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Thursday, April 21, 2011

May 19: “what attitudes, skills and knowledge do people in the non-profit and volunteer sector need to be good leaders?”.

Regarding getting together to hold a networking session and promote KnowledgeConnector and Volunteer Alberta programs; May 19th would be a great day for me! I am thinking the main theme could revolve around the question “what attitudes, skills and knowledge do people in the non-profit and volunteer sector need to be good leaders?”.

What time do you think would be best – maybe 6 pm?
light dinner - that would be good incentive! In terms of attendees, it would be great to get senior volunteers, managers and board members within the various non-profit and voluntary organizations in Wetaskiwin and area. Having learning providers attend would also be extremely useful!

I look forward to chatting some more and working together!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Week of April 8-15, I supervised 8 exams. We charge a fee of $15 to supervise a exam.

8-Apr 5-8 pm  x Bow Valley, Pharmacy Tec1 certification
11-Apr 8-11 am  x Bow Valley, Pharmacy Tec2
11-Apr 10-1 pm x  Athabasca, Business
12-Apr 2-5 pm  x Alberta Distance Learning, Science
12-Apr 2-5 pm  x Alberta Distance Learning, Spanish
14-Apr 12-2 pm x  Canadian Payroll Association, Payroll
14-Apr 2-4 pm x  Alberta Distance Learning, German
15-Apr 10-11:30 am x  Athabasca, Information Technology

Coordinated for the April 11 Alberta Employment and immigrations employer support cultural communications workshops -

April 5, Say Yes to Community Inclusion for recreation and activity people  (Next activities: 2 more workshops 1. for Seniors and 2. For teachers to create more physical activities for special needs)

Worked in partnership for the Diversity Friendly Communities proposal.

Currently working on the Alberta Arts Days proposal in partnership with artists, performers and writers; plus lots of other people.

Attended the Plan of Service focus groups; here are some observations.

·      A safe comfortable place
·      Welcome to Canada
·      Provide support to school students
·      Know your community
Please click on the following page to view my report to the library board.

Compiled the annual report to be submitted to the Public Library Services branch to get our annual operating grant. Board approval requested for April 26.

April 18: Send the Arts Day application
April 19: I am doing a Library road show, cultural energy activity, Spring Celebration presentation with Chai demo at Sunrise from 2-3 p.m.

Months of May-June: The three projects planned with schools:

·      Create Comics/Graphic novel promotion
·      Word houses and exchange with bird feeders to celebrate International Bird Migratory day
·      Book Exchange, Read Aloud and Reading Party day

May 2: (298 hours) workplace student from the Aboriginal Community Support Worker program to work on indigenous library service project
May 3: Attended with Rachelle, GAIN Casino workshop in Edmonton
May 4: Cultural Market Day in Falun
May 8: Mothers day celebration at Horizons centre
May 9: Co-ordinate intercultural communication workshop at literacy office.
May 10: FSCD Pilot project partner briefing
May 12: Presentation at Hotsprings BC and meet Photovoice project manager
May 18: Wetaskiwin Allied Arts meeting
May 30: Co-ordinate intercultural communication workshop at literacy office.
June 17: Library booth at Samsung Pow Wow
June 21: Library booth at National Aboriginal Day Celebration
September 23: Workplace Essential Skills Celebration in partnership with Literacy and Alberta Employment & Immigration.


Library booth at the Pow Wow on June 17 at the Samsung Band

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cultural Market Day, May 4, planning meeting

April 12 meeting with Stacey and Carol

150 children, K to Grade 6, 10 stations, Book swap

Each country

Thunder in the end.

Slide show

Art work

1 activity outside

Chinese symbols  (draw chinese characters)


Traditional customs and rituals

Metis station by Judy

Group Mural: hand prints (Messy fingers)

Double happiness template

Fifteen minute presentation x 10 times  
(Indian cultural print peacock/lotus (rangolis I see-I am) or clothes or lanterns)
(15-16 children snack ??)

India presentation
Grade 3-4: 80 minutes  (44 students)
K: 30 minutes

Book swap Literacy Day

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sharing with other libraries, Say Yes to Community Inclusion Workshop

Good morning,

Are you looking for a free motivational speaker?  Would you like to host a workshop to invite fitness instructors and recreation stakeholders to the  Rest and Relaxation Spot which is THE LIBRARY? We hosted the Say Yes to Community Inclusion workshop at our library.  Please view our story by visiting the following page




Do you work at a community centre, fitness club, or recreational facility that promotes physical activity? Are you a recreation provider or community organization that understands the value of including individuals of all abilities, but who does not know where to begin? Are you interested in having an inspirational and dynamic speaker participate at your conference or event to offer free, practical, cost effective advice in helping you make your programs more inclusive? If the answer is Yes to any of these questions, All Abilities Welcome is a good place to start.

All Abilities Welcome (AAW) is an initiative of the Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability. It is aimed at promoting greater inclusion of Canadians with a disability in community physical activity programming. By connecting community facilities and people with a disability, we hope to build awareness that anyone can be physically active; to share the simple strategies that can make this a reality; and to promote a culture of inclusion in Canada.

