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Friday, May 31, 2013



Information Session June 05, 2013 Edmonton, AB


On June 5, Inspirit will be in Edmonton to share information about this granting program. Visit to join the information session and to apply for the grants. These are grants for community projects that bring together young people of different spiritual, religious and secular beliefs. 


The Inspirit Foundation is now accepting applications for its Pluralism Grants - Community Impact Program. The grants support projects that bring together young adults (aged 18-30) of different spiritual, religious and secular beliefs to create positive change in our communities.


Grants of up to $25,000 will be provided to registered charitable organizations and First Nations bands across Canada. Proposed projects should address three areas: learning, collaboration and youth leadership. Examples of eligible initiatives include: arts, culture & media projects; community development and civic engagement programs; local environmental initiatives; youth leadership initiatives; knowledge/skills development programs.


About the Inspirit Foundation: The Inspirit Foundation is a national, grant-making organization that supports young people aged 18 to 30 in building a more inclusive and pluralist Canada. You can find us on Twitter @InspiritFdn and on


Applicant Contact: Gwen Joy


Telephone: 416.644.3600, ext. 4

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Seniors as web users

In 2002, the United States had an estimated 4.2 million Internet users over the age of 65. As of 2012, this number had grown to 19 million American seniors on the Internet,  for a growth rate of 16% per year throughout this decade.

The Free Little Library by Stereotank

Recently installed in New York's Nolita neighborhood the Free Little Library is a temporary outdoor shelving unit that functions as a free library. The clever design protects the books from the weather while allowing people to duck under a cover to see what's available. The library was designed by Venezuelan design firm Stereotank as part of a collaboration with the Architectural League of New York and the Pen World Voices Festival who have selected 10 designers to build miniature free libraries in downtown Manhattan through September. Can't wait to see the rest. (via designboom)

Sketchbook Project


The Sketchbook Project is a global, crowd-sourced art project and interactive, traveling exhibition of handmade books. Our mission is to allow anyone to be able to participate in art and to create a collection of work that represents the current state of artists worldwide.

We travel the continent with sketchbooks from artists all over the world. The best part is, anyone can join!

Wanna participate? Anyone, from anywhere is welcome to participate in The Sketchbook Project. Sign up, get a book and send it back.

We offer educational discounts. We have had schools from Kansas to Sudan participate in the project. Get your class signed up today!

Track our adventure. Chances are we are going to be headed to a city near you sometime soon. Follow along with us!

Connect a new sketchbook! Just get your book in the mail? Buy a new sketchbook in person? Connect it to your account here.

We have 3 libraries. Find out more info about Brooklyn Art Library, Mobile Library, and The Digital Library.

We create projects, and communities. We create lots of different projects. We have something for everyone!

June 1st is Intergenerational Day

What Is Intergenerational lmmersion?

Intergenerational immersion is defined as any situation whereby different generations interface within each others' living/working space. For example, if a youth group enters a care home to participate with elders in some way, this is intergenerational immersion. If elders visit a school to participate as an audience for a student concert, this is intergenerational immersion. In each case, connecting of the participant groups is intentional, with specific intergenerational goals in mind. The resulting connections are rich and hold hope for future communities through sharing.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Kids Write Club (KWC) literacy program

The Kids Write Club (KWC) literacy program was created by entrepreneur and author Helen Georgaklis to encourage children to find their voice through writing. Its mission is to get as many children putting fingers to pen at an early age. Successfully integrated at Gerald McShane Elementary, it helped children deal with issues such as bullying. "Kids can't say some things, but can write about them," says GeorgakIis. "The KWC literacy program increases literacy rates, helps children identify conflicts and challenges, and find solutions. I wanted to introduce it to young patients in a hospital setting because it is also very therapeutic."

The Kids Write Club (KWC) literacy program, a subsidiary of the 99 Series, was piloted at The Montreal Children's Hospital. Claudia has written a story of inspiration, courage and determination. The proceeds from the book will go to Claudia's tribute fund at the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation for the hematology/oncology department to help other young patients.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Alberta Native Plant Council Small Grants Program

The mission for ANPC is "to effectively promote the value of native plants and habitats through education, research, advocacy and getting our hands dirty." From time to time, funds beyond those needed to run the organization become available. As this occurs, they may be distributed, at the discretion of the board, through the ANPC Small Grants Program. Any proposed projects must further goals and objectives of the Society.

