Watershed Champions Award
The RBC-Evergreen Watershed Champions Award recognizes classes that demonstrate learning about their local watershed and action to care for it. The award is open to Canadian classes from Kindergarten to Grade 9. Applications must be submitted by Friday, April 18, 2014.
For the 2013–2014 school year, nine awards are available:
- 1 Canadian Award (Grades K–9) – $3,500
- 4 Regional Elementary Awards (Grades K–6) – $2,500
- 4 Regional Intermediate Awards (Grades 7–9) – $2,500
The award is open to Canadian classes from Kindergarten to Grade 9 in publicly funded schools.
Multiple classes may collaborate on lessons and submit a collaborative application. If identified as a winning entry, however, only one award would be given to the group.
Multiple classes may collaborate on lessons and submit a collaborative application. If identified as a winning entry, however, only one award would be given to the group.
(Note: The regional elementary and intermediate awards are divided into the following regions:
- West and Northern Territories (AB, BC, MB, SK, NT, NU, YT)
- Ontario
- Quebec
- East (NB, NL, NS, PEI)
We will also offer awards for the 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 school years.)