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Friday, June 1, 2012

Alton Darby, Horizon teachers encourage summer reading

"The library offers books, prizes and programs on many topics for kids of all ages and interests," Dorr said.

Dorr sent home a packet of promotional materials from the library with each student, a letter from the principal encouraging reading and a list of book titles and websites with more book titles children could enjoy.

Parents may visit for more information.

Reading activities at Horizon Elementary School recently included a Skype session between naturalist author and illustrator Jim Arnosky and first-graders.

Dorr runs enrichment book clubs at both schools, and teachers at Horizon Elementary School expanded that into the "first-ever Family Book Club."

"More than 200 people in the Horizon community participated by reading Gooseberry Park by Cynthia Rylant as a family, discussing it, blogging with others in the club and coming to school one evening a week for four weeks to talk in small groups," she said. "It was wildly successful."

She said a Hilliard Education Foundation grant will cover a visit by children's author and photographer Charles Smith Jr. next March.

"He will present to all students in both schools and offer a family evening where he will talk about his books and the writing and illustrating process and perform his poetry," Dorr said. "We're very much looking forward to his visit and will begin preparing in the fall by reading and discussing his books."

Dorr said parents are the best motivation to keep their children reading over the summer.