What is the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF)?
Applications are now being accepted and must be received by: August 2, 2012*
Find out more about the application process.
*Note: There will be a second call for applications in November and additional intakes if funding is available.
The Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF) is a new, two-year national program that will invest $150 million to rehabilitate and improve existing community infrastructure across Canada. It will help to modernize infrastructure and provide broad-based economic benefits to communities.
Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) will invest over $46 million under CIIF in Western Canada.
CIIF is part of Canada's Economic Action Plan 2012, the Government of Canada's multi-faceted plan to aid in creating jobs, growth, and prosperity.
What is the status of the Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF)?
CIIF is currently accepting applications for funding for this two-year program.
What funding is available?
Applicants seeking less than $250,000 in CIIF funding will receive priority. Total federal funding for a project will not exceed 50% of total eligible project costs.
Who can apply for funding?
Organizations eligible to apply for funding under CIIF include:
- local or regional governments or related agencies;
- provincial entities that provide municipal-type services to communities;
- non-profit organizations; and
- First Nation governments, including Band or Tribal Councils or their legally-designated representatives.
What kinds of projects are eligible for funding?
CIIF supports the rehabilitation or improvement of existing community infrastructure that is non-commercial and accessible to the public. Examples of the type of community infrastructure that can be supported under CIIF include:
- community centres;
- cultural centres;
- parks;
- libraries;
- recreational facilities (e.g. local arenas, swimming pools, sports fields, and other types of recreational facilities);
- tourism facilities having a local impact; and
- other existing community infrastructure assets which have a local community impact such as connectivity and broadband and local airports.
Eligible projects will also:
- leverage at least 50% of total eligible project costs from other sources than the federal government;
- complete all work prior to March 31, 2014.
The construction of new infrastructure and the significant expansion of existing infrastructure are not eligible under CIIF.
What costs are eligible for funding?
CIIF will support eligible costs directly related to a project that have been incurred and paid by a successful applicant. Examples of eligible costs under CIIF include:
- costs incurred between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2014;
- costs to rehabilitate or improve fixed capital assets of community facilities, including minor expansions to existing infrastructure;
- fees paid to consultants/contractors or other professional or technical personnel directly related to the rehabilitation or expansion of the community facility;
- costs related to signage, which are required for CIIF projects and need to be included in the project budget;
- costs for assessments, monitoring and follow-up as required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) or related legislation; and
- other costs directly related to the success of the project and approved in advance.
Costs and services normally covered by the applicant (i.e. maintenance) are not eligible, and only in select cases will incremental employee costs be considered.
Other costs that are ineligible under the program include:
- costs incurred before April 1, 2012 or after March 31, 2014;
- movable equipment (e.g. zambonies, snow groomers and ATVs), including costs for leasing equipment;
- overhead costs, including direct and indirect operating and administrative costs (e.g. management, planning, engineering, and other related costs) normally carried out by the applicant;
- costs for salaries and benefits of existing employees and general administration costs unrelated to the project;
- costs for land; feasibility and planning studies and legal fees; and
- taxes, such as GST, for which the applicant is eligible for a tax rebate.