For many people librarians have the reputation for being old book worms, and libraries are same-old-places that never change. This great infographic puts a lot of new light on the topic. It actually changes the whole perspective.
The purpose of this blog is to share program ideas, resources, funding opportunities, grant deadlines, encourage partnerships, literacy initiatives, and tap into the technology trends.
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Sunday, March 31, 2013
Value of libraries
Call for Proposals: “Reinventing Libraries”
Call for Proposals: "Reinventing Libraries"
A Virtual Event presented by Library Journal and School Library Journal
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Since 2010, Library Journal and School Library Journal have produced a successful full-day program tackling the challenges presented by ebooks and the digital transition's impact on libraries, their communities, and related stakeholders. As planning begins for our October 2013 event, "The Digital Shift: Reinventing Libraries," we're also reinventing our approach to programming with an open call for proposals.
Do you have a vision for the future of libraries and ideas on how to make that future real? If you're a librarian serving children or adults in any library setting; focused on collection development or technology infrastructure; or partner with libraries in innovative ways, we invite you to submit your program proposals for our October 16, 2013 event.
Reinventing Libraries is a broad theme, and some of the areas we're particularly interested in exploring include:
- Rethinking physical space
- Maker spaces
- Marketing & community engagement
- Optimizing discovery
- Ebooks/POD (print on demand)
- Self-publishing
If you have a proposal for a session you'd like to see on the program this year, whether it's based on one of the above topics or something else, we'd love to hear from you. And if you're interested and able to program and moderate that session, please be sure to indicate that.
How to submit a successful proposal
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Diversity Research Report engagement of ethno-cultural communities with the environmental sector
Download Earth Day Canada's report [2MB PDF] on the engagement of ethno-cultural communities with the environmental sector. Research funding generously provided by TD Friends of the Environment Foundation.
Friday, March 29, 2013
LAC Group: The Premier Information Services Firm with a Global Reach
LAC Group: The Premier Information Services Firm with a Global Reach
Since 1986, LAC Group has been a problem solver, providing innovative and practical solutions to information management challenges in personnel & staffing, collection & asset management, research, and consulting in the private sector, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide.
Today, with 300 employees, LAC Group enjoys its well-earned reputation as the leader information asset management, and an accomplished woman-owned firm. LAC Group is widely recognized for its integrity and ability to deliver the highest levels of service.
- See our Awards and Certifications
Our Results Guarantee, adheres to and protects your budget. With unparalleled accountability unique in our marketplace, we have been consistently exceeding expectations since 1986.We deliver as promised, within the cost structure approved. Tell us about your challenges, and we'll show you how we can save you money.
Many of our clients — from large-scale government agencies, to university libraries, prestigious law firms, and business — seek us because they've been disappointed by providers they've recently consulted. Unlike our competitors, we work to ensure client satisfaction in every facet of our operations.
See our broad array of services for:
- Read our Success Stories
Libraries offer weird things to draw new borrowers
This spring, your next packet of garden seeds may come not from a hardware store or nursery, but from your local public library.
Fighting to stay relevant in the digital age, public libraries have taken to lending all manner of weird and wonderful items: hand tools, baking pans, fishing poles, telescopes and knitting needles, among others. Don't like the memoir offerings at your local branch? Bring a USB thumb drive, plug it in at one of several massive Espresso Book Machines and print a hard-cover copy of your own memoir — or any other obscure title the library doesn't keep on hand.
Community garden grants
Agriculture Canada, Government of Canada, T: (877) 290-2188
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation,
Home Depot Canada Foundation,
Walmart Evergreen Grants,
With Schools and Daycares:
Toyota Evergreen Learning Grounds School Ground Greening Grants
Industry Tourism & Investment, Government of the NWT, Small Scale Food Program, T: (867) 874-5408
Territorial Farmers Association, Andrew Cassidy,
T: (867) 874-4706
Service-Learning Grants by The State Farm(R) Youth Advisory Board (YAB), Applications are available until May 3, 2013
The State Farm® Youth Advisory Board (YAB), made up of 30 amazing 17-20-year-old students from across the United States and Canada, has already stepped forward to lead this movement. State Farm pledges $5 million per year to this signature philanthropic initiative to address issues important to State Farm and communities across the United States and Canada. Now a little bit about the Board itself. The Board is made up of an amazing, diverse group of students selected from applicants across the United States and Canada. Even though they are full-time students at high schools and universities from Alabama to Ontario – (Roll Tide, Canada!) – Each member commits about 15 hours a month to the Board and participates in three face-to-face meetings per calendar year.
