- Money Matters
In 2011, ABC Life Literacy Canada in partnership with TD Bank Group piloted Money Matters (click on link for more information), a financial literacy training program for Essential Skills Levels 1 to 3 that is available free of cost to non-profit
Feedback from the pilot shows that Money Matters was a phenomenal success.
Contact ABC Life Literacy Canada to find out how your organization can receive:
- Honourarium of $250 per organization
- Calculators, pencils and Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Good Reads book Easy Money for all learners
- Learner, volunteer & practitioner Money Matters workbooks
- Volunteer training presentation and materials
- Ongoing curriculum and program support through abclifeliteracy.ca/mm/main
Vanessa Devotta, Program Coordinator, ABC Life Literacy Canada
Tel: 289-521-3108/Email: vdevotta@abclifeliteracy.ca