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Thursday, January 29, 2015

James E. Shanley Tribal Library has absorbed the Poplar City Library which was a branch of the Roosevelt County Library

James E. Shanley Tribal Library has absorbed the Poplar City Library which was a branch of the Roosevelt County Library.  As a result, Roosevelt County Library has given us some funding to support our roll as a public library and we have added approximately 4,000 materials to our collection.  We have new shelving and an enlarged children's selection.  It has been a long process, but over Christmas we moved the books and most of them are on the shelves with new barcodes.  The new semester is under way and we have more students using the Library than other semesters which is a great thing.  We now have chess boards for checkout.  It has been a busy fall and Spring semester seems to be starting the same way.
Anita Scheetz
James E. Shanley Tribal Library
Box 398
Poplar, MT 59255