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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Enhancing Industry Engagement by Maskwacis Employment Center on Sept 27

The Enhancing Industry Engagement was organized by Maskwacis Employment Centre (MEC).  I learned about  the First Nations culture of hearing voices, the contribution of FN communities to enrich our land, kinship and help to families, plus support system in place, and respect for elders. Hobbema my dear friends is the Free Trade Zone of Alberta and is full of opportunities. MEC helps employers and the FN people. Call them right now if you are looking for employees to join your team. MEC has a real time database of trained workforce ready to work!

I applied some of the learning to the following proposal to set up a library, literacy services, computer training and a cultural art cafe in Hobbema.

Call me at 780 352 1633 or contact by email  at if you are interested in joining the planning committee.