a challenging project or new
responsibilities, make sure you know what is expected of you. If you
have concerns, let your manager know, and work with him or her to
develop a strategy for overcoming them.
3. Bring a friend. Don't be afraid to tap a mentor for advice on a
particularly devilish challenge. When preparing a critical project or
communication, ask a confidant for his or her feedback.
4. Say "thanks." Whether it's for candy or help with a difficult task, a
sincere thank-you can go a long way toward building strong business
5. Give out treats. Volunteer to assist overburdened colleagues, and be
quick with praise for those who deliver outstanding work. You'll make
people -- including yourself -- feel good and foster an environment
where colleagues help each other on a regular basis.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Canada's linguistic landscape shifting
Of the 200 languages reported in the census, 60 were aboriginal languages. Among the 213,400 people who reported that they speak an aboriginal language at home, about 38,000 reported a different language as their mother tongue.
Cree languages, Inuktitut and Ojibway were the most frequent aboriginal languages Canadians reported as a mother tongue in 2011, according to the census.
Most immigrant-language speakers live in Canada's largest cities – a long-term trend that corresponds with immigration patterns – with about 80 per cent of them concentrated in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa-Gatineau.
The dominance of different immigrant languages varies considerably by city, with Arabic and Spanish accounting for close to one-third of immigrant languages spoken at home in Montreal and Ottawa-Gatineau, Punjabi taking the top spot in Vancouver, and Tagalog and Punjabi rating highest in Edmonton.
Immigration is turning Canada into a country of many languages, with the historic dominance of French and English shrinking.
Canada remains a nation of French and English speakers, but people are speaking a greater variety of languages at home, as long-term trends in immigration shape the country's linguistic landscape.
2012 Ânskohk Aboriginal Literature Festival
This year's three-day event will feature noted writers including Daniel David Moses, Sylvia Tyson, Darren Prefontaine, John Lagimodiere, Louise Halfe, Curtis Peeteetuce, Paul Seesequasis, Marilyn Dumont, and publishing consultant Anita Large.
Beginning on Thursday, October 25th, 2012 6:30 pm with reception, keynote speaker DANIEL DAVID MOSES, host LOUISE HALFE, and featuring other special guests, this year's event will be held in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Writers Guild Annual Conference.
Monday, October 22, 2012
York University launches bridging program for internationally educated HR Professionals
TORONTO, Oct. 22, 2012 /CNW/ - York University has launched a bridging program for internationally educated human resources (HR) professionals to help skilled immigrants fill the gaps between their credentials and what is required to land a position in their profession in Canada.
The program launch addresses an anticipated need given a recent Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) report that predicts there will be a shortage of human resources professionals over the next 10 years (Canadian Occupational Projection System 2011 Projections: Imbalances Between Labour Demand and Supply 2011-2020).
"There is an anticipated future gap for trained HR professionals as baby boomers retire and an obvious solution is to create the ability for talented professionals who are immigrating into the country to address that shortage," says Parbudyal Singh, Professor of Human Resources Management at York University. "York's bridging program will help immigrant HR specialists get the Canadian experience and designations required to gain meaningful employment in that field."
Friday, October 19, 2012
Global Action Grant program for Canadian Youth aged 18-35 years
Global Action Grant program for Canadian Youth aged 18-35
What's Your Issue? What Are You Going To Do About It?
Youth Challenge International (YCI), one of Canada's leading youth development organizations, is launching a Global Action Grant program for Canadian Youth aged 18-35 interested in creating innovative solutions to youth issues in development. Three $500 grants will be awarded to young people from across Canada to fund micro-projects that raise awareness about development issues at home (here) in Canada.
Grant applicants are encouraged to submit applications that engage their peers and the public around global development issues. Ideas for possible projects include:
• A collaborative or crowd-sourced film project with youth viewpoints from across Canada on environmental issues
• A facilitated program in a small community in Canada for local youth to learn tools for advocacy
• A 'Feast or Famine' dinner party series to shed light on issues of global youth hunger and food security
• A mini-conference/call to action for local youth to collaborate with community leaders to improve youth services in their municipality
Application and Grant Requirements
We will be accepting applications from September 7th to December 1st, 2012 for project activities to be implemented between January 15th and March 30th 2013. Grant applications can be submitted in any format (e.g., video, essay, infographic, photos, blog, etc.).
Tell us in the most compelling way you can, 'What's Your Issue? And, What Are You Going To Do About It?' We are looking for creativity and innovation in the applications and the projects. Include in your submission a breakdown of how you plan on spending the $500 for your micro-project.
