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Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Crowdfunding the Library
So, what does open digital textbooks means to academic, resource and public libraries?
"We're focused on making education more accessible throughout the system, and free online textbooks mean savings and more flexibility for students," said Advanced Education Minister Amrik Virk. "These 20 open textbooks for skills training and technical programs will help us prepare British Columbians with the skills they need for jobs we know are coming."
Subject areas for the additional open textbooks will be aligned with priorities in the BC Jobs Plan and Skills and Training Plan, and could include tourism, technology, trades, or other areas where there is a need for skilled workers. Specific subject areas will be determined over the next few months.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Free Occupation-specific Language Training for newcomers offers
Want to improve your workplace communication skills?
Free Occupation-specific Language Training for newcomers offers
- language training geared to your occupation.
- practical exercises based on actual workplace communications tasks.
- career-planning assistance.
- opportunities to connect with local employers, industries and resources.
Workplace Communication Skills for Child and Youth Worker
Participate in FREE work-oriented language training
This practical and innovative course will help you
- understand human services workplaces in Ontario, including child-care centres and schools.
- interact clearly and effectively with colleagues, clients, supervisors and the public.
- network and connect with local employers, agencies and employment resources.
- learn how to use your workplace communication training in settings such as
- nursery schools.
- centre and home-based daycares.
- elementary schools.
- high schools.
Small-group exercises based on everyday communication tasks in working with children and youth will help you
- practise common on-the-job communication to improve your workplace language skills.
- develop strong interviewing, networking and career-building communication skills.
This course is for you if
- you have training or experience in the following:
- early childhood education.
- child and youth work.
- your English is at an intermediate level (Canadian Language Benchmarks 6 to 8 or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens of 6 to 8 for courses offered in French).
- you are a permanent resident of Canada or protected person.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Elder and Youth Legacy Program
The Recycle My Cell challenge takes place between October 21 and November 22, 2013
Waste Reduction Week engages and empowers Canadians to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. WRW is currently held in the third week of October each year.
WRW's "take action" message calls on all Canadians to adopt more environmentally conscious choices. The Waste Reduction Week educational resources provide information and ideas to reduce waste in all facets of daily living. Reducing waste is one solution to the many environmental challenges we face: climate change, water pollution and preservation of natural resources.
History of WRW
Recycling and Waste Reduction Weeks started in the mid-1980s, when a number of recycling councils and environmental organizations began holding provincial events. In 2001, these organizations came together, pooled their resources and expanded their efforts into a national event called Waste Reduction Week in Canada (WRW).
Friday, October 25, 2013
ATESL resource library
ELMO - Exemplary Literacy Materials Online - Reviews
ELMO Reviews bring together literacy resources + best practice in using them.
You can add your review online, or you can mail, fax or email it to us using this form:(pdf) (Word)
1. Who is ELMO Reviews For?
2. What Can I Do On ELMO Reviews?
3. What Kinds of Resources Will I Find?
4. What Kinds of Reviews Will I Find?
5. Must I Register For An Account to Use ELMO Reviews?
6. How Was ELMO Reviews Developed?
7. What are the ELMO Reviews Committees Responsible For?
8. How Can I Support ELMO Reviews?
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month.
National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) – celebrated every October - was created as a collaborative effort between government and industry to ensure every American has the resources they need to stay safer and more secure online.
Since its inception a decade ago under leadership from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, NCSAM has grown exponentially, reaching consumers, small and medium-size businesses, corporations, educational institutions, and young people across the nation.
This year, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
Our Shared ResponsibilityWe lead Internet-connected, digital lives. From our desks and homes to on the go, we work, learn and play online. Even when we are not directly connected to the Internet, our critical infrastructure—the vast, worldwide connection of computers, data, and websites supporting our everyday lives through financial transactions, transportation systems, healthcare records, emergency response systems, personal communications, and more—impacts everyone.
Cybersecurity is the mechanism that maximizes our ability to grow commerce, communications, community and content in a connected world.
The Internet is a shared resource and securing it is Our Shared Responsibility. Our Shared Responsibility is once again our theme for National Cyber Security Awareness Month 2013.
No individual, business, or government entity is solely responsible for securing the Internet. Everyone has a role in securing their part of cyberspace, including the devices and networks they use. Individual actions have a collective impact and when we use the Internet safely, we make it more secure for everyone. If each of us does our part—implementing stronger security practices, raising community awareness, educating young people, training employees—together we will be a digital society safer and more resistant from attacks and more resilient if one occurs.
