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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Arts In Healthcare


Initiated in 1986, Arts in Healthcare (AIH) is the division of The Friends dedicated to enhancing patient care and comfort through the arts. We carry out this mandate by offering a diverse range of popular, interactive programs and services, all of which share the intention of providing peaceful, inspiring and creative diversions for patients, staff and visitors experiencing the stress and anxiety of being in a hospital.

Artists on the Wards

Our popular Artists on the Wards program is a free service that caters primarily to patients, but is also appreciated by visitors and staff. Five professional and 30 volunteer literary, musical, and visual artists provide inspiration, stimulation, or, simply a diversion from the stresses and monotony of daily life in a hospital by visiting patients at their bedside.

Artists work one-on-one or in small groups with adult patients throughout the hospital. Although they are not therapists, the work the artists do is therapeutic. Recent research has shown that participation in creative activities such as painting, writing, and listening to music can decrease heart rates and lower cortisol levels. Patients also report significant reductions in pain during these types of interactions, and speak of an increased sense of well-being, self-confidence, and improved spirits.

Book a Visit

Visits may be scheduled (see below) or spontaneous. The duration of each visit depends upon the patient, who may wish to share five minutes, half-an-hour, or, request that the visiting artist returns at another time.

To book a visit, simply phone the Friends' office at 780-407-8428 and make your request.