In December a panel of judges consisting of YCI Board Members, staff and an alumni representative will assess the relevancy, suitability and innovation of applications. The recipients of the grants will be notified during the first week of January.
Winners will be featured on the YCI website, blog and social media channels. Press releases will also be distributed in the winners' local community. The grant recipients will be expected to report on the progress, successes and challenges of their micro-project prior to the March 30th, 2013 project completion deadline.
To submit your application or if you have any questions:
TD Green Streets grant deadline is December 7, 2012
Green Streets grants
Tree Canada and TD Friends of the Environment Foundation are accepting applications for the 2013 TD Green Streets grants. Municipalities and Aboriginal communities are encouraged to apply for matching grants of up to $15,000 to help green their local communities through tree planting, maintenance and educational activities, inventory and innovative approaches to municipal forestry. The application deadline is December 7, 2012.
TD Green Streets
TD Green Streets is the flagship program of Tree Canada, and the only nationally-based municipal forestry innovation program in Canada. Since its inception in 1994, almost 500 Canadian municipalities have received Green Streets funding.
TD Green Streets encourages and supports the adoption of leading-edge practices in municipal forestry and is proudly sponsored by the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Since 1990, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation has provided nearly $60 million in funding to over 20,000 community-based environmental projects. Funding recommendations are made by one of over 80 volunteer Advisory Boards across the country, ensuring that decision-making is local, relevant and impactful.
Because TD covers the management and administrative costs of running the Foundation, 100% of every donated dollar supports local environmental projects in the communities in which the donation was made.
Click here to read on about the purpose of TD Green Streets. Click here to learn how to apply for the 2013 campaign.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
2013 Great Kids Award Nomination
I am pleased to open nominations for the 2013 Great Kids Award.
Our province is full of incredible young leaders who do great things every day – helping others at home, school and in their communities. We want to share their inspiring stories with all Albertans.
The Alberta government will celebrate 16 Great Kids at an awards ceremony at the Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton, in March 2013. All winners will receive a trophy, accommodations at the Fantasyland Hotel, and a prize package from IBM and West Edmonton Mall.
Nominate a Great Kid!
We invite you to nominate a special child or youth whose generosity, leadership, courage and compassion has made a positive difference in your life or community.
Print off the nomination form attached to this email; fill it out; and fax, mail or email it to:
Alberta Human Services
Community Partnerships Branch
10th Floor, Sterling Place
9940 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2N2
Fax: 780-422-5036
All nominations must be received by December 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
For more information, please visit
Dave Hancock QC
Minister of Human Services
B.C. to lead Canada in offering students free, open textbooks
VANCOUVER - British Columbia is set to become the first province in Canada to offer students free online, open textbooks for the 40 most popular post-secondary courses.
Up to 200,000 B.C. students each year could benefit from this move under B.C.'s Families First Agenda, saving each student hundreds of dollars a year or more on textbooks - money that can go toward other learning supplies or living expenses.
An open textbook is typically published under an open licence and can be read online or downloaded at no cost. If a printed copy is desired, the book is made available for printing at a fraction of traditional textbook costs. Because the open textbooks are digital and open, they can be modified and adapted by instructors to fit different classes.
Open textbooks are part of a growing movement worldwide supporting Open Education Resources, which takes advantage of the Internet (making information sharing easier) and open licences (which extend the rights to use, reuse, revise and share material).
Government will work with post-secondary institutions in implementing an open textbook policy in anticipation they could be in use at B.C. institutions as early as 2013-14, supporting students taking a variety of courses in areas like arts, sciences, humanities and business.
This is the latest step announced under the Families First Agenda for British Columbia, which helps make life more affordable, support vulnerable families and keep communities safe.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
West Philadelphia Alliance for Children (WePAC), a nonprofit that helps to renovate and set up school libraries, and the Hamilton Family Foundation
Morton McMichael School library re-opens after two decades
by thenotebook on Oct 12 2012 Posted in Latest news
A volunteer from West Philadelphia Alliance for Children reads to Morton McMichael School students during the library's re-opening.
By Kofi Biney
For 25 years, Morton McMichael School has operated without a library, not unlike many schools throughout Philadelphia. But today students at the West Philadelphia school celebrated the library's re-opening.
Getting the school library up and running again was made possible by the West Philadelphia Alliance for Children (WePAC), a nonprofit that helps to renovate and set up school libraries, and the Hamilton Family Foundation, which provided WePAC a substantial grant to do the work.
McMichael is the 16th public elementary school library in the city to be opened by WePAC since 2009, and the 12th one it will be running this year.
