Microsoft Higher Education Support
Microsoft University Recruiting works to attract and hire the best and the brightest from around the world. We seek out diverse talent at all schools and specifically target historically underrepresented institutions.
· Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Florida A&M University, Hampton University, Howard University, Johnson C. Smith University, Morgan State University, Morehouse College, North Carolina A&T State University, Spelman College, Tuskegee University, and Xavier University.
· Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Florida International University, Instituto Tehnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, University of New Mexico, University of Puerto Rico, University of Texas at El Paso, University of Texas at Pan American, and University of Texas at San Antonio.
· Women's Colleges: Bryn Mawr College, Mount Holyoke College, Wellesley College, and Spelman College.
In addition to recruiting at these schools, Microsoft focuses on diversity recruitment through campus organizations and national chapters such as Minority Engineering Program (MEP), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Anita Borg Institute, Association of Computer Machinery- Women (ACM-W), Computer Research Association-Women (CRA-W), Women in Engineering Pro-Active Network (WEPAN) and Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
The Microsoft Imagine Cup is the world's premier student technology competition. It is designed for high school and college students to use their imagination and passion to create a technology solution that addresses the Imagine Cup yearly theme.
In ten years, the Imagine Cup has grown to be a truly global competition focused on finding solutions to real-world problems. Since 2003, over 1.4 million students have participated in the Imagine Cup with 358,000 students representing 183 countries and regions.
Thurgood Marshall College Fund
Microsoft supports Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) with technology investments that enable TMCF and its member schools to strengthen their IT capacity, broaden the institutions' instructional and communications capabilities, and work to build sustainable learning environments. The technology partnership empowers university and college faculty, administrative personnel, and students with access to current technology, it promotes and demonstrates the benefits of new technology to students, faculty and staff, and it allows access to IT resources through the institutions for residents of the surrounding communities.
United Negro College Fund
Microsoft's support of United Negro College Fund (UNCF) has provided software and technical assistance as well as staff and student training across the organization's member colleges and universities. Through these capacity building efforts, UNCF and its member schools have modernized their technology frameworks and are able to provide a quality education to all students. This technology partnership ensures UNCF schools have the most current Microsoft software which enables ease of communication for member schools and to constituents, real-world application of technology for students at school and in future career efforts, and a strong foundation upon which schools can build and grow their IT platform.
Learn more about Microsoft diversity outreach programs
We attend the following diversity conferences each year and encourage you to visit the sponsoring association website for date and location:
· Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Conference
· National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Conference
· Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) Conference
· Women in Engineering Pro-Active Network (WEPAN) Conference
· Tapia Conference
· Society of Women in Engineering (SWE) Conference