An All Abilities Welcome presentation can:

·       Take the form of a conference presentation or keynote address, a standalone event, a workshop, or a staff training opportunity for community recreation providers;
·       Introduce community recreation program staff to some basic approaches and creative steps that will help in making their programs more inclusive;
·       Offer hands-on, practical, cost effective tips to community service providers on how to modify community recreation programs to include persons with a disability;
·       Engage and empower recreation practitioners through a compelling presentation from a speaker whose personal or professional experience illustrates how active living is truly for everyone!

Call or email us today or visit our website to find out more about All Abilities Welcome or to book us for a FREE presentation at your conference, event or facility.

Active living is for everyone. Help us spread the message!

Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability

720 Belfast Road, Suite 104
Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 0Z5
Tel.: 1-800-771-0663 or (613) 244-0052
Fax: (613) 244-4857

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Services for the indigenous community pilot April 28-June 28

A pilot project - mobile library with computers, internet connection, puppets, resources, curriculum based parent involvement; including principles of adult literacy (a comfortable environment, respect, empower the learner-role of library as a facilitator); oral communication, trust and a safe environment - to help create a culture of library use.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

June 21 Aboriginal Day Celebration in Wetaskiwin

Our festivities are to start at approx. 10:00 am and end at 3 pm. The library will set up a booth to promote the aboriginal component of the summer reading program. The library will provide marketing and communications support and other assistance if required. For further information please visit

Announcing the September 23 Essential Skills celebration in Wetaskiwin

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April is national poetry month and the theme for 2011 is NURTURE

Visit the following page to learn more about creating Visual Poetry

Click on the following page to create digital and magnetic poetry

Create your poetry by using Science Fiction & Fantasy generator or

Mandala poetry (Manada is a sanskrit word which means a circle). The psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as "a representation of the unconscious self,"[citation needed] and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality.[6]  Vajrayana texts employ the tantric tradition of the twilight language, a means of instruction that is deliberately coded. These obscure teaching methods relying on symbolism as well as synonym, metaphor and word association add to the difficulties faced by those attempting to understand Vajrayana Buddhism. Bucknell & Stuart-Fox (1986: p.vii) state:
In the Vajrayana tradition, now preserved mainly in Tibetan lineages, it has long been recognized that certain important teachings are expressed in a form of secret symbolic language known as saṃdhyā-bhāṣā, 'Twilight Language'. Mudrās and mantras, maṇḍalas and cakras, those mysterious devices and diagrams that were so much in vogue in the pseudo-Buddhist hippie culture of the 1960s, were all examples of Twilight Language

Brazilian visual poetry

Early visual poetry

Kids magnetic poetry

The Random House book of poetry for children seelcted by Jack Prelutsky

Friday, April 1, 2011

Job finding club request

Hi Manisha,
Shaune here from Career Assistance Network.  Just wanted to drop you a quick email to outline the proposed partnership between the Wetaskiwin Library and CAN to offer Job Finding Club Services to the Wetaskiwin Service area.  We are hoping to offer 10 Job Finding Club Programs between June 2011 and May 2012.  Each of these programs will accommodate 10-15 participants (although our experience indicates that the groups are often much smaller than this with only 3-6 participants).   The program will run once per month starting in July 2011 and ending in May 2012 although there will be no program offered during the month of December.   Each month we are wanting to book your boardroom Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm for the first week of the month (at a cost of $25.00/for the first 4 hours and $5.00/hour for each subsequent hour for a total cost of $40.00/day - $200.00 for the week); the second and third week of the month we will need the boardroom from 9am – 12pm daily – Monday – Friday at a cost of $25.00/day - $125.00/week so $250.00 for the two weeks. We do not need the boardroom on the last week of the month.  Total cost per month to run this program from the Wetaskiwin Library will be $450.00 /mos.  As per our conversation today I understand that the library has internet and Wifi capacity which we are able to access (we will provide our own lap top computers for the program participants to use).  We are completely portable via travel boxes so we will come fully prepared with all handouts, assessment tools, etc. but the facilitator and/or participants may occasionally requiring phone, photocopier or fax usage – is this possible? And if so is it possible to increase the monthly boardroom rental to $500.00/mos in order to compensate for this anticipated use?  I would also like to ask if you would be willing to provide me with a letter indicating your partnership with this initiative for inclusion in the proposal submission, if so I would love to have it by this Friday, but Monday, April 4th would be fine too.  Finally, just wanted to tell you how excited we are to be able to enter into a community partnership to better serve the needs of the residents of Wetaskiwin and the surrounding service area.  This type of partnership allows us to spend maximum program dollars on client service delivery rather than expensive office space that is used on a very part-time basis.  Thanks again for all your assistance.  Chat soon.
Shaune Fandrey

IALW at NALD site

April 11, 2012: Giller Prize finalist instructs budding writers in Hobbema

Hi, Thanks for send us your events (International Adult Leaner’s Week) They are now posted on our sites.  


Marie-Claire Pître,
Agente de recherche et de communications
Base de données en alphabétisation des adultes
National Adult Literacy Database
767 rue Brunswick, Fredericton
(Nouveau-BrunswicK) E3B 1H8
Tél.: 506 457-6900 / 1 800 720-6253
Courriel/E-mail :  / /