"It is absolutely critical at this stage, given what's happening with the School District, that private funders are able to support public schools," said WePAC executive director David S. Florig.
"We provide our library services to the schools at no cost to the schools and the School District."
YouthWrite presents: To Boldly Go: Discover Video Game Writing Worlds
To Boldly Go: Discover Video Game Writing Worlds
Robbins Health Centre, MacEwan University
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Morning session: 10-noon
1 hour lunch break
Afternoon session: 1-3
Join industry professionals, Mac Walters and Cathleen Rootsaert, creators of Bioware's Mass Effect, for insiders' advice and expert instruction about writing for the exciting world of video games.
($50 for a full-day workshop, for ages 14-21 - Minimum 10 applicants, Maximum 30 applicants)
Mac Walters
Mac Walters has worked at BioWare, Edmonton's most well-known and celebrated gaming company, since 2003. There he has served as writer on such projects as Jade Empire and Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3. He was Lead writer for ME3 and is currently the Lead Writer for the Mass Effect franchise. In the past few years, Mac has teamed with Dark Horse comics to write several Mass Effect graphic novels.
Cathleen Rootsaert
Cathleen Rootsaert has been with BioWare as a writer since 2008 where she worked on Star Wars: The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3. She is a local playwright and improviser and can been seen weekly directing the improvised soap opera Die-Nasty and as fabulous co-hostess with the mostess of Hey Ladies! She will be co-presenter at the workshop.
Register with PayPal on the Pure Speculation website –
or Register in person by taking student's name, address and age along with payment to Happy Harbor Comics.
Students should bring or be prepared to buy their own lunch. There are several food outlets in the neighbourhood. During the break, participants may wish to visit the Pure Speculation Marketplace.
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Monday, October 15, 2012
The Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace Clinical Innovation Fund
Through the Canadian Psychiatric Association Innovation Fund, Great-West Life contributed monies to this fund in support of research that supports the objectives and values of the Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace. In 2010, six research projects were funded to examine the following:
- Effective return-to-work strategies for employees with an anxiety disorder [Principal Investigator (PI): S. Parikh]
- A mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for prevention of depression relapse (PI: A. Lesage)
- A program to identify factors contributing to the risk of workplace violence and employee aggression (PI: R. Randhawa)
- A disease management intervention designed to reduce disability (PI: M. Lau)
- Innovative strategies to improve collaboration between psychiatrists and family doctors (PI: J. Samra)
- A program for dissemination of a behavioural intervention for low mood and depression in psychiatric care (PI: M.C. Seto).
Each of these projects contributed in their own way to the advancement of learning and knowledge of workplace mental health.
Canadian ADHD Awareness Week "Learn. Understand. Inspire."
This year's theme is "Learn. Understand. Inspire." ADHD Awareness Week is shining the light on ADHD to inspire understanding and eliminate stereotypes and stigma.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
McKesson Foundation launches its 2013 Canadian Regional Grants Program
McKesson Foundation launches its 2013 Canadian Regional Grants Program MONTREAL, September 28, 2012 – The McKesson Foundation today announced the launch of its 2013 Regional Grants Program, a Canada-wide campaign that each year provides financial assistance to non-profit organizations whose mission is to assist children and youth in the areas of health, education and poverty.
McKesson Canada would like to encourage the submission of grant applications for one-time specific projects or programs. The Canadian Regional Grants Program typically awards grants that range in size from $2,500 to $25,000. The McKesson Foundation is operating from the United States and grants are paid in US dollars.
- Grant applications will be accepted from: September 28 to October 31, 2012
- Selection announcements: Spring 2013
- All grant applications must be submitted online at: McKesson Foundation
- For more information on the Regional Grants Program, please visit the link above.
McKesson Canada cares about the communities in which it operates and is deeply committed to building healthier and stronger communities by making a difference in the lives of children, youth and their families. The Canadian Regional Grants Program awarded close to $250,000 to charities in 2012.
The McKesson Foundation wishes to congratulate the following 2012 Regional Grant Recipients:
- Calgary Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA of Calgary) ($24,050) – Alberta
- Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc. ($25,000) – Manitoba
- Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta ($25,000) – Alberta
- Created 4 Me Early Learning Center Inc. ($6,000) – Manitoba
- Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood and Community Health Centre ($8,200) – Ontario
- Family Services of Greater Vancouver ($7,500) – British Columbia
- Halifax Developmental Centre for Early Learning ($17,000) – Nova Scotia
- Halton Food for Thought ($15,000) – Ontario
- Kids Help Phone ($21,245) – Ontario
- On Rock Ministries Inc. ($11,000) – Québec
- Pathways for Children, Youth and Families of York Region ($19,900) – Ontario
- Peter Hall School Foundation ($25,000) – Québec
- The Canadian National Institute for the Blind ($20,000) – Newfoundland
- Yellow Brick House ($25,000) – Ontario
About the McKesson Foundation
Founded in 1943, the McKesson Foundation is an initiative of McKesson Corporation, based in San Francisco. It is envisions a world where affordable, quality health care is available to all.
