Saskatchewan Community Literacy Fund (SCLF)
The Saskatchewan Community Literacy Fund provides up to $50,000 in one-time project funding to organizations that provide support to families (through family literacy programs) and/or adults (through basic and/or workplace literacy programs).
All SCLF projects will:
- Address identified community literacy needs;
- Have short term results that provide longer term benefits;
- Be three months to one year in length, with a definite beginning and end date;
- Receive funding from the SCLF once; and
- Not duplicate existing programs or services.
Projects that provide outcomes related to the following communities will receive priority for funding:
- First Nation, Métis and Inuit communities;
- Immigrants;
- People with disabilities;
- Working youth;
- Young parents; and/or
- Lone parents.
Family literacy projects will address the early years, from birth to entering the formal school system and will allow for the transfer of language and cultural knowledge.
Adult literacy projects will focus on basic literacy, employability skills and/or workplace literacy. The Circle of Learning (Saskatchewan Adult Literacy Benchmarks Levels 1 and 2) is the foundational document for all adult programming.
Complete information about the Saskatchewan Community Literacy Fund can be found in the 2013 SCLF Guidelines for applicants. Please note that applicants are required to submit a logic model that outlines the inputs, outputs and outcomes of the project.
A workshop for potential applicants to the Saskatchewan Community Literacy Fund will be held in Saskatoon on May 22, 2013. The workshop will provide information about the fund as well as support for outcomes-based planning and evaluation. Further information will be posted as it becomes available. Contact the Literacy Office by May 16, 2013 to pre-register.
For further information about the SCLF contact:
The Saskatchewan Literacy Network
(306) 651-7288
The Literacy Office
(306) 787-2514
Application deadline is June 15, 2013
Send all applications electronically to the Saskatchewan Literacy Network