Book Giveaways
Gathering books from many sources
- We have a partnership with the Saskatoon Public Library and they have donated children's books to us. The University of Saskatchewan has donated second hand books for our student parents. We give books as gifts for the children each Christmas. We have had a large number of second hand children's books donated to the program. We have been doing this for nine and a half years and now know which books are most popular (Lynn Cornish-Braun, Saskatoon Friends of Students and Kids)
- Purchase them from fundraising, budgeted monies, First Nations support. (Irene Szabla, Child Development Centre)
- Donated from Early Years Literacy and the Women's University Foundation (Cheryl Booth, Port Cares: CAPC Niagara Brighter Futures)
- The Ontario Federation of Elementary School Teachers made a large donation. (Jan Inguanez, Gesundheit Fur Kinder)
- We receive donated books from the RCMP's 'Adopt a Library' program. (Michelle Ward, Kids First Association)
- Donations from organizations and churches. (Michelle Ward, Kids First Association)
- Purchase from the dollar store (Jennifer Sells, Bruce and Grey Brighter Futures)
- Donated by a teachers' group (Jennifer Sells, Bruce and Grey Brighter Futures)
Sometimes families living on low incomes are reluctant to borrow books for fear of them getting lost or torn. Recognizing this, and acknowledging the pure pleasure of having one's own books to revisit over and over again, book giveaways feature prominently in CAPC and CPNP projects. To get books into the hands of recipients, projects are, as usual, resourceful.
CAPC/CPNP project initiatives
Giving books to many families
- Books are given to the students as gifts on parenting, relationships, self-esteem, lifeskills, cooking, recipes (Lynne Cornish-Braun, Saskatoon Friends of Students and Kids)
- We use some of the books as prizes and an incentive to visit the centre (Cheryl Booth, Port Cares: CAPC Niagara Brighter Futures)
- All participants receive books (Robin Hicken, Gesundheit Fur Kinder)
- We let participants choose (Barb Desjardins, In A Good Way)
- All participants receive books. The four and five year olds get different books than the two and three year olds, who get different books than the newborns (Cathy Leclaire, Kids Corp Family Resource Program)
- Based on child development, a speech pathologist is used to determine the level of development of the child, and then the appropriate book to give them. (Irene Szabla, Child DevelopmentCentre)
- We provide each child attending the program with a Literacy Backpack at the end of the schoolyear: this is filled with books, a stuffed animal reading buddy, information on how to access thelibrary, information on how to encourage literacy, crayons, pencils, etc. (Michelle Craig,Expanding Head Start in Edmonton)
- We solicit donations of children's books which we ensure get into homes of families who could otherwise not afford them. (Robin Hicken, Gesundheit Fur Kinder)
- Parents receive books when they attend daycare/preschool meetings (M. Matheson-Munro, Gameti Early Intervention)
- We hold a "Books for Babies" group weekly that promotes reading with infants. Parents receive a free book each week for their child and a teddy bear and book bag at the end of the session. We also have an informal book exchange of books for adults and children that is available in the common area of our program. (Marg Mitchell, Otenwa Iyniuk/Ben Calf Robe Society)
Source: Language, Literacy and Healthy Development: The Work of CAPC and CPNP Projects, Pamela Nuttall Nason Pamela Ainsley Whitty, A Health Canada National Projects Fund Project Published by The University of New Brunswick, Great ideas for making health information accessible