About McKesson Canada
Founded more than 100 years ago, McKesson Canada is dedicated to delivering vital medicines, supplies and information technologies that enable the health care industry to provide patients with better, safer care. Our solutions empower pharmacies, manufacturers, hospitals and other health care institutions by enabling them to get closer to the millions of patients they serve every single day, while contributing to the quality and safety of care in Canada.
For further information:
Danièle Dufour
Director, Corporate Communications
McKesson Canada
International Education Week 2012: November 12-16
International Education Week (IEW) is an annual, week-long event celebrated during the third week of November by over 85 countries around the world. IEW is an initiative under the Council of Minister of Education, Canada and is recognized by other provincial/territorial governments and various non-governmental organizations active in international education.
IEW provides an opportunity to celebrate and showcase the rich variety of innovative programs and activities that expose students to an international dimension; enriching their learning and preparing them for global citizenship.
Alberta Education has actively participated in IEW since 2006 and a Provincial International Education Week Committee was created in December 2010 to further raise the awareness of IEW across the province.
For IEW 2012, students in Grades 5 to 12 are invited to participate in The Think Globally Poetry Contest:The Power of Voice to communicate their thoughts on why it is important to be connected with the world and how international education can help us get connected. Contest details can be found in the Teacher's Guide to the Think Globally Poetry Contest, which can also be accessed in the Promotional Material section and the Speak Out website.
In addition to the poetry contest, the Provincial International Education Week Committee has developed several items for you to use to celebrate IEW across Alberta and to communicate the importance of international education. Make sure to check out the Toolkit, interesting international education initiatives taking place in our province, and a fact sheet. These items are also available in French and can be found along with the IEW logos in the Promotional Material section.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Storytelling Workshops – GeriActors & Friends
Upcoming Storytelling Workshops – GeriActors & Friends
GeriActors will be hosting a series of Performance Storytelling workshops around the city starting October 20, 2012. Through theatre games, improvisation, laughter and fun, participants will share memories, use their imaginations and watch their stories come alive.
Current graduate students or alumni from the University of Alberta Department of Drama are facilitating these workshops.
Workshops are being held at:
- RiverRidge Seniors Community, 78C McKenney Avenue, St. Albert
- Riverbend Lifestyle Options, 200 Falconer Court, Edmonton
- Kiwanis Place, 10330 120 Street, Edmonton
Each workshop will consist of six afternoon sessions. Workshops are free (light refreshments included) and no experience is necessary.
For specific dates, times, and to register contact GeriActors at 780-248-1556
For more information on workshops and/or other events contact:
Becca Barrington, Administrator
Ph: 780-248-1556
Call for Applications: John Hobday Awards –Canada Council for the Arts
2013 John Hobday Awards in Arts Management
New deadline for 2012: December 1, 2012
Two $10,000 John Hobday Awards in Arts Management are given annually to established and mid-career arts managers for professional development or mentorship.
Serving Communities Internship Program (SCiP)
SCiP Internership
The Serving Communities Internship Program (SCiP) gives your organization three gifts:
- People
- Capacity Building
- Growth for the Sector - illustrating why working in this sector is a rewarding career choice for Albertan students
So, how does SCiP work? As an Alberta nonprofit/voluntary sector organization, SCiP is free for you to participate in. Get started by signing up at
Then, post your internship position; students apply to SCiP and will contact organizations with positions of interest to them. From there, interview applicants and hire your intern! If you need any help going through these steps, contact Volunteer Alberta.
By participating in SCiP you will help students explore new experiences, meet new contacts and develop new skills, plus they receive $1000 from SCiP and the Government of Alberta (upon successful completion of their internship).
Thousands of students are awaiting your posting! It's simple. Sign up today.
For more information contact Volunteer Alberta:
Phone: 780-482-3300 ext. 223
Librarian at Lincoln would like to see mentoring program grow and flourish
A gift from Target Corp. and the nonprofit literacy group Heart of America Foundation, contains about 2,000 new books, 20 iPads
The vibrantly decorated library, a gift from Target Corp. and the nonprofit literacy group Heart of America Foundation, contains about 2,000 new books, 20 iPads and student–sized furnishings worth a total $100,000 to $150,000. The makeover was awarded to Sanchez after a competitive application process that began last spring.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Ask the reporter: Journalist/author helps parents get best education for children
Parent: "What did you learn in school today?"
