The purpose of this blog is to share program ideas, resources, funding opportunities, grant deadlines, encourage partnerships, literacy initiatives, and tap into the technology trends.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Understanding the FASD framework and the support system in communities
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Enhancing Industry Engagement by Maskwacis Employment Center on Sept 27
I applied some of the learning to the following proposal to set up a library, literacy services, computer training and a cultural art cafe in Hobbema.
Call me at 780 352 1633 or contact by email at if you are interested in joining the planning committee.
Monday, September 26, 2011
High energy presentation by Monica Knight on September 26
I came out of the workshop charged, energized, refreshed and felt fantastic! Call me and I will share Monicas principles and help your organization and staff achieve 200% balance in life and work.
Manisha Khetarpal
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
ECMAP meeting at Parentlink at 2:30 p.m.
Interagency meeting, September 21, 9 am
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Presentation at the Genealogical Society
And, on my way back my friend who is a teacher was coming back from her yoga class and she gave me a ride and we explored ways in which I could visit her class and do puppet shows about bullying plus Festival of Lights presentation.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Essential Skills celebration and door prize draw on September 24
Reading is a essential skill.
We will be giving away books at the grocery shopping centres, schools, parks and in the community during September 19-24.
Celebrate Essential Skills Day and support workplace education in your organization!
Read more at:
- What's happening at the public library
- What is happening at the national level
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Communicating with First Nations People workshop in Hobbema
Friday, September 9, 2011
FASD Gathering
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Intercultural communications feedback
Letter of Support
The Wetaskiwin Public Library is applying for the New Horizons for Seniors Program federal grant for 2012. The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) is a federal grants program that supports projects led or inspired by seniors who make a difference in the lives of others and in their communities. The program supports projects addressing the following objectives:
· promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations;
· engaging seniors in the community through the mentoring of others;
· supporting the social participation and inclusion of seniors.
The funds will be used by the Wetaskiwin Public Library in the following ways:
· purchasing resources for the homebound service delivery program
· arranging for transport expenses for seniors to attend the programs at the library
· cover expenses for guest speaker presentation series
I am requesting for a letter of support to go along with our application that is due on Monday, September 12
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Library booth at the Parade of Programs: registration and informing our citizens about the learning and networking possibilities

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Volunteered at TALES Storytelling Festival
Friday, September 2, 2011
Capacity building by networking with our Museum
I planted the seed for the Human Library at the Museum. The museum has the primary information and many of their exhibits are of international standards. I shared information about Alberta Arts Days.
Sylvia Larson, board member and volunteer at the museum advised me when I came to Wetaskiwin in 2010 to, 'Go out to people,' That's what I did and it is a satisfying and fulfilling experience serving and working with my community. Read my service framework by visting the following page
Thursday, September 1, 2011
September is Library Card Sign Up month: Presentation at Touchstone Place
1. How a resident can get a library card
2. Distributed posters, handouts and flyer's
3. Rules and regulations for computer use
4. Social network and gatherings
5. Demonstration of Overdrive ebooks (Project Gutenberg)
6. The posed the question, 'Why is the library organizing FASD Gathering on September 9?'
The response from my particpants was, 'Library is reaching out. That's great. We like it.'
My audience was 10-12 people with a above average IQ. The participants shared with me information about different types of mental health conditions. The members shared with me the different places they had traveled in their life. Some were from BC and some from Alberta. They told me about their past work. Some had traveled to Japan, Florida, and Jamaica. A person had taught English language as a volunteer for more than 25 years. This participant told me that he tried to teach the language with the things the student is familar with and told me about 'pinjiri.' This a traditional dish cooked in northern India with whole wheat, nuts, many healthy ingredients cooked in ghee.
We all had lunch together and I had an opportunity to tour the place. I was informed about their mandate, funding, board, and members. It helped me understand my community and the framework in which this organization operates and ways in which I can help the library fit-in the life of the members of Touchstone Place. I was impressed with the support network.
The participants asked many interesting questions such as, 'Which are the libraries who are part of our regional network? How to access ebooks?' Some participants would like to come for some of the events at the library and told me to remind them by telephone on the day of the event.
The question is: 'Who was educating whom?' It was a mutually respectful sharing experience. I plan to take some resources once a month and maybe start a discussion group.