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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Alberta Arts Days celebration September 30-October 2

September 30-October 2

September 29, Thursday: PIDA Printing (Print Information in Daily Activities)

September 30, Friday: Schools (MK)

October 1: One Book One City launch - City Hall (PM)

October 2: Sunday @ the library (Art Celebration begins at 1:30 p.m. Hands on, participate, create artwork/cards, draw, and paint. Please come dressed to participate and do art activities.) 
  1. Art Journaling
  2. Touchstone to drop off art work for display
  3. Horizons Centre to display Cardmaking, Woodworking and art display
  4. Weaving and Knitting by Kristi and Marg
  5. Let's Make Books by Artist Librarian Wendy from Westlock Public Library
  6. Tisket Tasket Clothes, Cultural Prints, and Treasures from around the world. Dress up and take a picture.  (Jamie))
  7. Stampin demonstration by Carmen 
  8. Perspectives techniques workshop by Betty Dragon
  9. Art Walk
  10. Meet & Greet the artist
  11. Register for a art workshop
First 30 visitors will receive a art kit on Sunday @ the library.

and a Poetry, Photographs and Painting Show (details to follow) - Live demonstrations, Spinning an Weaving demonstration (Mahatma Gandhi's birthday) and Walk and Talk tours.
Library CALLS: Creative Arts. Language. Literature. Lifelong Learning.

For more information, please visit