Child: "Um ... "
If you want to know what's going on in school, most parents and education experts say you need to get down there and see for yourself.
"Parents need to engage more with schools, but a lot of times we don't know how," said Peg Tyre, an education writer and author of "The Good School: How Smart Parents Get Their Kids the Education They Deserve."
Tyre's book (St. Martin's Press, 2011) offers a number of ways parents can get up to speed on their children's education and know what to ask teachers.
"This is a quick and dirty way to get more sophisticated before parent-teacher night," said Tyre. "Look closely at the school. If a certain program is not up to snuff, begin a constructive dialogue about how to make it better."
Lego's Learn Through Play project launched during October as the Libraries Connect month
The Project
LEGO Systems, Inc., the world's leading construction toy manufacturer, in partnership with the Canadian Library Association (CLA) will kick off a 7 weeks Learn through Play project commencing on October 3, 2012. The objective is to blend early development with construction play, encouraging preschoolers to read, build, play and learn!
Through the Learn through Play project, LEGO® DUPLO® and the CLA are asking Canadians across the country—via outlets such as,, and Citytv's Cityline—to nominate their hometown library for a chance at winning a LEGO® DUPLO® donation for their children's activity areas. The most nominated library in each Canadian province/territory will receive $500 worth of building sets, including the newly launched LEGO DUPLO Read and Build collection, a series of kits that blend early reading with construction play. In addition, consumers will also have a chance to win great prizes just for voting. The campaign kicks off on October 3, 2012 at and continues through November 18, 2012.
It Begins with the Brick
Research indicates that construction play benefits toddlers and preschoolers on multiple dimensions and contributes to many stages of learning. The LEGO Group has also received feedback from parents which underscores the value they place on DUPLO play – which nurtures analytical, social, emotional and imaginative skills while also delivering multiple play opportunities and long-term value.
DUPLO® Read and Build sets blend early reading with construction play, encouraging youngsters to build along as their parents read to them. The series is comprised of three books: Grow Caterpillar Grow!, Busy Farm and Let's Go! Vroom! - each of which includes DUPLO bricks that can be used to build the main characters and objects in the story.
DUPLO® Learning and Creative sets combine fine motor skills with children's creativity and imagination as they build and explore the world around them. The series is comprised of DUPLO® Play with Letters, Play with Numbers, Creative Sorter and the DUPLO® Brick Box.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Jumpstart’s campaign Record for the Record.
In partnership with the Pearson Foundation, the effort celebrated literacy and early childhood education, all while attempting to break the world record of a shared reading experience, set by last year's Read for the Record when 2.2 million people participated.
Just Right for You program
Friday, October 5, 2012
e-Library for schools
By Allen V. Estabillo | Thursday| October 4, 2012 | Filed under: Top Stories
GENERAL SANTOS CITY (MindaNews/ 4 October) — The city government is pushing for the establishment of electronic libraries or e-Library in all public elementary and secondary schools here in a bid to provide students and even teachers with wider access to various educational references and related learning materials.
Percival Pasuelo, executive assistant for information technology of the city mayor's office, said they have launched the "e-Library for public schools" project to assist local public schools in developing their own e-Libraries and eventually adopt them as part of their regular learning systems.
"This is part of our efforts to enhance the learning systems in local public schools through information and communication technology," he said.
Trend: School libraries offer Summer Reading Program in 2012
CHAMPAIGN — If you're going to a Champaign high school next year, you already have an assignment: Read a book and write down your thoughts about it.
And, yes, it's required.
Manor Heights celebrates Casper summer reading
The event stemmed from the Natrona County School District's We Read program, according to first-grade teacher Shireen Stafford, who helped organize the luau. Manor Heights started the luau last year, and it was such a hit it might become a school tradition. "We really want to promote summer reading because kids lose a lot of ground over the summer if they aren't reading," Stafford said. "Literacy is our district goal and our school goal. So we decided to make this really fun."
School To Explore What Summer Has To Offer
Mark Twain Elementary School in Niles aims to promote summer reading and fun, informative ways to keep kids busy during the summer. The East Maine Dist. 63 school's Family Literacy Night and Community Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, May 23 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the school gym at 9401 Hamlin Ave. It will feature representatives from local businesses and organizations promoting activities for students during the summer.