Grants may be given for research, study and appreciation of native plants supporting plant conservation.

The following:

  • Maximum amount of grant $1000
  • Purpose:
    • stimulate research, conservation and education activities that help foster appreciation of Alberta native plants
    • intended to promoted conservation
    • must be consistent with the goals and objectives of the society
  • Grant MAY cover the following:
    • travel, meals and lodging costs directly related to the project
    • costs of supplies and services (e.g.. photocopying) directly related to the project
  • Grant WILL NOT cover the following:
    • equipment purchase
    • expenses that are not essential to the project
  • The grant will NOT NORMALLY cover wages, although some exceptions may apply

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Red Bear Healing Home

About Us
Red Bear Healing Home is a non-profit society registered with the Province of Nova Scotia (June 23, 2011). Red Bear Healing Home is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by an Executive Director.


Building Respect for all Life through Sustainable Living


Red Bear Healing Home upholds the following principles:

Saturday, May 25, 2013

He says, she says: gender gap persists in attitudes toward women's advancement in the workplace

OTTAWA, May 15, 2013 /CNW/ - Attitudes about advancing women into senior management roles are still polarized along gender lines. Men in senior executive positions appear to be the least concerned about increasing the number of women in the top ranks of organizations.

Yet the stagnating advancement of women to senior positions in recent decades may be due to more than the attitudes of men. A new Conference Board of Canada report finds that a gap in opportunities between women and men emerges early in their respective careers - at the first level of management. Compared to men, women are less likely to feel they can obtain line management responsibilities, creating an experience gap at the earliest stages of their management careers.

Further, both women and men were of the view that leadership development and human resource management programs were not serving their intended purposes - identifying and developing the next generation of leadership candidates.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Changes to immigration rules are a boon to international student recruitment

Changes to immigration rules are a boon to international student recruitment

Fastest growing economic immigrant class is Canadian Experience Class, which favours foreign graduates of Canadian universities for permanent residency.

by Rosanna Tamburri

Number of international students in Canada. Source: Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

International students have become an increasingly integral part of Canada's immigration strategy as a result of ongoing changes to federal regulations aimed at recruiting more highly skilled newcomers to the country.

The federal government has made incremental revisions to immigration rules in recent years designed to tap into this desirable pool of potential immigrants, said Harald Bauder, academic director of Ryerson University's Centre for Immigration and Settlement. It's been "a creeping transition" away from a system that assesses would-be economic migrants on a points system towards a two-step process that admits international students and foreign skilled workers on a temporary basis before allowing them to transition to permanent residency status.

"It's not a reform that's been passed by Parliament," Dr. Bauder said. "It's an incremental approach.  And if you put all the different puzzle pieces together, then you end up with a different [immigration] system."

Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) Call for Proposals deadline is July 5, 2013

New Horizons for Seniors Program

The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) supports projects led or inspired by seniors who make a difference in the lives of others and their communities. Through the NHSP, the Harper government encourages seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experiences to the benefit of others.
Community-based projects must address one or more of the program's five objectives: volunteering, mentoring, expanding awareness of elder abuse, social participation and capital assistance.
The call for proposals will close on July 5, 2013, for all of Canada, except Quebec. The Quebec call will close on September 6, 2013, to coincide with a provincial call for proposals.
Since its beginning, the NHSP has funded more than 12 200 projects in hundreds of communities across Canada. The NHSP recently approved over 1 750 community-based projects through the 2012–2013 call for proposals.
For more information on the NHSP, please visit

"Relationship creates accountability and responsibility for sustained supportive action" Stephanie Irlbacher-Fox (Scholar)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Canon and Evergreen have partnered to offer the Take Root program

Canon and Evergreen have partnered to offer the Take Root program, which provides funding for stewardship and restoration activities across Canada.

Amount offered: $5,000 and a Canon PowerShot camera

Application deadline: May 31, 2013, 5pm.
Applications must be received by Evergreen by the stated deadline. Late and electronically sumitted applications will not be accepted.

