The mission for ANPC is "to effectively promote the value of native plants and habitats through education, research, advocacy and getting our hands dirty." From time to time, funds beyond those needed to run the organization become available. As this occurs, they may be distributed, at the discretion of the board, through the ANPC Small Grants Program. Any proposed projects must further goals and objectives of the Society.
Grants may be given for research, study and appreciation of native plants supporting plant conservation.
The following:
- Maximum amount of grant $1000
- Purpose:
- stimulate research, conservation and education activities that help foster appreciation of Alberta native plants
- intended to promoted conservation
- must be consistent with the goals and objectives of the society
- Grant MAY cover the following:
- travel, meals and lodging costs directly related to the project
- costs of supplies and services (e.g.. photocopying) directly related to the project
- Grant WILL NOT cover the following:
- equipment purchase
- expenses that are not essential to the project
- The grant will NOT NORMALLY cover wages, although some exceptions may apply