Canon and Evergreen have partnered to offer the Take Root program, which provides funding for stewardship and restoration activities across Canada.
Amount offered: $5,000 and a Canon PowerShot camera
Application deadline: May 31, 2013, 5pm.
Applications must be received by Evergreen by the stated deadline. Late and electronically sumitted applications will not be accepted.
Eligible Projects
To be eligible, projects must provide community members with opportunities including:
- Planting native tree and/or shrub species (at least 250)*
- At least one tree planting event in the Fall 2013 planting season (September-November 2013)
Additional Project components may include:
- Stewardship activities, such as invasive species removal, mulching and site maintenance
- Monitoring activities, such as plant survival rates and wildlife species observation
- Public education, such as site tours and installing interpretive signage
- Community development projects involving diverse communities
* For a list of native plants in your region, visit Evergreen's native plant database. Applicants are encouraged to consult local ecologists to determine appropriate native plant species for projects and to source local genetic stock where possible in order to foster biodiversity.
Eligible Expenses
Funding can be spent on:
- Native tree and/or shrub species
- Gardening supplies such as soil, mulch, compost and hand tools
- Educational and communications materials such as signage, flyers and press releases
- Volunteer expenses such as refreshments, awards and honoraria
- Health and safety supplies
- Transportation (car or truck rental, delivery of materials/supplies)
- Staff wages, salary for professional consulting services, or project coordination, to a maximum of $1,000 of funds awarded through this program
Ineligible Projects and Expenses
- Schools (elementary and secondary), government agencies, businesses, individuals are NOT eligible for funding
- Projects developed on land belonging to a school board. School ground greening and food garden projects are only eligible for funding through the Toyota Evergreen School Ground Greening Grants program
- Projects occurring on privately owned property that is not publicly accessible
- Projects that do not use native plants exclusively and do not promote organic practices
- Projects (or portions thereof) completed before the application is reviewed
- Construction and excavation contractor costs
- Technical or scientific reports and studies
For a full list of what's eligible and what's not, please see our Application Guide below.
How to Apply
Please review the Application Guide and our Proposal Writing Tips for essential information on completing your application.
- 2013 Application Guide (PDF, 512 kB)
- 2013 Application Form (Word Doc, 1,327 kB)
Fill out the application, attach all required materials, and send it in by mail or courier. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. Applications must be received at the Evergreen office by May 31, 2013, 5pm. Late applications will not be accepted.
Grant Recipient Responsibilities
If your project is selected, you will be asked to sign a Grant Recipient Contract indicating your commitment to:
- Organize and host a tree planting event in the Fall 2013 planting season (September-November)
- Certify that you will obtain all necessary regulatory permits and approvals
- Submit "before-and-after" photos, photos of community planting event(s) using the Canon PowerShot camera awarded with the grant
- Submit a final report to Evergreen by December 20, 2013 and have all redceipts for grant related expenses available for submission if requested
- Agree to participate, if requested, in the promotion of your project (e.g. press releases or other media events) locally and/or nationally, in conjunction with Evergreen and Canon
Each year, Evergreen receives more eligible applications than we are able to fund. While we would like to support all eligible projects, please note that we may not have sufficient funds to do so.
Ellen Kaross - Assistant, National Programs
Toll-free: 1-888-426-3138 x312
In Toronto: 416-596-1495 x312