Join the Autism Society in getting involved with the autism community this April. April 2014 is National Autism Awareness Month (NAAM) 2014.
How is it celebrated?
- Presidential/Congressional declarations
- Online events and activities
- Local events and activities through affiliates
- Partner opportunities
- Create your own National Autism Awareness Month event
What can I do?
- Place the NAAM logo badge on your blog, Facebook profile, Twitter page or other social media site! Customize it to include your logo too!
- Download a toolkit of visual and content resources to help you celebrate National Autism Awareness Month!
- Create your own National Autism Awareness Month event!
- Sign up for e-newsletter Autism Matters to continue sharing ideas on how to make a better world for autism here.
- Share your experience/stories with NAAM or autism with us!
Put on the Puzzle! The Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon is the most recognized symbol of the autism community in the world. Autism prevalence is now one in every 68 children in America. Show your support for people with autism by wearing the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon – as a pin on your shirt, a magnet on your car, a badge on your blog, or even your Facebook profile picture – and educate folks on the potential of people with autism! To learn more about the Autism Awareness Ribbon, click here. To purchase the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon for your shirt, car, locker or refrigerator, click here.
Make a difference. Contact your representatives at the state and federal levels and ask them to “Vote 4 Autism.” For more information about this legislation and to take action to support it, visit
Connect with your neighborhood. Many Autism Society local affiliates hold special events in their communities throughout the month of April. But if you can’t find an event that suits you just right, create your own!
Watch a movie. Did you know that something that seems as simple as going to the movies is not an option for many families affected by autism? The Autism Society is working with AMC Theatres to bring special-needs families Sensory Friendly Films every month.