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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sharing prospects, ideas and preparing for Parade of Programs

Parade of Programs is an awesome event and atleast over 1000 people visit the event. I had a meeting with the Parade of Programs organizer and shared information to bring more exhibitors. We discussed ways in which we could appeal to a broader audience.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Award-winning drummer and Wetaskiwin native Karl Schwonik will be conducting the Arts Days workshops on September 29 and 30. The workshop is free and for more information call the library

>>> Karl Schwonik <> 8/25/2011 10:45 AM >>>
Hi Manisha,

Yes, posting on the blog and sending to your list is no problem at all.

My profile (biography) is attached in both long and short form.

The best age group for these workshops would be grades 4-9.  I have another musician from the Wetaskiwin Jazz Society that is available for those 2 days so we can handle up to 40 students at a time and anything up to 60 min blocks.

Led by award-winning drummer and Wetaskiwin native Karl Schwonik, the Arts Days workshops put the fun back in music fundamentals and challenge each student's creative and collaborative skills.
These sessions will focus on many aspects of music and the music business including improvisation, composition, team work and problem solving.  Each aspect of the workshop is interactive and pushes every participant to learn more about music, work together with their peers and gain new invaluable skills from a seasoned performer.

Thanks Manisha.  Feel free to edit this if you like and let me know if you need anything further.  And please keep me updated on the planning of the workshops and when/if events are confirmed.  This is a very busy weekend for me as I am involved in many Arts Days activities around the province.

All the best to you!

Karl Schwonik  (403) 991-1361
President / Artistic Director- Wetaskiwin Jazz Society and Camp
2-time WCMA Nominee: 'Jazz Recording of the Year'

Karl Schwonik – Drumset (403) 991-1361




" of Canada's most brilliant musicians..."

- Dr. Jeremy Brown - University of Calgary Department of Music


" of Canada's 3 up and coming drummers…"

- Peter Hum – Ottawa Citizen


Alberta born, award-winning drummer Karl Schwonik grew up on a farm near Gwynne where he was exposed to countless musical situations ranging from polka to jazz. Fresh out of high school, Schwonik embarked on a tour with 2-time Canadian Country Music Award Nominee Heather-Dawn. This was followed by an invitation to study at the Banff Centre where Schwonik was the youngest artist ever to be a part of the long-term career residency program.

        In 2008 Schwonik became the President and Founder of the Wetaskiwin Jazz Society in Wetaskiwin, AB, and Artistic Director of the Wetaskiwin Jazz Camp. Still in his mid-20's, Schwonik has an extremely active touring/recording schedule; he has completed over 10 substantial tours throughout North America (including performances at Carnegie Hall and The John F. Kennedy Center) as a leader and released 3 CD's on Chronograph Records. Two of these recording have been nominated for a Western Canadian Music Award in the 'Jazz Recording of the Year' Category. Among the many awards and distinctions Schwonik has garnered in his career is the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta's Emerging Artist Award, the VSA Arts International Young Soloist Award, the AFM International Diversity Award, the Queen's Jubilee Award, multiple DownBeat magazine Awards, and being the youngest ever named one of Calgary's 'Top 40 Under 40' (2009) by Avenue magazine.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Alberta Arts Days celebration September 30-October 2

September 30-October 2

September 29, Thursday: PIDA Printing (Print Information in Daily Activities)

September 30, Friday: Schools (MK)

October 1: One Book One City launch - City Hall (PM)

October 2: Sunday @ the library (Art Celebration begins at 1:30 p.m. Hands on, participate, create artwork/cards, draw, and paint. Please come dressed to participate and do art activities.) 
  1. Art Journaling
  2. Touchstone to drop off art work for display
  3. Horizons Centre to display Cardmaking, Woodworking and art display
  4. Weaving and Knitting by Kristi and Marg
  5. Let's Make Books by Artist Librarian Wendy from Westlock Public Library
  6. Tisket Tasket Clothes, Cultural Prints, and Treasures from around the world. Dress up and take a picture.  (Jamie))
  7. Stampin demonstration by Carmen 
  8. Perspectives techniques workshop by Betty Dragon
  9. Art Walk
  10. Meet & Greet the artist
  11. Register for a art workshop
First 30 visitors will receive a art kit on Sunday @ the library.

and a Poetry, Photographs and Painting Show (details to follow) - Live demonstrations, Spinning an Weaving demonstration (Mahatma Gandhi's birthday) and Walk and Talk tours.
Library CALLS: Creative Arts. Language. Literature. Lifelong Learning.