Eligible Projects

To be eligible, projects must provide community members with opportunities including:

  • Planting native tree and/or shrub species (at least 250)*
  • At least one tree planting event in the Fall 2013 planting season (September-November 2013)

Additional Project components may include:

  • Stewardship activities, such as invasive species removal, mulching and site maintenance
  • Monitoring activities, such as plant survival rates and wildlife species observation
  • Public education, such as site tours and installing interpretive signage
  • Community development projects involving diverse communities

* For a list of native plants in your region, visit Evergreen's native plant database. Applicants are encouraged to consult local ecologists to determine appropriate native plant species for projects and to source local genetic stock where possible in order to foster biodiversity.

Eligible Expenses

Funding can be spent on:

  • Native tree and/or shrub species
  • Gardening supplies such as soil, mulch, compost and hand tools
  • Educational and communications materials such as signage, flyers and press releases
  • Volunteer expenses such as refreshments, awards and honoraria
  • Health and safety supplies
  • Transportation (car or truck rental, delivery of materials/supplies)
  • Staff wages, salary for professional consulting services, or project coordination, to a maximum of $1,000 of funds awarded through this program

Ineligible Projects and Expenses

  • Schools (elementary and secondary), government agencies, businesses, individuals are NOT eligible for funding
  • Projects developed on land belonging to a school board. School ground greening and food garden projects are only eligible for funding through the Toyota Evergreen School Ground Greening Grants program
  • Projects occurring on privately owned property that is not publicly accessible
  • Projects that do not use native plants exclusively and do not promote organic practices
  • Projects (or portions thereof) completed before the application is reviewed
  • Construction and excavation contractor costs
  • Technical or scientific reports and studies

For a full list of what's eligible and what's not, please see our Application Guide below.

How to Apply

Please review the Application Guide and our Proposal Writing Tips for essential information on completing your application.

Fill out the application, attach all required materials, and send it in by mail or courier. Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted. Applications must be received at the Evergreen office by May 31, 2013, 5pm. Late applications will not be accepted.

Grant Recipient Responsibilities

If your project is selected, you will be asked to sign a Grant Recipient Contract indicating your commitment to:

  • Organize and host a tree planting event in the Fall 2013 planting season (September-November)
  • Certify that you will obtain all necessary regulatory permits and approvals
  • Submit "before-and-after" photos, photos of community planting event(s) using the Canon PowerShot camera awarded with the grant
  • Submit a final report to Evergreen by December 20, 2013 and have all redceipts for grant related expenses available for submission if requested
  • Agree to participate, if requested, in the promotion of your project (e.g. press releases or other media events) locally and/or nationally, in conjunction with Evergreen and Canon

Each year, Evergreen receives more eligible applications than we are able to fund. While we would like to support all eligible projects, please note that we may not have sufficient funds to do so.


If you have further questions, please contact:
Ellen Kaross - Assistant, National Programs
Toll-free: 1-888-426-3138 x312
In Toronto: 416-596-1495 x312

The 3M Health Leadership Award deadline June 28, 2013

Nominate your community leader today!

Leaders are our neighbours, colleagues, friends and family.

Many leaders go unrecognized but their efforts are felt deep in the heart of our communities. These leaders understand that health starts where we live, learn, work and play.

The 3M Health Leadership Award honours leaders who have a significant impact on the health and well-being of their community.

Nominate your community leader

DEADLINE: June 28, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Harper Government conducting consultations on Canada Job Grant across the country

Toronto, Ontario, May 14, 2013— The Honourable Peter Van Loan, Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, on behalf of the Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, today announced a series of cross-Canada roundtable discussions with stakeholders on the new Canada Job Grant, an Economic Action Plan 2013 initiative that will create jobs by transforming the way Canadians receive skills training.

"Through Economic Action Plan 2013, the Harper Government continues to create jobs and pave the way for long-term prosperity by putting skills training front and centre," said Minister Van Loan. "The Canada Job Grant will take skills-training choices out of the hands of government and put them where they belong: in the hands of employers with unfilled jobs and Canadians who want to work."

This week, Members of Parliament will conduct over 20 consultations across the country for a broad range of input from employers, labour organizations, training institutions, industries and regions across the country. The consultations provide an opportunity for stakeholders to inform the design and implementation of the Canada Job Grant, which will be introduced as part of the renewal of the Labour Market Agreements, negotiated between the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories.