"The literacy end of it will feature guest readers, like the mayor of Niles, someone from the Niles Public Library and Mark Twain's Principal, Nickki Gross," said Dettloff. "We also are having a 'make and take' session. The students will be making a journal and a bookmark." Fifty families have made their reservations so far. Every student that attends will receive goodie bag promotions from businesses and get to select a free book.
Magic Food Bus delivers books and healthy foods for children
The popular program delivering local vegetables and library books in Sedgwick will return in July. Every Friday from July 6-August 24, the Magic Food Bus will make five stops in Sedgwick to deliver library books and locally grown vegetables for children and adults. Sedgwick Elementary School librarian Margaret Bixby will be driving the Magic Food Bus again, but this year it will be a rented, maroon cargo van.
Along with a variety of in-season vegetables, the Magic Food Bus will distribute recipes, general storage and preparation tips, and information on local farms. The vegetables are provided free of charge (donations are accepted, but not required).
Woodlands Elementary School library is open during the summer to provide access to books
As the end of another school year approached, Woodlands Elementary teacher-librarian Elizabeth Roberts mulled over what might keep kids from losing reading skills over the summer.
Roberts thought that part of the problem might be that some students don't have access to books.
"Which is a huge thing," she said. "The more words they hear, the more stories they read, that impacts their reading ability."
That year, 2010, she helped develop a program that would open the library a day a week through the summer.
Nearly a dozen school libraries in Kitsap open their doors to students during summer break, including about half of South Kitsap's schools and Richard Gordon Elementary in Kingston.
The effort is one attempt to keep kids reading over the summer so that they don't forget vocabulary, reading speed, habits or other skills learned during the school year.
Blairs' elementary scool library is open for students from 12pm - 6pm on Wednesdays to encourage summer reading
Isabella Herzog waits in line to sign out the books she has chosen to take home this week from Blair Elementary School's library on June 20, 2012. Blairs' library is open for students from 12pm - 6pm on Wednesdays to encourage summer reading.
In there, it looks like any given weekday between August and June. Students shake the mice of sleepy computers, run their fingers along hardback spines and ask librarian Nan Powell when they can pounce on a table stocked with crayons and paper. "Research shows that the achievement gap in reading actually widens during the summer vacation," said Carole Sutton, the district's supervisor for Title I programs. "It is our main goal to increase access to books and opportunities to read for leisure."
Elementary School Libraries are offering open library times every Thursday morning during summer holidays
The relaxed, fun-filled days of summer are a well-deserved break for children; however, they can have an unfortunate consequence — learning loss. Luckily, this loss is preventable and there are an increasing number of education groups, schools and libraries banding together to provide ongoing opportunities for reading and educational growth during the summer.
It is commonly referred to as the "summer slide" or "summer slump." Both Glenshire Elementary and Tahoe Lake Elementary School Libraries are offering open library times every Thursday morning and Tahoe Lake Elementary is also providing one-to-one reading opportunities and story hour during the weekly Tahoe City Farm¬ers Market.
"Our teachers and students work diligently all school year to improve their reading skills and absorb a great variety of information," explains Valerie Simpson, Truckee Elementary Principal. "It seems counterproductive to simply allow all that learning and retention to fade away just because kids are out of school for summer. We need the support of parents to help make sure these summer programs work."
The Excellence in Education Foundation would love to hear your creative ideas for encouraging summer reading so that they can be shared with others. Please email your ideas to For more information on Tahoe Truckee Reads visit:
North Boone School District libraries will remain open this summer for students.
District 200 announced Wednesday that Poplar Grove Elementary, North Boone Upper Elementary and Capron Elementary schools will be open weekly from June 5 through Aug. 1. Students will be able to check out books, use computers and participate in the summer reading program. Capron Elementary School will be open from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays; story time will be at 9:30 a.m.
Alton Darby, Horizon teachers encourage summer reading
"The library offers books, prizes and programs on many topics for kids of all ages and interests," Dorr said. Dorr sent home a packet of promotional materials from the library with each student, a letter from the principal encouraging reading and a list of book titles and websites with more book titles children could enjoy. Reading activities at Horizon Elementary School recently included a Skype session between naturalist author and illustrator Jim Arnosky and first-graders.
Dorr runs enrichment book clubs at both schools, and teachers at Horizon Elementary School expanded that into the "first-ever Family Book Club."
"More than 200 people in the Horizon community participated by reading Gooseberry Park by Cynthia Rylant as a family, discussing it, blogging with others in the club and coming to school one evening a week for four weeks to talk in small groups," she said. "It was wildly successful."