State Farm divides the United States and Canada into 8 market areas, some of which are single states, and some of which contain multiple states. For the single-state market areas, each is represented by a Board member and an Associate Board member. For the multi-state market areas, there are two Board and two Associate members. The YAB also includes two at-large Enterprise members, who can hail from any region.
Applications are available until May 3, 2013.
Use these guiding documents to help your application process:
Grant Supplemental Information (PDF) provides more perspective on the research that the YAB has done in various issue areas, and what types of approaches the YAB looks for in that particular issue area.
Grant Budget Template Sample (Excel) provides an actual copy of the budget that the YAB requires with grant submissions. Feel free to fill out and practice inputting the numbers!
Grant Application Sample (PDF) gives you an idea of what the actual application looks and feels like. Feel free to download and print!
Read an E-Book Week
Thank you for a great Read an E-Book Week!
Our event is over for this year - but what a great time! Many of the retailers, publishers and authors have chosen to extend their promotions for the month of March so please continue to check the side panel for links - Deals and Steals.Once again Read an E-Book Week spanned the globe. After English speaking guests, Hungary provided a huge number of visitors this year, followed by the Philippines and Brazil. Among the many others were: Angola, Thailand, Libya, Argentina, Switzerland, Mongolia... the list goes on!
Here's a comment on Read an E-Book Week and tips to expand your sales next year. Learn More . . .
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Central Alberta Turtle Awards
On June 21, 2013 the Red Deer Native Friendship Society will host the 5th annual "Central Alberta Turtle Awards" in recognition of Aboriginal achievement in Central Alberta. Last year the Red Deer Native Friendship Society recognized 18 Aboriginal community members for their outstanding contribution to Red Deer and surrounding areas. There are 14 categories that you can nominate a deserving individual for such as Aboriginal arts, 4 youth categories, education and training, sports and recreation, health care, Kokum, Musum, volunteer, service provider, life time achievement, outstanding parenting, and outstanding contribution. Deadline for nominations is May 1, 2013.
The success of the Central Alberta Turtle Awards depends greatly on the generosity of our sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring this event please complete the sponsorship package or for more information on this event please contact Nadette at 403-340-0020 or
In Friendship,
Nadette Agecoutay
Program Director
Red Deer Native Friendship Society
4808 51 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 4H3
Computers for schools in Alberta
Computers for Schools (CFS) is a Canada-wide initiative providing refurbished computers - at little or no cost to recipients - to Canadian schools, public libraries, and non-profit learning organizations.
This site contains information about the Alberta program (click on contents to the left, or see our Video).
Pour service en français, veuillez composer le 1-800-622-6232 (1-800-OCANADA).
Pour compléter le formulaire de demande d'équipements informatiques, cliquez ici.
The NWT Needs Workers to Move Up and Help it Boom!
The NWT Needs Workers to Move Up and Help it Boom!
YELLOWKNIFE, March 27, 2013 /CNW/ - With a growing economy and an impressive list of resource mega-projects on its horizon, the Northwest Territories is on the verge of an historic boom. Add the upcoming economic jolt of Devolution, previewed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's recent trip to Yellowknife, and the future really does look like it belongs to Canada's North.
But lighting this boom's fuse will require an expanded labour force of both skilled and professional workers. That's why the Government of the Northwest Territories' Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment has launched Move Up, an innovative recruitment program that's part of its Come Make Your Mark awareness campaign (
"Move Up is creating awareness of the NWT as a great place to work, live and play," says Dave Ramsay, the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Government of the Northwest Territories.