The Grant will transform the way Canadians receive training by placing skills training decisions in the hands of employers and Canadian workers. It could provide $15,000 or more per person, including a maximum $5,000 federal contribution and matching contributions from provinces/territories and employers. Once it is fully implemented, nearly 130 000 Canadians each year will have better access to the training they need for a new or better job or to reskill for their current job.

Economic Action Plan 2013 proposes new measures to connect Canadians with available jobs and equip them with the skills and training they need. These include the Canada Job Grant, creating opportunities for apprentices and providing support to under-represented groups, including persons with disabilities, youth, Aboriginal peoples and newcomers.

For more information, visit


The EMC Heritage Trust Project recognizes and supports the digitization of the world's information heritage in local communities.

You could win a grant of up to $15,000 for heritage digitization! We're awarding grants to those practicing and inspiring stewardship in their communities in a variety of countries. Project Submissions will be accepted starting May 8,2013.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Canada has “labour mismatch,” not a labour shortage, researcher says

The author of a new study of the federal temporary foreign worker program says the program should be scaled back in favour of better preparing Canadians to fill the nation's workforce.

Kevin McQuillan, a professor at the University of Calgary's school of public policy calls the notion of a general labour shortage "a fallacy," though he concedes certain industries and regions — including Alberta — have a legitimate need for temporary foreign workers.

"Alberta, and Saskatchewan to some extent, are at one end of the spectrum ... and one of the reasons I'm not a supporter of ending the temporary foreign worker program," McQuillan said.

In 2012, the federal government admitted 213,516 temporary foreign workers to the country. It's estimated there are more than 70,000 temporary foreign workers in Alberta, behind only Ontario and B.C.

Employers across the board in Alberta, from highly skilled trades in the oil and gas industry to service industry employers who run restaurants and gas stations, have said they need temporary foreign workers to fill positions they can't find Canadians for.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Omega Foundation develops and supports initiatives that promote financial self-sufficiency through microfinance SmartSAVER

The Omega Foundation develops and supports initiatives that promote financial self-sufficiency through microfinance and enhancing the savings capacity and financial literacy of low-income families. In addition, the foundation supports the development of philanthropic responses to community needs using capital endowments as one way to ensure long-term solutions are found to meet pressing community needs.

Omega was originally founded to raise endowment capital to help fund the operations and programs of Calmeadow, a Canadian charity and leader in the field of microfinance.


SmartSAVER is an initiative of The Omega Foundation that seeks to strengthen low-income Canadian families' ability to save for their children's post-secondary education.

With the costs of enrolment rapidly escalating at a pace in excess of inflation, more and more low-income children and their families see the opportunity to attend college or university as an illusive dream. Yet, even a modest amount of savings set aside for education significantly increases the rate of participation.

With a three-year pilot project now under way in Toronto, the foundation is working with its partners to increase the level of awareness and participation among low-income families in the federal government's Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) program and the supplementary Canada Learning Bond.

Funding partners include the Federal Government through HRSDC, the McConnell Family Foundation, the Trillium Foundation, the George Cedric Metcalf Foundation and ScotiaBank. Program partners include the YMCA, Working Women's Community Centre, The United Way, Royal Bank, and Maytree Foundation.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Addictions Education grant Supported by the Research and Education Foundation of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Norlien Foundation

Supported by the Research and Education Foundation of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Norlien Foundation

Created in 1997, the Norlien Foundation is a proactive private foundation with offices in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta. The Foundation is active in knowledge translation and mobilization, professional development and training, applied research, evaluation, and networking. The Foundation initiates strategic projects to enhance the quality of life for all Canadians.

The Research and Education Foundation (REF) of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) has established a partnership with the Norlien Foundation to provide grants to promote education in the area of addictions. The grants are intended to build capacity and knowledge translation and integration of both early intervention and chronic disease paradigms. These grants will support family physician CFPC members in good standing and family medicine residents to attend sessions on addictions at the CFPC's Family Medicine Forum (FMF).


Applications must reach the CFPC National Office by May 15, 2013.

Selection process

Members of the CFPC Addiction Medicine Program Committee will collaborate with representatives from the Norlien Foundation to select the recipients for these scholarships. The results will be forwarded to the national Honours & Awards Committee for final approval. All applicants will be notified of results in July 2013.