For more information, please visit

Saturday, August 27, 2011

August 27 Arts and Agriculture Fair on the main street Liquor Bag Campaign

Lori is showing us the messages written on the envelopes by the visitors and a lady is holding the FASD baby. View more pictures at

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Essential Skills use in our life - at work, home and community

We have set up a display and created an 'Tell us how have you used your Essential Skills' contest. A draw will be conducted on September 24.  All results will be collated and posted on our website. The travelling essential skills road show will move to community and business organizations. At every communication point; the target segment is welcome to take the handouts. View details at


Promotion of essential skills at the Parade of Programs on September 7 at the drill hall. View pictures at

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

FASD Gathering Public Invitation

Join Us September 9th, 2011 for Special Guest Speakers, Mocktail Tastings, Games and A Chance to Network With Others in the FASD Community Ceremonies Begin at the Wetaskiwin Public Library 5002 – 51st Street Wetaskiwin at 1:30.
Come Help Us Recognize This Important Day. RSVP 780 361 4447

Monday, August 22, 2011

Help us by writing messages on liquor distribution paper bags

Together let's all raise awareness about FASD.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder  (FASD) Slogans for Bag Decoration

1.     Addictions and Substance Abuse Hotline- 1- 866  - 332  - 2322
2.     Think before you drink, your future baby will thank you
3.     Alcohol hurts unborn babies
4.     When you are pregnant the best drink is no drink at all
5.     If you are pregnant don’t drink, if you drink don’t get pregnant
6.     A pregnant pause..... Fetal Alcohol Syndrome...One drop lasts a lifetime
7.     Drink a beer, damage something dear
8.     Virgin drinks for your baby
9.     A bottle of wine can end your baby’s time.
10.  Community awareness is the first step to help with alcohol
11.   If you drink and are pregnant, don’t be afraid to ask for help
12.   Be a man! Stay sober with your partner and support your baby.
13.   Hey Guy! Be a part of your baby’s life! No Alcohol for 9 months  x2!
14.   I’ m a mama to be -no drinks for me!
15.  Luv yr baby   Luv yourself   Work to stay alcohol free! (use hearts for luv)
16.  Men! Help your Women Avoid Alcohol during pregnancy!
17.   Friends caring for pregnant friends
18.   Everyone helps for a Pregnancy
19.   Plan your pregnancy to be alcohol free
20.   Be kind to my future baby brother or sister (trace your hand on the bag)
21.   If you’re thinking about your drinking—ask for help
22.  Community awareness is the first step to help with alcohol
23.  Brain damage from alcohol affects everyone in a community.
24.  Pregnancy and drinking do not mix. 
25.  Stop and think. If you're pregnant, don't drink.
26.   Not a drop—ask for help to help your baby
27.   Work for Zero Alcohol during Pregnancy

Come, join the Slogan Writing Campaign. Please pick up the bags and slogan list from the library.

Making Books Together on October 2nd, 1:30 pm at our library

October 2nd, 1:30-2:30 p.m. “Making Books Together” – promoting family literacy & learning at home.   Using easy to find recycled items and paper found around the house, have fun pencils, markers, crayons and collage paper making of a 2 simple books.
Parents + children ages 3 yrs and up

Friday, August 19, 2011

Volunteer survey highlights

Volunteers in public libraries survey

A dipstick survey was run on Survey Monkey from July 19 - 23, 2011. Library staff was invited to participate in the survey. The survey url was posted on TRAC and YRL listservs. 31 people filled the online survey. The goal was to investigate the tasks done by volunteers, policies, volunteer orientation system, and the process of volunteer recruitment, training, supervision, orientation, recognition, and management.  Just to understand volunteer trends and support framework. I also chatted with volunteers in our community.

The highlights
·        Top 3 tasks the volunteers are interested in:
o    One time special projects,
o    in preparation of stuff for the programs for children and
o    book sales
·        Volunteers deliver books for the homebound program: 58.1%
·        Volunteers offer one on one computer training: 22.7%
·        54.8% said that their libraries do not have a volunteer policy
·        Top 3 training needs for volunteers identified: Team building, Use of computers, Communications skills, and Leadership training
·        Volunteer recognition events were hosted in April, May, October, or December

·        The need for people to help people is stronger
·        Volunteers like to know the time commitment
·        Volunteers give time for the cause they believe in and are passionate about
·        Time commitment is short term
·        People volunteer for social satisfaction and fulfillment
·        People volunteer to get work experience
·        People volunteer to learn new skills
·        Volunteers like flexibility
·        Family and corporate volunteer is a segment waiting to be explored
·        Scarcity of short term opportunities
·        Volunteers like a friendly atmosphere and their work to be appreciated

Training opportunities
The volunteer development workshops organized by Volunteer Alberta in Wetaskiwin are as follows.

To sum up volunteers build the community capital and help with fund raising, spread the access to library services, showcase collaboration, and their dedication by giving time.

Thank you so much for responding. Thank you for sending the volunteer policies. I look forward to welcoming you at our library on Sept 21.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Emily Whittal winner of the BBQ set from Wordy the Octopus draw box

Emily brings her mother, grandmother and a friend to the library on August 10.
For further information about the draw process please visit the following page

September 17: Environment Day Puppet Shows and Sept 19 Bag-it Screening at REM

September 17, 2-3 pm:  Environment Day and Puppet plays
·        Theresa to demonstrate upcycling clothes
·        Lynne puppet shows

September 19: Bag-it Screening at the Reynolds Museum
Screening of the film Bag-it in schools and at the Reynolds Museum
Bag It has been garnering awards at film festivals across the nation. What started as a documentary about plastic bags evolved into a wholesale investigation into plastics and their effect on our waterways, oceans, and even our bodies.  Join the Bag It movement and decide for yourself how plastic your life will be.
Streamline Libraries role:
  • Purchase 3 copies of Bag-it movie
  • Contact County
  • Purchase public performance rights
  • List the event on the library website and calendar
  • Updates on library pathways
  • Sell tickets $2/- all revenue and proceeds will come to the library (130 tickets) Tickets on sale at the Wetaskiwin Public library, city hall, John Maude’s office
  • Distribute books
  • Promote at Aug 27: Side walk Sale, Sept 7: Parade of Programs, Sept 17: Environment day
  • Display of our environment books on Sept 19 at the screening venue REM
  • John Maude Financial Inc.
  • Reynolds Alberta Museum
  • Schools?
  • Resources: Bag It and
  • Wetaskiwin Public Library and Millet Public Library

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

September 9, 1:30- 4 pm International FASD day

Focus:  To educate general public and raise awareness about FASD
Possibility of activities and puppet shows in schools or community groups prior to the event.

September 9 event details: Presentations, Mocktails and Wheel of Fortune activity
1:30-1:45 pm: Stacey to introduce FASD Day. Stacey/ Martha: What is FASD? What are its signs and symptoms?
1:45-2 pm: Presentation by Delores
More details to follow
Everyone is Welcome. Door Prizes.  Refreshments provided

Active working group:
·        Stacey from Prairie Central FASD Network
·        Dominique volunteering time (Children’s Services)
·        Patty from Catholic Social Services
·        Charles, Delores and Kathryn from Horizons Center
·        Manisha from Wetaskiwin Public Library

Our coach: Stacy Wolbeck, Network Coordinator, Prairie Central FASD Network, #3 Community Centre, 4516-54 St. Camrose AB T4V 4W7 Phone: (780) 672-0141, Fax: (780) 672-2833

Join Us September 9th, 1:30-3 p.m. for Special Guest Speakers, Mocktail Tastings, Games and A Chance to Network With Others in the FASD Community Ceremonies Begin at the Wetaskiwin Public Library 5002 – 51st Street
Come Help Us Recognize This Important Day

For further information, please visit

Announcing Personal Development Series by Shanti Wellness Centre

Wetaskiwin Public Library and Shanti Wellness Centre Presents:
6 Series on Personal Development on Wednesdays

This series will run over 6 weeks starting on October 12 and will be held at the Wetaskiwin Public Library. The series has been developed and created by Zaheen Nanji, Professional Life  Coach and Co-director of Shanti Wellness Centre, Wetaskiwin.
Cost: $ 50 for 6 weeks OR $10 for individual session
WEEK 1: Nine Keys that Successful People Have in Common
Have you wondered how some people attract what they want or get things done or are successful in what they do? They work with these nine keys subconsciously and now you will learn what these are and how to apply them to your life.
October 12, 2011
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
WEEK 2: Chaos and Opportunity and How to Make a Good Decision
Learn the Universal Cycles of Change (UCC) Model that will help you understand how chaos leads to opportunity and how to look for that.
Are you sometimes faced with a dilemma on what decision to make? Learn a strategy to help you with that.
October 19, 2011
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
WEEK 3: Who Am I at I Different Neurological Levels?
Humans operate consciously and subconsciously at different Neurological levels. Learn what those levels are and find out more about who you are.
October 26, 2011
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

WEEK 4: How to write and Create Goals or Well Formed Outcomes
This is not your normal goal setting class! We all have goals, but how do you know that you are actually close to your goal? What would be your evidence that you have a well formed outcome? Learn the evidence, action and outcome you need for your goals.
November 2, 2011
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

WEEK 5: Create a Compelling Future using Timeline Theraphy
Ever wonder why you take on too much or cannot complete tasks on time? Do you find that you cannot see far into the future or that you keep making the same mistakes? Find out:
·        how you code the past, present and future, and how it impacts your life.
·        How to change your timeline to increase flexibility and reach your goals.

November 9, 2011
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

WEEK 6: How to Use Language, 3 Senses and Eye Accessing Cues to Communicate Better and Increase Sales
Did you know we primarily communicate visually, auditory or kinesthetically? We can tell that by paying attention to language patterns and eye accessing cues. Find out your communication style and how you can increase sales by understanding your client’s communication style.
November 16, 2011
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

If you attend all 6 sessions, you will receive a gift certificate from Shanti Wellness Centre.
Register now: Call Manisha at the library 780 361 4447 or or visit the library.
September 15, 12-3 p.m.: Migrant Routes workshop @ the library
Our increasingly diverse communities and workplaces call for professional development that allows employees to learn about the experiences and challenges that newcomers face when coming to Canada.
The workshop can help you and your organization build a strategy around creating more inclusive spaces for all community members.
What will you learn about?
  • The Canadian immigration system
  • Challenges and barriers newcomers face
  • Strategies to create equitable and welcoming spaces
  • Tools to ensure that policies and practices that seem neutral do not have discrimination built into them
  • Methods to build an inclusive community where all individuals and families are realizing their full potential
Migrant Routes workshops and materials are offered in English or French.  Resources include a DVD documentary that takes participants on a virtual exploration of Franco-African immigrants’ arrival in Alberta and the Karibuni (Ki-Swahili for “Welcome”) Educational Resource Manual that offers information and activities that can help to build understanding about migrant issues, the concept of integration and ways to make positive change towards inclusion.
For more information, please contact: Ashima Sumaru, Education Coordinator, Centre for Race and Culture, 780 425 4644, ext. 115,
To register for the workshop in Wetaskiwin contact Manisha 780 361 4447 or send a email to

September 9, 8-9 am: PRINTS information sharing

September 9, 8-9 am: PRINTS Parents Role in Interacting with Teacher Support workshop information sharing and support. (Print awareness, print motivation, books and book sharing, and printing).  Please visit the following page to view a PRINTS session at the Norquest college on June 6

International Literacy Day Celebration: September 8, 12-3 p.m.: Intercultural communications workshop at the Literacy Office

What can I do to better communicate with newcomers to my workplace and organization?
Communication difficulties at the worksite are a common occurrence. A lack of understanding to what to do when communication difficulties arise leads to workplace dysfunction. This dysfunction is noticed at the workplace through various ways including duties not being completed, distrust and reinforced negative stereotypes.
The workshop on September 8th will look specifically at frequent issues at the worksite as it relates to communication and culture, the reasons as to why this takes place and (most importantly) provide tips and resources to you on how to overcome these issues at the workplace and organizations.
  • Alberta Employment & Immigration
  • Wetaskiwin Community Literacy Program
  • ABC Literacy for Life Foundation, GOOD READs Author reading (Waiting for confirmation)
Register now call Manisha 780 361 4447 or by email

September 8 International Literacy Day challenge

The key result: Most people would like to read a book or do crosswords.

Take the Challenge

On September 8th, get involved and take the International Literacy Day Challenge. This year’s challenge focuses on literacy and essential skills for everyone, everywhere. Try out some of these activities to celebrate International Literacy Day – and continue to practice literacy and essential skills every day!
1. Read a book to a child
2. Have a child read a book to an adult
3. Start a blog
4. Take a professional development course
5. Join a social media platform – Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
6. Write a letter to an old friend – the snail mail way!7. Share this list with friends and coworkers – and dare them to take the challenge!
8. Play a game of Scrabble
9. Look up and learn a new word (and continue to do so every day for a month!)10. Use a new form of technology (Smartphone, self‐serve checkout, etc.)