"We realize that we have to compete against a lot of regions seeking the same first-rate workers, and we want to highlight the many benefits of an NWT job. So we surveyed jobseekers who'd previously responded to the Come Make Your Mark campaign and focused directly on what their key attractors were. And it turns out the NWT has what they're looking for. Things like higher salaries, lower taxes, faster career paths and a competitive cost of living."
The Move Up campaign has multiple elements: an on-line jobs board where jobseekers can directly apply for jobs posted by NWT employers; a partnership program that keeps those employers actively involved; key information about the many benefits of working and living in the NWT; a quick-response social media campaign; and intriguing, myth-busting facts about life in the Northwest Territories.
SOURCE: Outcrop Communications Ltd.
For further information: Alexandrea Malakoe
Industry Tourism and Investment
Government of the Northwest Territories
Tel: 867-873-7003
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
TDSRC 2013
If you have any questions about the APLEN Training Centre, contact Brian at
Thursday, March 21, 2013
What is e-learning?
What is e-learning?
Most simply put, e-learning is the application of computer technologies to education—whether used face-to-face in school or workplace settings, blended with traditional learning, to deliver a course fully online, or for self-directed informal learning.
E-learning provides Canadians the flexibility to learn at their own pace at any stage in the lifespan—thereby fostering positive attitudes about the value of lifelong learning.
- Self-directed: Learners can choose content and tools appropriate to their differing interests, needs, and skill levels.
- Reduces physical and geographical barriers: More educational options to learners with disabilities, and those living in remote areas.
- Timely: Learning can be delivered and learned when desired or necessary.
Why should we care about e-learning?
E-learning can substantially increase our access to knowledge and information and, as studies suggest, improve access to education, formal and informal learning, and employment opportunities.
The proportion of courses delivered online in Canada is one of the highest among countries studied; however, research suggests that Canadian post-secondary institutions have been slower than those in many other countries to incorporate significant online components into their programs. Likewise, e-learning has not become a standard feature of employee training. Various surveys show that by 2005, the percentage of workplace training delivered online ranged from 15% to 20%.
Did you know? Many Canadians go online to pursue learning opportunities. In 2007, one-half (50%) of all home users (16 and older) went online for the purposes of education, training or school work. |
E-learning in Canada
In Canada, e-learning is provided in a number of different settings and forms. It can take place in schools, the workplace and the community, and can play a key role in both formal and informal learning. For example:
Elementary and high schools
- In 2003–2004, more than one million computers were available to 5.3 million students in elementary and secondary schools across Canada—approximately one computer for every five students (better than the average ratio among OECD countries of 1:13).
- In 2003–2004, more than one-third (36%) of secondary schools across Canada had students participating in electronic or online courses.
- Virtual high schools are becoming more widespread, allow students to take online courses daily from their own communities. This is of particular importance for students who reside in more remote areas, and who may need to travel large distances or face relocation to attend secondary school.
Post-secondary institutions
- E-learning has increased access to education for people with disabilities, those who live in remote rural areas, and full-time employees who wish to fit courses around their work schedules.
- Learners experience enhanced learning through internet access, student portals, digital libraries, and wireless networks that support laptops, handheld and other portable devices.
- Instructors use course management systems to post syllabi, assignments and lecture notes, and to continue discussions with students between class sessions. Using tools like electronic portfolios (a tool that follows their learning progress), students can receive considerably more feedback and learn how to self-assess their learning and skills accurately.
Work settings
- Many workplace organizations have adopted a blended approach—a combination of online and in-class instruction.
- Virtual classrooms, which provide for live instruction without the travel, are also growing in popularity.
- E-learning can provide employees with a wide range of skills—from technical to administrative and management skills. In particular, e-learning is appropriate for literacy and essential skills training.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
CIHR funding programs
Funding Overview
This page provides a broad overview of the CIHR funding programs.
For more in-depth information, please see the Grants and Awards Guide and the individual funding opportunities.
