Reading and success are inextricably linked. Those who read well and widely throughout their lifetimes are much more likely to achieve success and satisfaction in life. Our nation was founded on the written word, and reading is fundamental to maintaining our dynamic democracy.
The Library of Congress Literacy Awards is a new program that will recognize and support individuals and institutions in the United States and abroad that have made significant contributions to combating illiteracy and aliteracy (having the ability to read but simply not exercising the skill).
The literacy awards program is administered by the Library's Center for the Book. Final selection of prize winners will be made by the Librarian of Congress, who will solicit recommendations from literacy experts on an Advisory Board.
Beginning in 2013, three prizes will be awarded annually:
- The David M. Rubenstein Prize ($150,000), for a groundbreaking contribution to the sustained advancement of literacy by any individual or entity worldwide
- The American Prize ($50,000), for a project developed and implemented during the past decade with special emphasis on combating aliteracy
- The International Prize ($50,000), for the work of an individual, nation or nongovernmental organization working in a specific country or region
All applications must be complete and received by midnight (in Washington, D.C.), April 15, 2013. You will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received.
Please send all completed applications and inquiries to