Graduate library science students from racial and ethnic minority groups are invited to apply to the Career Enhancement Program (CEP), an initiative of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). The host includes schools such as the University of Arizona and North Carolina State University. Each "fellow" in the CEP benefits from THREE great reasons that make it worth applying to:
1) Paid internship: Students get paid to work in an ARL member research library for 6-12 weeks, getting valuable educational and professional experience while in library school. (Each host institution will have 2-3 fellows.) The total compensation package could be over $10,000 for some fellows. As someone who has done my fair share of unpaid internships, this is priceless!
2) Leadership Development: Fellows will participate in the annual ARL Leadership Symposium at ALA Midwinter, during which they'll have an opportunity to explore major strategic issues facing research libraries and discuss appropriate strategies for finding a job in a research library after graduation. ALA conferences are also great for making new contacts, and fellows will also have a chance to do invaluable networking at the symposium (and other conference events).
3) Career Placement: ARL staff will help fellows connect with member libraries and with job search and networking.
The deadline for applying to this program is Oct. 15, 2013. For more information, including eligibility requirements and how to apply, click here.