Research Themes
CIHR provides funding opportunities for four themes of health research:
- Biomedical
- Clinical
- Health systems services
- Social, cultural, environmental and population health
For more information, in the CIHR Grants and Awards Guide please see CIHR Research Themes.
To apply for CIHR funding, you must:
- Be affiliated with an eligible Canadian institution or organization by the time the funding begins
- Not be employed by Canadian federal government departments or agencies or for-profit organizations unless affiliated with a university
- Not have a financial interest holding of more than 5% in a company proposed as an industry partner for research funding
- Consent to the public disclosure of personal information in the case of a serious breach of Agency policy
For more information, please see the CIHR Grants and Awards Guide.
Each funding opportunity may also have specific eligibility requirements. Please see "Eligibility" in the Funding Opportunity Details for each funding opportunity.
Please see CIHR's List of Eligible Institutions.
Funding Opportunities
For a complete list of current funding opportunities, please see Funding Opportunities.
Application Process
- Register with CIHR
- Complete an application
- Assemble an application
- Submit an application
- Await notification of decision
Peer Review
Applications are evaluated by reviewers who are experts in the same field (i.e., peers of the applicants), and their recommendations are used by CIHR to make funding decisions. Peer review is the internationally accepted benchmark for ensuring quality and excellence in scientific research.
For more information, please see the Understand Peer Review section.
Funding Decisions
A ranking list is prepared based on the committee recommendations. A portion of the total competition budget amount is allocated to each successful application starting from the top of the ranking list until the total competition budget is expended (taking into account individual budgets from partner funds, if applicable).
The Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Financial Officer consider the funding proposal based on Peer Review Committee evaluations and criteria set by the Science Council (SC), and submit their recommendations to SC for final approval.
All decisions are publicly posted; please see Funding Decisions for these postings.
Reporting Requirements
Calling All Labrador Artists!
After-school Programs Important Part of Making Communities Safer
The province is officially launching its After School Network today to give Manitobans the opportunity to learn about the resources and services of over 40 organizations that offer after-school programming to the province's children and young people, Children and Youth Opportunities Minister Kevin Chief has announced.
"The After School Network is about bringing together community-based organizations that provide positive activities for children and youth aged six to 18 and is a pillar of our preventative approach to making our communities safer," said Chief. "The After School Network gives these organizations the opportunity to work together to strengthen after-school programs and shows our commitment as a government to investing in them and working collaboratively to help our province's children and youth reach their fullest potential."
The province has invested $12 million in After School Network organizations to help them deliver important after-school programming to Manitoba children and young people. The province has also invested in a co-ordinator to help establish, co-ordinate and provide ongoing support for the network.
The official launch event was designed to give Manitobans the opportunity to meet with After School Network organizations and get information about the many resources available for after-school programming.
Statistics Canada reports that unsupervised time after school is when the largest proportion of youth violent crime takes place and when youth are more likely to experiment with tobacco, alcohol and drugs and be more sexually active.
Celebrating Diversity with Multiculturalism Week 2013 in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Celebrating Diversity with Multiculturalism Week 2013
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to inform this Honourable House that March 18 to 24 is Multiculturalism Week in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Across the province, communities are joining in celebrations and activities to promote multiculturalism and cross-cultural understanding where the cultural diversity of all people is valued, supported and enhanced to collectively build a prosperous province.
When we launched our immigration strategy in 2007, the Provincial Government had a goal to promote the province internationally and help immigrants with settlement and integration.
Mr. Speaker, Newfoundland and Labrador is facing very real challenges related to our population and demographics in the coming years. In fact by 2020 we will need 70,000 skilled people to ensure we can take maximum advantage of the economic opportunities before us. Through our recently-announced Population Growth Strategy, we will build on the work of the Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism and keep attracting new Canadians as part of our plan to address these challenges.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Money Matters program
- Money Matters
In 2011, ABC Life Literacy Canada in partnership with TD Bank Group piloted Money Matters (click on link for more information), a financial literacy training program for Essential Skills Levels 1 to 3 that is available free of cost to non-profit

Feedback from the pilot shows that Money Matters was a phenomenal success.