She said a Hilliard Education Foundation grant will cover a visit by children's author and photographer Charles Smith Jr. next March.
"He will present to all students in both schools and offer a family evening where he will talk about his books and the writing and illustrating process and perform his poetry," Dorr said. "We're very much looking forward to his visit and will begin preparing in the fall by reading and discussing his books."
Dorr said parents are the best motivation to keep their children reading over the summer.
School libraries are open during the summer
One of Briana Victorio's duties this summer is to select books from the shelves at the Sunrise Elementary School library that she thinks students participating in the Friends of the Albany Public Library's pilot reading project might want to check out.
The objective is to encourage children to continue their reading while on their summer break, said Nancy Powell, president of the friends. "We approached GAPS to see if the district would be interested in keeping a couple of schools open to keep the children reading."
The district was receptive and agreed to open the library at Sunrise from 10 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays. The library at Clover Ridge Elementary School is open during the same hours on Thursdays. The program ends at Sunrise on July 31 and at Clover Ridge on Aug. 16.
Conway Elementary students enjoy a good summer read
Reeves and Anderson Oakman settled on their elementary school's library floor with plates of hot dogs and chips.
Soon, the search would begin for the last few sports books that the brothers hadn't yet read.
Both activities were appealing, but what were they really looking forward to?
"To eat the most snacks we can," said Reeves, 9, Anderson, 7, agreed.
Summer break doesn't mean that students at Conway Elementary School, in southern Stafford County, must stop reading or eating with classroom pals.
The fifth year of the school's summer library hours started last week, giving kids the chance to pick out as many books as they want, eat snacks, visit with friends and play educational games on the computers and iPads.
Oregon District Keeps School Libraries Open to Prevent Summer Slide (Summer Meal program)
Oregon's Salem-Keizer School District is helping its students avoid brain drain—by keeping several school libraries open during the summer months.
Seven Title I media centers throughout the district continue to keep their doors open two hours each week, and local kids are welcome to read, check out books, or attend read-alouds. Although it's not a new concept, it's the first time Salem-Keizer has kept summer hours-and so far, kids seem to be enjoying it, says Stephen Cox, the district's library media program specialist.
School libraries are located in buildings that offer the Summer Meal program, where any qualified child age 18 and under can eat lunch, and sometimes breakfast, for free five days a week. "After and before lunch, students are encouraged to go to the school library to check out a book."
Meadows Elementary School library to offer several programs, events this year: book fairs, author visits, literacy programs and sponsorships for the school's Readers Club.
Meadows Elementary School library to offer several programs, events this year
byBen Simon| August 23, 2012 12:24 pm
Shelly Puckett, the librarian at Meadows Elementary School, has another full year of library services planned for the students, according to a press release.
The library will offer bi-annual book fairs, author visits, literacy programs and sponsorships for the school's Texas Readers Club and Boys Only Book Club.
"I am passionate about doing all I can to inspire young ones to read," said Puckett in the press release. "My goal is to make the library a literacy driving force at Meadows and not just a supplemental resource."
Students to be recognized for summer reading
DANVILLE — Organizers of the Danville school district's Summer Reading Program will celebrate the reading efforts of more than 90 elementary school students at a special event on Tuesday.
It is open to Danville schools' K-5 students and their families.
Guest reader and retired Superintendent David Fields will read a book to the audience. Then program coordinator Louis K. Morris will award prizes to the program participants in each grade level who earned the most Accelerated Reader points over the summer. "This program was meant to encourage students to read and keep their minds active over the summer break and not be part of the summer slide," said Morris, the East Park Elementary School librarian.
Research shows that children have the potential to lose 2 to 3 months of reading progress that they made the year before if they don't read over the summer, Morris said.
This summer, 92 students participated in the program, which is 22 more than the previous year.
First-place winners will receive a $50 Walmart gift card, second-place winners will receive a $25 Walmart gift card and third-place winners will receive 10 free Danville Mass Transit bus rides.
Participants in the grade level that read the most book will receive a token for a Dairy Queen treat.
Morris also will present rewards to parents for their participation. Each time they brought their child to the library and read with them, they could enter their name into a jar.
Morris will draw six names at the event, and those people will receive a new book bag filled with school supplies.
"We really wanted to encourage parents to read with their children," he said of the incentive. He said that will show youngsters that reading is important.
Last year, 70 participants read 1,470 books over the summer, Morris said. He plans to offer the program again next year.