- See more at:, October 23, 2013
The AAAL Fall 2013 meeting is on November 21, 2013 at NAIT
Cost of lunch: $20 (please bring cash)
Who's eligible
Microsoft strives to make its software donation programs to be as accessible as possible to nonprofits globally. That's why we give, on average, $2 million in software donations a day to nonprofits across the globe.
Eligible Organizations
Nonprofits and non-governmental organizations must be recognized as charitable organizations in their respective countries in order to be eligible for Microsoft Nonprofit Programs. Eligible organizations must also operate on a not-for-profit basis and have a mission to benefit the local community that could include, but is not limited to:
· Providing relief to the poor
· Advancing education
· Improving social welfare
· Preserving culture
· Preserving or restoring the environment
· Promoting human rights
· Establishment of civil society
Ineligible Organizations
The following are ineligible for Microsoft software donations:
· Nonprofit organizations organizations that have not obtained recognized charitable status in their respective country;
· Governmental organizations or agencies, including international governmental organizations and United Nations Entities. Visit the Microsoft Volume Licensing for Governments website for more information;
· Schools, colleges and universities eligible through Microsoft academic volume licensing programs and are not eligible for Microsoft Nonprofit Programs, including nonprofit schools. Please visit the Microsoft Volume Licensing for Education website for more information;
· Healthcare organizations included in Microsoft Health Programs are ineligible for Microsoft Nonprofit Programs. Visit the Microsoft Volume Licensing for Health website for more information. Exceptions include independent nonprofit community, behavioral and women's health clinics; hospices; emergency services; and blood banks.
· Commerce and Trade Associations without charitable aims or activities benefitting non-members;
· Sponsorships of events, tables, exhibitions, or performances;
· Fund-raising events such as luncheons, dinners, walks, runs, or sports tournaments;
· Political, Labor, and Fraternal organizations;
· Refurbishers that will be installing the donated software on refurbished computers to be distributed or donated to nonprofits or schools. Please visit the Registered Refurbisher Program;
· Religious or faith based organizations that have not obtained recognized charitable status; and
· Individuals.
Microsoft Higher Education Support
Microsoft Higher Education Support
Microsoft University Recruiting works to attract and hire the best and the brightest from around the world. We seek out diverse talent at all schools and specifically target historically underrepresented institutions.
· Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs): Florida A&M University, Hampton University, Howard University, Johnson C. Smith University, Morgan State University, Morehouse College, North Carolina A&T State University, Spelman College, Tuskegee University, and Xavier University.
· Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs): Florida International University, Instituto Tehnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, University of New Mexico, University of Puerto Rico, University of Texas at El Paso, University of Texas at Pan American, and University of Texas at San Antonio.
· Women's Colleges: Bryn Mawr College, Mount Holyoke College, Wellesley College, and Spelman College.
In addition to recruiting at these schools, Microsoft focuses on diversity recruitment through campus organizations and national chapters such as Minority Engineering Program (MEP), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), Anita Borg Institute, Association of Computer Machinery- Women (ACM-W), Computer Research Association-Women (CRA-W), Women in Engineering Pro-Active Network (WEPAN) and Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
The Microsoft Imagine Cup is the world's premier student technology competition. It is designed for high school and college students to use their imagination and passion to create a technology solution that addresses the Imagine Cup yearly theme.
In ten years, the Imagine Cup has grown to be a truly global competition focused on finding solutions to real-world problems. Since 2003, over 1.4 million students have participated in the Imagine Cup with 358,000 students representing 183 countries and regions.
Thurgood Marshall College Fund
Microsoft supports Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) with technology investments that enable TMCF and its member schools to strengthen their IT capacity, broaden the institutions' instructional and communications capabilities, and work to build sustainable learning environments. The technology partnership empowers university and college faculty, administrative personnel, and students with access to current technology, it promotes and demonstrates the benefits of new technology to students, faculty and staff, and it allows access to IT resources through the institutions for residents of the surrounding communities.
United Negro College Fund
Microsoft's support of United Negro College Fund (UNCF) has provided software and technical assistance as well as staff and student training across the organization's member colleges and universities. Through these capacity building efforts, UNCF and its member schools have modernized their technology frameworks and are able to provide a quality education to all students. This technology partnership ensures UNCF schools have the most current Microsoft software which enables ease of communication for member schools and to constituents, real-world application of technology for students at school and in future career efforts, and a strong foundation upon which schools can build and grow their IT platform.