Contact ABC Life Literacy Canada to find out how your organization can receive:
- Honourarium of $250 per organization
- Calculators, pencils and Gail Vaz-Oxlade's Good Reads book Easy Money for all learners
- Learner, volunteer & practitioner Money Matters workbooks
- Volunteer training presentation and materials
- Ongoing curriculum and program support through
Vanessa Devotta, Program Coordinator, ABC Life Literacy Canada
Tel: 289-521-3108/Email:
Alberta Arts and Culture days, September 27–29, 2013, grant deadline May 3, 2013
Every year, a growing number of Albertans are taking the last weekend in September to put culture centre stage. This year, you can continue playing a lead role in their experience!
To help increase participation and Albertans' access to culture, the Government of Alberta is providing funding to organizations to put on events on September 27–29, 2013.
Up to five applicants will be selected to be Feature Celebration Sites and will be eligible to receive a maximum of $20,000 for three days of programming. Additional applications will be selected to be Host Celebration Sites and are eligible to receive up to $5,000 for two days of programming. In 2012, 64 different groups across the province seized this opportunity.
Visit the 'Get Involved' section at for full details. The application deadline is May 3, 2013.
Alberta Culture Days Planning Team
Friday, March 15, 2013
Funding by IDRC supports research in developing countries to promote growth and development.
Funding IDRC supports research in developing countries to promote growth and development. We pursue that goal by funding research focused on reducing poverty and creating equitable access to resources and services. We support work that promotes good governance and builds strong policies. The applied research we back directly addresses existing or emerging problems in developing countries. We also offer expert advice and support to our grantees. And through our fellowships and awards, we're helping to train a new generation of developing-country and Canadian researchers. |
Funding Available for Alberta Culture Days 2013! Deadline is May 3, 2013.
To help increase participation and Albertans' access to culture, the Government of Alberta is providing funding to organizations to put on events for Alberta Culture Days 2013, occurring September 27–29. The application period runs March 11 to May 3, 2013.
Up to five applicants will be selected to be Feature Celebration Sites and will be eligible to receive a maximum of $20,000 for three days of programming. Additional applications will be selected to be Host Celebration Sites and are eligible to receive up to $5,000 for two days of programming. In 2012, 64 groups across the province seized this opportunity.
Becoming an official celebration site is a wonderful opportunity to build partnerships, strengthen community spirit and showcase local talent, but it's also an opportunity to boost the impact and reach of your existing cultural programming. Visit the 'Get Involved' section at for full details. Culture connects our people, our communities and our province. Join the celebration today!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Environment Funds
Do you have a lot of ideas for green projects, but no funds to carry them out? This is a good starting point to help turn your idea into a reality.
List of Resources
EcoAction Community Funding Program
This Environment Canada national funding program provides financial support to community groups for projects that protect, rehabilitate or enhance the natural environment.
The Green Source from Environment Canada
This guide, which is updated every year, provides a comprehensive list of funding sources for environmental projects and includes tips on applying for funding.
The Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk
This program aims to enhance and encourage activities that foster land and resource use practices that maintain habitat critical to the survival and recovery of identified species at risk.
Outward Bound RBC Aboriginal Youth Leadership Scholarship
Outward Bound's RBC Aboriginal Youth Leadership Scholarship
The RBC National Youth Leadership Scholarship is designed to offer Aboriginal youth a unique opportunity to increase their leadership capacity through participation in one of Outward Bound Canadaʼs (OBC) wilderness courses.
The Outward Bound Canada - RBC National Youth Leadership Scholarship is available
for Aboriginal youth (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) aged 15 – 19. Priority will be given
to youth who are actively playing a leadership role within their community.
Scholarship recipients receive full tuition to
a 14 – 36 day Outward Bound Canada
wilderness course in the summer of 2013.
This scholarship gives participants the
chance to develop their own unique
leadership potential, to interact with
motivated peers, to cultivate valuable life
skills and to discover their own strengths,
abilities and gifts while traveling in some of
Canada's most inspiring wilderness areas.