ACTUA science outreach programs for schools students
Since Actua's first northern camp took place in Iqaluit over 10 years ago, we have engaged ten of thousands of Northern youth in dynamic, culturally relevant programming. We would like to thank the Suncor Energy Foundation, GE Canada and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency for their continued support of this program.
Actua is a growing network of member organizations located at universities and colleges across Canada that delivers dynamic, award-winning STEM programming for youth.
British Columbia
EUReKA! Science Program, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops
GEERing Up!, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Science AL!VE, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
Science Venture, University of Victoria, Victoria
Science Adventures, Yukon College, Whitehorse
Destination Exploration, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge
DiscoverE, University of Alberta, Edmonton
Minds in Motion, University of Calgary, Calgary
Science Promotion at RDC, Red Deer College, Red Deer
EYES, University of Regina, Regina
SCI-FI Science Camps, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
FNU Health and Science Camp, First Nations University of Canada, Regina
Mini University, Brandon University, Brandon
Eco-Kids , University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg
WISE Kid-Netic Energy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
Simply Science, Nunavut Research Institute, Iqaluit
Adventures in Engineering and Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
Creative Encounters, University of Guelph, Guelph
Discovery Western, University of Western Ontario, London
Engineering Outreach, University of Toronto , Toronto
ESQ, University of Waterloo, Waterloo
Science Discovery, Queen's University, Kingston
Science Explorations, York University, Toronto
Science Quest, Queen's University, Kingston
Superior Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay
Venture Engineering and Science, McMaster University, Hamilton
Virtual Ventures, Carleton University, Ottawa
Folie Technique, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal
Génitrucs, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières
Musée Armand Frappier, Centre d'interprétation des Biosciences, Laval
New Brunswick
Worlds UNBound, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Nova Scotia
SuperNOVA, Dalhousie University, Halifax
X-Chem Outreach Program, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish
Overcoming Obstacles Lifeskills program
In order to excel in today's competitive world, students need to learn more than what is offered by traditional academic courses. Skills like communication, decision making, and goal setting are essential. Because of this, Community for Education Foundation created the Overcoming Obstacles Life Skills Program to help educators teach their students the skills they need to be successful in life.
We believe that every school deserves access to the Overcoming Obstacles program, which has already helped thousands of educators positively impact the lives of over 2.5 million young people nationwide. However, many schools are suffering from debilitating budget cuts and cannot afford much-needed programs like Overcoming Obstacles.
In response to these cuts, Community for Education Foundation created the Gifting Initiative, through which it provides the complete Overcoming Obstacles Life Skills Program to eligible school districts at no cost. To apply, districts must submit a plan detailing how they intend to implement the program in their schools. Districts accepted into the Gifting Initiative must participate in teacher training workshops and teacher/student surveys.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
W-T Elementary Library hosts Book Fair Oct. 11-16
The Chili Supper will be from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Washington Township Gymnasium by donation. Parents, children, teachers and the community are invited.
The Book Fair goal is to have $2,250 in sales. Book fair sales from last year totaled $2068.95. Washington Township Elementary School will receive 25 percent of total sales in cash profit. All profits will be used for new items for the WT Library and computer lab.
The fair will feature specially priced books and educational products, including newly released works, award-winning titles, children's classics, interactive software and current bestsellers from more than 150 publishers.
Fair attendees can also help build classroom libraries by purchasing books for teachers through the Classroom Wish List program.
Science outreach program by APEGA
National Engineering
& Geoscience Month March
Science Olympics
Calgary (Grades 1-12) February 23
Edmonton (Grades 1-12) March 2
Red Deer (Grades 7-12) March 2
Medicine Hat March 23
Lethbridge (Grades 4-12) April 13
Contact the APEGA Outreach Program
Head Office 1500 Scotia One, 10060 Jasper Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 4A2
PH 780-426-3990 TOLL FREE 1-800-661-7020
FAX 780-425-1722
Calgary Office 2200 Scotia Centre, 700 2 Street SW
Calgary AB T2P 2W1
PH 403-262-7714 TOLL FREE 1-888-262-3688
FAX 403-269-2787
Adopt a school: 131 adopters, 310 books given to our school
Accelerated Reading program Week 5: 1,672 books read; 2,288,735 words read
Book Fair: October 18 to 31
Announcing Intellimedia's Ermineskin Reads and Book Fair draw winners (October 26, 2012)
Family event draws: Tryon Simon 4E, Zade Smallboy Zorthian 5S
Student draws: Lathaniel Rabbit 3/4M, Odessa Mackniaw 4E, Allen Firingstoney 3/4M, Ken Moonias 6K
Teacher draw: Suzette Jeremiah