Learn more about Microsoft diversity outreach programs
We attend the following diversity conferences each year and encourage you to visit the sponsoring association website for date and location:
· Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Conference
· National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Conference
· Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) Conference
· Women in Engineering Pro-Active Network (WEPAN) Conference
· Tapia Conference
· Society of Women in Engineering (SWE) Conference
Monday, October 21, 2013
October is Canadian Library Month “libraries connect” Bow Valley College's Stories from the field blog
Thursday, October 10, 2013
October 11 is International Day of the Girl Child
Toolkits and more toolkits!
Need some last minute help with your events or ideas to make change? Need help thinking of an event to hold next month? Maybe even next year? Check out our new Actions Toolkit and Events Toolkit for tips and ideas!
Funding: New Horizons for Seniors Program deadline Nov 13,2013
Funding: New Horizons for Seniors Program
Organizations that want to help seniors make a difference in the lives of others, and in their communities, are eligible to receive federal grants and contributions funding. Projects must be led or inspired by seniors and address one or more of the following five program objectives:
- promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations;
- engaging seniors in the community through the mentoring of others;
- expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse;
- supporting the social participation and inclusion of seniors; and
- providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.
Continue reading about the New Horizons for Seniors Program
Organizations can apply for funding for community-based, pan-Canadian and pilot projects in the same year.
- 2013 Call for Proposals for Pilot Projects
- Community-Based Projects
- Pan-Canadian Projects
- Approved Projects
Current Funding Opportunities
Stream | Location(s) | Deadline Date |
Call for Proposals for Pilot Projects | Canada | 2013-11-13 |
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Adult Learners' Week (ALW) celebrates lifelong learning, one of several essential factors in developing more inclusive societies. ALW, which was designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2000, is celebrated in many countries where there is a growing interest in lifelong learning and its positive role in developing viable societies.
Adult Learners' Week in Canada upholds the fundamental principles specified in a Declaration of principles [PDF, 123.8 KB]prepared by five partners. These values in relation to adult learning are:
· Equitable access
· A participatory approach in developing policies on training and prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR)
· Advice, counseling and support for all adult learners in using a variety of learning methods
· A critical, forward-looking vision
· Promoting a culture of lifelong learning
· Respect for all types of knowledge
The Canadian Commission for UNESCO urges everyone involved in preparing ALW – learners, trainers, learning support assistants, PLAR specialists and others – to work together and use this opportunity to encourage each other, listen to each other, and share successes and experiences. I'm still learning! encourages each of us to realize our potential and work better and more effectively to achieve our goals. Examples of previous ALW activities in Canada For everything to do with ALW 2014 in Canada, visit the National Adult Literacy Database (NALD)
A new group–let’s call them “versatilists”–has emerged
The knowledge world is no longer divided between specialists and generalists. A new group–let's call them "versatilists"–has emerged. They apply depth of skill to a progressively widening scope of situations and experiences, gaining new competencies, building relationships and assuming new roles. They are capable not only of constantly adapting, but also constantly learning and growing in a fast-changing world. In a flat world, our knowledge becomes a commodity available to everyone else.
Success will go to those individuals and countries that are swift to adapt, slow to resist and open to change. The task for educators and policymakers is to help countries rise to this challenge.
See more at:
The Financial Bridge Builders Program
The Financial Bridge Builders Program
New Survey Findings: Millennials Twice As Likely To Start A Business In The Next Year
Intuit Canada and the Canadian Youth Business Foundation have teamed up to create the new Financial Bridge Builder Program, which will gives a select group of new Canadian business owners the financial tools and resources they need to succeed over the long-term.
Key elements of the Financial Bridge Builder Program include one-on-one coaching with an Intuit Pro Advisor Accountant, and a one-year free subscription to QuickBooks Online Plus.
"We're so pleased to be partnering with Intuit to give entrepreneurially-minded young Canadians the tools they need to increase their financial literacy and create and sustain successful businesses for the long-term," said Julia Deans. "Together, we are encouraging young people to view financial management as an essential component of an entrepreneur's skill-set that enables them to not only monitor, but shape the health of their business."
To see more about program participants, visit
Monday, October 7, 2013
Use of Small and Rural Libraries Grows in the Digital Age
Washington, DC -- Rural and small public libraries in the United States are community anchors, providing critical services and resources to meet a variety of local needs. The IMLS brief, The State of Small and Rural Libraries in the United States, provides the agency’s first targeted analysis of trends for rural and small library services. The report gives an overview of the distribution, service use, fiscal health, and staffing of these important community assets. One of the report’s surprising findings is the sheer number of public libraries that can be classified as either small or rural.
Celebrate October
World Teachers' Day - October 5
International Day of the Girl - October 11
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - October 17