Scholarships are available for the following courses:
British Columbia:
• West Coast Discovery – 21 day Coastal Sea Kayaking expedition
• West Coast Youth Leadership – 21 day Multi-element Leadership expedition
· Mountain Instructor Development Program – 36 day Intensive Leadership Course
• Missinaibi Leadership – 32 day Canoe Leadership Expedition
• Urban Discovery – 15 day Toronto Urban Adventure
The Outward Bound Canada - RBC National Youth Leadership Scholarship is availablefor Aboriginal youth (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) aged 15 – 19. Priority will be givento youth who are actively playing a leadership role within their community.
Scholarship recipients receive full tuition toa 14 – 36 day Outward Bound Canadawilderness course in the summer of 2013.This scholarship gives participants thechance to develop their own uniqueleadership potential, to interact withmotivated peers, to cultivate valuable lifeskills and to discover their own strengths,abilities and gifts while traveling in some ofCanada's most inspiring wilderness areas.
Scholarships are available for the following courses:
British Columbia:
• West Coast Discovery – 21 day Coastal Sea Kayaking expedition
• West Coast Youth Leadership – 21 day Multi-element Leadership expedition
· Mountain Instructor Development Program – 36 day Intensive Leadership Course
World Water Day - March 22
Water Cooperation
Water cooperation is a foundation for peace and sustainable development. Water cooperation contributes to poverty reduction and equity, creates economic benefits, helps preserve water resources and protect the environment, and builds peace.
To focus attention on this important subject the celebrations for World Water Day on 22 March 2013 will take place around the world with the theme of water cooperation.
This year on World Water Day...
"International Year of Water Cooperation"
Monday, March 11, 2013
From coast to coast, UPS Canada celebrates International Women's Day
From coast to coast, UPS Canada celebrates International Women's Day
Women's Leadership Development program collects non-perishable food items in support of local food banks.
MISSISSAUGA, ON, March 8, 2013 /CNW/ - Around the world on March 8th, charitable and government organizations, educational institutions, women's groups, corporations and the media celebrate International Women's Day (IWD). The recognition and observance of this day demonstrates the positive evolution towards the economic, political and social achievements of women. IWD has been honoured since the early 1900s and now, thousands of events are hosted to inspire and acknowledge women's successes during the month of March. Throughout the decades the same message lives on; inspire and celebrate the accomplishments of all women.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The People's Library in Manitoba
The People's Library
The Foundation Fighting Blindness
About The Foundation Fighting Blindness
Our Vision
To restore the gift of sight to people living with genetic forms of blindness.
Our Mission
To find the causes, treatments and ultimately the cures for retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration and related retinal diseases by supporting research and public awareness.
Three Decades of Funding Groundbreaking Vision Research...
The Foundation Fighting Blindness is a Canadian health charity that was founded in 1974 by a small group of families intent on finding a cure for the disease robbing their children of sight. At that time retinitis pigmentosa, macular degeneration and other retinal dystrophies were thought to be incurable. Undaunted, these families enlisted the support of Canada's leading medical scientists and set to work collecting money for vision research. From these humble beginnings, The Foundation Fighting Blindness has grown to become Canada's leading private supporter of retina research, having given more than $21.4 million to groundbreaking eye research taking place at universities and hospitals across the country.
Pushing the Frontiers of Medical Science to Find Cures...
Over the last 30 years, The Foundation Fighting Blindness has funded dozens of research discoveries to identify the causes of genetic forms of blindness. These discoveries have helped bring scientists to this very exciting time in vision research. Today marks the first time that a treatment exists to prevent vision loss and restore some vision for those with an eye disease called 'wet' age-related macular degeneration (AMD) - and the first time human trials exist to reverse blindness in certain patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). To read more about the latest discovery, please click here.
Building a Supportive Community to Fight Blindness...
The FFB is not just an organization, we are a community. Diverse and thriving, we represent hundreds of volunteers, thousands of individuals and families affected by retinal eye diseases and scores of Canadian scientists seeking cures for blindness.
