The TD Michaëlle Jean Bursaries
The TD Michaëlle Jean Bursaries were created, through a joint initiative between TD Bank Group and the Michaëlle Jean Foundation, to provide funding for training and access to mentorship for young people aged 18-30, from underserved communities, who are using the arts as a tool to improve the quality of life in their communities. Priority will be given to those who have specific action plans to share their learning and experience with others.
A maximum of 3 bursaries, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 will be awarded each year.
In order to be eligible you must:
- Be between 18 and 30 years of age
- Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Demonstrate experience of the impact of the arts in your underserved community/neighbourhood ("arts" are broadly defined to include all forms of creative expression)
- Propose a new project or extension of an existing project that demonstrates using the arts as tools of social change in your underserved community
- Have your project recommended by, and preferably supported by, a community association
How to apply: