September 29, Thursday: PIDA Printing (Print Information in Daily Activities)
September 30, Friday: Schools (MK)
October 1: One Book One City launch - City Hall (PM)
October 2: Sunday @ the library (Art Celebration begins at 1:30 p.m. Hands on, participate, create artwork/cards, draw, and paint. Please come dressed to participate and do art activities.)
- Art Journaling
- Touchstone to drop off art work for display
- Horizons Centre to display Cardmaking, Woodworking and art display
- Weaving and Knitting by Kristi and Marg
- Let's Make Books by Artist Librarian Wendy from Westlock Public Library
- Tisket Tasket Clothes, Cultural Prints, and Treasures from around the world. Dress up and take a picture. (Jamie))
- Stampin demonstration by Carmen
- Perspectives techniques workshop by Betty Dragon
- Art Walk
- Meet & Greet the artist
- Register for a art workshop
and a Poetry, Photographs and Painting Show (details to follow) - Live demonstrations, Spinning an Weaving demonstration (Mahatma Gandhi's birthday) and Walk and Talk tours.
Library CALLS: Creative Arts. Language. Literature. Lifelong Learning.
For more information, please visit