This web site is intended to provide our community with information about current advances in vision research and the research initiatives being funded by our donors. We strive to provide clear information about all of our activities and events and about today's vision science.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Latest Study: A full-time school librarian makes a critical difference in boosting student achievement
By Debra E. Kachel and Keith Curry Lance on March 7, 2013
The role of the school library program and academic standards. This is the first statewide study to assess the roles of librarians in teaching the American Association of School Librarians' (AASL) Standards for the 21st-Century Learner as well as Common Core standards. We and our associates at RSL Research Group in Louisville, CO, surveyed more than 1,850 librarians, teachers, and school administrators to determine the extent to which these standards are addressed by school library programs and the instruction by librarians. To verify their perceptions, survey results were then correlated with the reading and writing scores of the respondents' schools. This study provides the first evidence that what librarians teach both addresses academic standards and impacts students' standardized test scores.
• These relationships are especially strong for the Pennsylvania/Common Core standards for English language arts and reading and writing for history and social studies.
• Notably, the positive association of the librarian's role in teaching AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner with "Advanced" writing scores is dramatically higher than with "Advanced" reading scores.
• Consistently, students are less likely to score "Below Basic" on reading and writing in schools in which administrators, teachers, and librarians assess as "excellent" the library program's teaching of inquiry-based learning.
Consistently, reading and writing scores are better for students who have a full-time certified librarian than those who don't. Students who are economically disadvantaged, black, Hispanic, and have IEPs (i.e., students with disabilities) benefit proportionally more than students generally. These findings suggest that staffing libraries with certified librarians can help close achievement gaps. What are some of the other key findings?
• Students who are poor, minority, and have IEPs, but who have full-time librarians, are at least twice as likely to have "Advanced" writing scores as their counterparts without full-time librarians.
This study adds to the evidence that all K–12 students need and deserve quality school library programs with full-time certified staff. Students are more likely to succeed when they have library programs that are well staffed, well funded, technologically well equipped, well stocked, and more accessible. And, the neediest learners may benefit the most from trained librarians and quality library programs.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC)
Wednesday, 27 February 2013 09:58 | |
CRFC invites applications for second round of Radiometres Ottawa – Following a fantastic launch of the funding program Radiometres last summer, the Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC) is excited to once again call for applications from campus and community radio. Radiometres aims to achieve three long-term outcomes for the sector: strong local programming, participation and training of volunteers, and community engagement. With this outcomes-based approach, stations can propose funding for a variety of activities. "It was really good to see the interest in Radiometres last year, and to see the seeds planted for growing a program that truly meets the needs of the sector," says Jean-François Côté, CRFC president. "There is already a great mix of projects that are contributing to the outcomes – outcomes that are geared not only for campus and community radio stations but for the broadcasting system and each and every one of us in Canada." During the first round of funding, nearly $1 million was distributed to 56 campus and community radio stations across the country. Projects included establishing a local news department, creating a training program using online resources and videos, and offering production sessions in remote communities. "Many stations have already mentioned the positive impact of the Radiometres funding on their station and communities, but a lot of work stills needs to be done to increase to viability and sustainability of the sector," says Melissa Kaestner, CRFC executive director. "What's interesting with Radiometres is that the program can meet core needs of stations, such as hiring the first paid station manager, as well as some specialized initiatives, like volunteer training on the use of mobile broadcasting technologies," she adds. Detailed information on Radiometres and how to complete an application form can be found in the application guidelines (see Available Programs). Stations have until April 4, 2013 to submit their application. The funding for Radiometres is provided by Canada's private radio broadcasters through a portion of their Canadian Content Development (CCD) contributions, a funding mechanism established by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC).These contributions will play an important part in strengthening the campus and community sector of the Canadian broadcasting system. |
Transformation of Skills Key to Success
Transformation of Skills Key to Success for Internal Auditors, Reveals Report
Robert Half, The Institute of Internal Auditors Identify Seven Attributes of Highly Effective Professionals
MENLO PARK, Calif., March 7, 2013 /CNW/ - Internal auditors looking to gain a professional edge will want to sharpen a number of non-technical skills, according to a new white paper just released by Robert Half and The Institute of Internal Auditors. Succeeding as a 21st Century Internal Auditor: 7 Attributes of Highly Effective Internal Auditors outlines the qualities that have emerged as essential for practitioners in a constantly shifting business environment.
The white paper is co-authored by Richard Chambers, president and CEO of The Institute of Internal Auditors, and Paul McDonald, senior executive director of Robert Half. Audit executives from global organizations representing diverse industries -- including financial services, manufacturing, defense and retail -- contributed their insights to the report.
The seven attributes essential for success are:
- Integrity
- A talent for relationship-building
- Ability to partner
- Communication abilities
- Teamwork
- Openness to diverse perspectives
- Commitment to continuous learning
Grant-making Funds by
Grant-making Funds
UN Women provides grants to fuel innovative, high-impact programmes by government agencies and civil society groups through two funds—the Fund for Gender Equality and the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. A multi-donor initiative, the Fund for Gender Equality is dedicated to programmes that increase women's economic opportunities and/or political participation at local and national levels. Managed by UN Women on behalf of the UN system, the UN Trust Fund works to stop all of the diverse forms of gender-based violence that undercut women's rights around the world.
Read more:
Fund for Gender Equality
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
International Women’s Day: A promise is a promise
For Immediate Release
March 7, 2013
La version française ci-dessous
International Women's Day: A promise is a promise
Since 1975 the United Nations has declared March 8th as International Women's Day (IWD). Each year this day is set aside to celebrate the rights of women, build towards greater equality and honour the contributions of women to international peace and security. This day is also an opportunity to congregate efforts and resources used to elevate the status of women around the world. The 2013 IWD theme is 'A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women.'
Given this call to fulfil the promise of ending violence against women, the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) and Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) join together, with those from across Canada, in calling for the Government of Canada to convene a national public inquiry into violence against Indigenous women and girls.
"A national public inquiry is necessary to openly address the root causes of systemic violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada" states Dr. Carolyn Campbell, CASWE President. "It is time for real action and commitment to ending violence against Indigenous women and girls."
Despite recent overwhelming evidence of discrimination and widespread violence against Indigenous women and girls, the Government of Canada has yet to seriously address, acknowledge and commit to protecting marginalized Canadians.
"Unfortunately rather than supporting research and services to better understand the experience of violence against women, the funding to Indigenous organizations committed to researching and stopping the violence has been eliminated" states CASW President, Morel Caissie. "This is an issue that should heighten concern of all Canadians."
Dr. Marleny Bonnycastle Fred Phelps
CASWE Chair, Women's Caucus CASW, Executive Director
Tel: 204 677 1455 613-729-6668
munozm@cc.umanitoba.caWednesday, March 6, 2013
Montreal International Poetry Prize
The Montreal Prize launched its first poetry competition in March 2011 and awarded $50,000 to Australian poet Mark Tredinnick. The 2011 Global Poetry Anthology is a solid collection that garnered excellent reviews. It includes unknown voices alongside celebrated poets from around the world. Internationally acclaimed American artist Eric Fischl responded to one poem in the anthology with a watercolour painting.
As the Montreal Prize is a grassroots non-profit running its second competition, we're appealing to libraries interested in promoting poetry to help spread the word. We're hoping that once you've had a look at our website at, you'll consider informing your members about this ambitious, fun and inspiring new project for poets everywhere.
Here's a short blurb for posting or emailing: Get your poems ready! The not-for-profit Montreal International Poetry Prize is offering $20,000 for one original, unpublished poem of no longer than 40 lines written in English. Deadline is May 15, 2013. Online entries only. Entry fees vary. Please visit for details.
If a US Letter sized poster may be of help in spreading the word, we have one available for printing here: The poster also lists the international team of 10 editors who will be selecting submissions for the 2013 Global Poetry Anthology.
Kind regards,
The Montreal Prize Team